The Lil’ Lambs Committee greatly appreciates your participation in our sale and the time that you have volunteered.

The following information is designed to provide an overview of the various jobs that you might be asked to perform while working your scheduled shift.

If you are scheduled to work on Monday, Tuesday, orWednesday, then please review the Set-Up, Check-In, and Pre-Sale Instructions. If working on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday morning, review the Sale Instructions. If working Saturday afternoon, please review the Breakdown and Settlement Instructions. By reviewing the enclosed procedures, it will minimize the time necessary for training prior to your assigned shift.


1. Your check in time cannot be during your work shift.

2. You may not check in your own items.

3. Please arrive 15 minutes before your shift begins. Our greeter will sign you in, give you a name tag, apron and an assignment. Please plan to begin on time so that the person in the proceeding shift may leave on time.

4. Please plan to stay the full shift.

5. If possible, please do not bring your purse or other personal items. We do not have secure storage space.


  1. Set up clothing racks in the 180’s. When the racks are set up, place size number rings on the racks.
  2. Set up the tables in the Teen Center.
  3. Set-up the Greeter Station. Supplies needed include:

Volunteer log in


Blue aprons

Chairs for the greeter and for waiting sellers

Sellers’ binders




Copy of the Master List

Workers’ Packets

Schedule of shopping times


  1. Set up the nursery. Each room should be childproofed as necessary. Supplies needed include:

Name tags


Outlet covers

Napkins/Paper towels

Gloves, changing pad, sanitizing solution

Master list by shift of kids and volunteers to be in the nursery each day

Black permanent marker

Snacks will be provided by the Hospitality Committee

Clean up checklist for volunteers working the last shift each day

2. Set up the check-in area using the “180’s” diagram. Each check-in station should

have the following supplies:

Blue and/or black ink pens

Black markers

Blank tags and safety pins

Decline code lists

. Empty boxes for declined items

3. Set up the Declined area. Station should

have the following supplies:

Blue and/or black ink pen

Seller Inventory Binders

Warm/fuzzy notes

Nursery Worker Duties

  1. Be sure to make a nametag and collect the Child Information Sheet from each parent as they drop off their children. Please review this information prior to dispensing snacks to check for allergies. If a child has a food allergy, please write this on their nametag, ex: “Susie, peanut allergy.”

2.Make sure that all supplies (diaper bag, “sippy cup”, pacifiers etc.) are clearly marked with the child’s name.

3. Dispense snacks as needed.

4. Change diapers as needed or notify appropriate guardian.

5. If working the last shift of the day, please clean up the nursery rooms, leaving full trash bags outside door in hallway.


Greeter Duties

1. The greeter will need to track all sellers that have checked in and maintain this list by

highlighting the seller information on the copy of the master list.

2. If the seller is not already scheduled to work a shift, ask if they would like to


3. Remind them of the appropriate time on Thursday that they are allowed to early-shop.

4. Have the seller sign the waiver related to the donation of items if not picked up by 6:00

p.m on the last day. Remind them to pick up their checks in the lobby when they pick

up their unsold items.

5. Be friendly!!

6. During down times, at the end of each shift, and again at the completion of check-in,

use the copy of the master list to verify with the inventory sheet keeper that all

inventory sheets are accounted for and in proper order in the notebooks.

7. Make sure that the inventory sheets and seller registration sheet are with the seller’s


8. Large items will be checked in by someone other than the seller.

9. Greeter will sign in volunteers for their shifts. Ask them to initial next to sign in. Give them a nametag and a blue apron. The apron will indicate to other workers that the volunteer has been signed in. Please check off volunteers as they leave shifts also.

Checker Duties

1. Go to the hall to collect the items from the seller.

2. Each check in station should have a committee member, or otherwise approved person, inspecting incoming articles. Inspector needs to initial top of declined form when inspection is complete.

3. The Lil’ Lambs Committee member should inspect each item for quality. Items considered unacceptable for the sale should be noted on the decline document and returned to the seller to correct or remove from the sale. Please use only one decline reason per item.

4. Accepted items move to the end of the check-in table for a runner to pick up and distribute to the racks/tables.

5. When all seller items are reviewed, accepted or declined, the inventory sheet, declined items, and delined form arereturned to the Inventory Sheet Handler.

6. During down times, help the runners and sorters.

Inventory Sheet Handler

  1. The inventory sheet handler will go to each check-in station to pick up all

inventory sheets, declined items, and declined forms. The

items and declined forms are delivered to the seller with a

brief explanation. Seller should initial and date decline sheet to acknowledge acceptance of determination of items. Do not sign inventory sheet as we do not guarantee receipt of all items in sellers inventory of leased software. If the seller chooses to challenge a determination, and is successful, a second committee member may override the initial decision with initials on the decline form next to the applicable item number. The item may then be returned to the sales floor.

