First Semester 2017
Instructor:Pamela Malone, M.Ed. 1st, 4th, 5th and 7th period Room 105
Unit One:A Healthy Foundation
Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle/ Top 10 Health Behaviors for Teens
Health IQ
HIP HOP #1 - “Living to 100”
6 Pillars of Character
SMART Goal Setting
Health Quackery/Caveat Emptor
Unit Two:Physical Activity and Nutrition
Personal Activity Guidelines
FITT Principle/Basics of Fitness/RICE
You Are What You Eat/Basics of Nutrition/6 Main Nutrients and Function
Portion Distortion/Serving Sizes/Hidden Sugars
Biology of Hunger/Super Foods
Fast Foods/Supplements/Sports Drinks
HIP HOP #2 – “Rethink Your Drink”
“Weight of the Nation”/Body Types/
“What’s Wrong with This Picture”
Unit Three:Mental and Emotional Health
Positive Mental Health Qualities
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs/Personality Development
Brain Health/EQ
Stress – Recognizing/Managing
Mental Health – Dispelling the Stigma
HIP HOP #3 – Right Brain/Left Brain
Mental Disorders Project
Unit Four:Growth and Development
Endocrine System Reproductive System Basics –Hormones
“Miracle of Life”
Prenatal Development
Abstinence - A, B, C’s of Sexual Responsibility
Contraceptives/Birth Control
Teenage Pregnancy
Unit Five:Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs
Tobacco IQ/Short/Long Term Physical and Mental Effects
Targeting Youth – Replacement Smokers
Alcohol IQ – Teenage Drinking Risks and Consequences
Binge Drinking – The Cost of Underage Consumption/Fatal Vision
Addiction Cycle –Illegal Drugs and Substances
HIP HOP #5 – Mouse Party
***Required for class: (all items due Wednesday, August 23, 2017)
- A three-ring notebook (1 ½ “ or larger
- 5 Tab dividers, with the labels Unit 1,2,3,4,5
Grading Scale:
92-100 A 78-79 C+
90-91A- 72-77 C
88-89 B+ 70-71 C-
80-81B- 60-67 D
0-59 F
Evaluation:Your grade is based on class participation 5%; homework 50% chapter/unit quizzes, 20%; and assigned class projects 25%.
Homework Policy: Generally due the day after assigned. If it is turned in late (24 hours only), the most you can receive is 70%. Homework points range from 10-25 points. Lesson plans are posted in the room, as well as, online.
H.I.P.: There is a Health Internet Project for each unit. This is an opportunity to explore the current unit material on the internet. The assignment is generally given on Monday and will be due on Thursday.
Extra Credit: On Fridays (or the last day of the week), you have the opportunity to present to the class a current health-related article. The points may range from 2-5, depending on the thoroughness of the presentation. You may have up to 20 points per quarter, not to exceed one article per week.
Absences:If you are absent, it is your responsibility to determine what has been missed (check lesson plans, asks the teacher, etc.). You have as many days as you were absent to turn in missed assignments. For planned absences, you need to get assignments in advance. Those assignments are due upon your return.
Tardies: The first time you are tardy without a pass, you will receive a warning. The second time, you will receive at detention. The third time, you will be referred to MsRassi.
Classroom Behavior: Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.Leave windows, shades, fans, books, items out for demonstration alone, unless you have permission. Be in your assigned seat from the time the bell rings until you are dismissed by the teacher. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.
No food, drinks (except water) or gum allowed in class. You are to be prepared everyday: binder, notebook paper and writing utensil.
Emergency Procedures: Listen to the teacher and follow instructions in a quiet, orderly manner. Fire and Tornado Procedures are posted on bulletin board in classroom.
Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes copying someone else’s homework, tests, and quizzes. Involved individuals will receive “0’s” and consequences according to the student handbook.
Respect and honesty go along way! Disrespect to myself, another student, administrator or substitute will not be tolerated. Appropriate consequences will be addressed.
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