PRESENT: Cllr Mrs Maisey

Cllr Mrs Hutchfield

Cllr Sacre

Cllr Mrs Porter

Cllr Mrs Thorley

Ian Gray

Mrs Daniela Baylis – Assistant Clerk


1 / Apologies
Cllr Chitty- prior commitment
Cllr Monck – prior commitment
Robin Bourner – holiday / Declarations of interest (DPI, conflicts of interest and personal) and alterations to the Register
3. / Declarations of Interest
Cllr Mrs Hutchfield – CSRA – 8C, Cllr Mrs Maisey – Allotments, Cllr Mrs Porter – Allotments, Cllr Mrs Thorley – 8D
4 / Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th May 2016
It was proposed by Ian Gray and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hutchfield and agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 19th May 2016 be signed as a true record.
5 / Matters Arising Not Otherwise on the Agenda
6 / Big Lunch
a / The event had gone well in spite of the weather.
The donations on the gate had raised £435. The face-painting lady donated £10. CSRA donated £55 to make a total of £500 raised towards next years event.
The Bouncy castle had been turned away due to the weather and he had not charged us for it.
A voluntary group has offered a free baby changing tent for next years event.
Vegetarian food was needed.
Cuxton 91 had really enjoyed being part of the event and their young footballers had had a lot of fun collecting the donations on the gate. They would like to have a stall selling pulled pork rolls at next years event.
b / The person supplying the sound system had let us down. We ended up using a sound system leant to us by Kepplar 22 on the proviso that we would pay for the public liability insurance. This was £96.17 which was within the agreed £100 budget for a sound system.
£30 had been paid to one band for travel expenses.
£100 was to be paid for the first aid cover.
The recorded music was good. There had been complaints that the live music had not been loud enough but this was due to the equipment.
There had been no security issues.
The PCSO had not turned up.
Cllr Mrs Hutchfield thanked the Assistant Clerk for clearing out the roundel.
7 / Allotments
More timber poles had been bought for fencing. The paths were now open and wide. A new lawn mower had been purchased to cut the grass on the paths.
There were several new plotholders and they were getting some help with digging and planting to get them started.
Ian Gray asked the Assistant Clerk to provide some information on water costs.
The Allotment Association were considering putting a surcharge on excessive hose use.
3 allotments remain unlet.
8 / a
d / Agreements with local voluntary groups
Cuxton Allotment Association
The final draft was agreed and duly signed.
Cuxton Countryside Group
This was agreed and duly signed.
The organisation was going to rethink its constitution and therefore there might not need to be an agreement.
Cuxton 91
Cuxton 91 hire the pitch and use the Pavilion. They pay £20 for the use of both and £15 for the use of the pitch on its own. They use half of the Roundel for storage and have just used their grant from the Parish Council to pay for shelving.
Cuxton 91 maintain the pitch using their own groundsman.
Cuxton 91 would like to remain the sole user of the pitch.
9 / Woodland and Footpath
a / Six Acre Wood Management Plan
The Management plan was being put into place.
b / Milennium Wood Management Plan
A draft of this had been sent. It details things such as climate, risk assesement, site management and species suppported.
There were some dead elms supported by ivy that were going to be lopped off to 12 foot.
There was the possibility of a picnic table being installed as it was on the North Downs Way.
The site is partially protected as it contains tawny cockroaches and slow worms.
They were going to try and create a walking trail.
c / Footpaths
Footpath clearing was now underway.
The plan was to re-route the footpath onto Network Rail land. Sustrans were going to help pay for the fencing. The sticking point is the land transfer and no further progress on this had been made.
Diggerland had been asked to trim 6ft off the buddleias on their land.
10 / Update on Development Plans
11 / Property
a / Pavilion
The land was purchased in 1928. There is no evidence of the transfer of the land to the Parish Council.
In 1981 access was granted on the shared driveway.
In 1982 the football pitch was purchased for £7,000.
In 1993 the Pavilion and changing rooms were completed.
In 2007 the toilets were closed and turned into storage.
In 2009 Medway Council surendered the lease and the Parish Council took back posession and the charge was removed from the deeds.
There is no reference to the building on the Land Registry.
Need to get a survey to get the building registered with the Land Registry.
b / Play Equipment
Nothing to report.
c / Field
Nothing to report.
14 / Bookings
a / Bligh
A booking request had been received from Bligh Childrens centre for the 23rd August. The event is the same as in previous years. It was decided to accept the booking.
It was reported that Bligh Childrens centre had lost a lot of funding and might not be able to hold future events. The Committee might need to look at ways of supporting the Parents Forum to enable future events to go ahead.
15 / Health and Safety
There was nothing to report.
16 / Date of next meeting
Thursday 15th September 2016 in the Pavillion
17 / Any other business
It was reported that some bolts were missing from the teenage village.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.36

Signed …………………………………….. Chairman

On the …………………………….. day of ……………………….. 2016