2. The inventory sheet is then put into the appropriate notebook behind the

appropriate divider indicating the seller number with decline form stapled to it.

3. Assist the checkers with quality control. Help verify that all toys and games have

working batteries and all game pieces.

4. During down times, help the runners and sorters.

Runners and Sorters

  1. The runner will pick up the items up at the end of the check-in tables when the inspectors have finished.
  2. The sorter is to put the items in their proper place after the runner has delivered the items. For example, the sorter in the toy section will sort the toys into some kind of order in the toy section; (e.g., dolls with dolls, trucks with trucks, books with books, etc.) Shoes should be placed in size order in separate sections for boys and girls. The clothing should be sorted into the proper category (boys, girls, juniors, maternity) as well as into the proper size. The sorter does not go to the checkout station and gather items, they wait for them to be delivered by a runner.


Greeter Duties

1. As the shoppers arrive, verify that they are shopping at the appropriate time using the volunteer or seller lists as appropriate.

2. Greet and check in volunteers in the volunteers log. Sign them in, have them initial by the entry, give them a name tag, an apron and an assignment. Please sign out any departing volunteers.

Nursery Worker Duties

  1. Be sure to make a nametag and collect the Child Information Sheet from each parent as they drop off their children. Please review this information prior to dispensing snacks to check for allergies. If a child has a food allergy, please write this on their nametag, ex: “Susie, peanut allergy.”

2. Make sure that all supplies (diaper bag, “sippy cup”, pacifiers etc.) are clearly

marked with child’s name.

3. Dispense snacks as needed.

4. Change diapers as needed or notify appropriate guardian.

5. If working the last shift of the day, please clean up the nursery rooms. If working the last shift of the day, please leave full trash bags outside door in the hallway.

Check Out Duties—Thursday and Friday until 1 p.m.

1. Complete scanning the tags.

2. There is no need to remove ANY tags!

3. Rubberband hangers of clothing items together.

4. Place small or irregular items in a bag along with the report for the shopper

5. Never leave the check out area unattended.

Check Out Duties--Saturday morning

1. Complete scanning the tags.

2. There is no need to remove ANY tags!

3. Rubberband hangers of clothing items together.

4. Place small or irregular items in a bag along with the report for the shopper

5. Never leave the check out area unattended.

Guard Duties

1. Items for sale are not allowed to leave the shopping area.

2. Look intimidating.

3. No sleeping.

Floater Duties

1. Help keep the shopping area neat and organized. Rearrange tables as items sell and

free up space.

2. Take customers to the restroom as necessary. Items for sale are not allowed to leave

the shopping area.

3. Assist customers with establishing a “hold” cart by completing a “hold” tag with their

name and the time. After an hour has lapsed, verify that the individual is still

shopping. If not, then empty the hold cart and remove the hold tag.

4. Assist with any of the other duties as needed.


  1. 30 minutes before closing, begin placing seller numbers on the floor in the 180’s

room. Allow enough room for the unsold items to be stacked around the number.

  1. At closing time, lock the doors and change the outdoor signs to point sellers to the lobby to pick up their checks and unsold items.

3. Empty racks will be designated for items marked to be donated. These items will be set aside regardless of seller number.

4. Mark the shopping carts with numbers 1-10, 11-20, etc., to help sort items. Put items in the appropriate shopping carts and empty under the appropriate seller number.

5. Everyone should work together on one rack at a time to empty racks more quickly.

Once the racks are empty, they should be broken down.

Once all of the items are under the seller numbers, the inventory sheet handler will

  1. Assign each volunteer a seller number.

A.Volunteers should carefully inspect the pile to ensure that no other seller number is included in their pile.

B. Go to the next open pile and repeat the process until all piles have been inspected.

6. Confirm Donated items before removing tags to scan.


Greeter Duties

1. A greeter will be stationed in the lobby. When a seller arrives, check in the hall to

determine what is sold and not sold.

2. The greeter will check with finance to see if the check has been prepared. If so, a

runner should be sent for the check. The seller should sign for the check when it is


Inventory Sheet Handler Duties

  1. The inventory sheet handler will be stationed in the hall.
  2. The inventory sheet handler will notify a runner who will bring the items to the


Runner Duties

  1. The runner will deliver the unsold items and the check to the greeter.

Cleanup Duties

1. Pack up items to be donated to charity.

2. Return racks to storage.

3. Resolve any leftover food in the kitchen, clean kitchen.