Information regarding new version of the DID list, version 2014.1

Dear license holder,

As you may have noticed, a new version of the Detergent Ingredient Database, the DID list, has been developed. The list ranks chemicals and helps license holders and producers to choose chemicals with a low environmental impact in your products. The rank is based on, for example the ingredients’ toxicity, biodegradability and safety factors.

The DID list is used by both the Nordic Ecolabel as well as the EU Ecolabel.

The new DID list was sent to the European Ecolabelling Board (EUEB) for orientation in March 2014. An adjustment of the list was made according to the comments given by the board, thus the most recent list is named DID list 2014.1.

How does this affect you?

Those substances which have been given new values in the updated version of the DID list, compared to the previous version, will be affected in different ways. Some chemicals can now be used to a larger extent than before, whereas other substances must be used to a less extent. It can also mean that some products will have an easier task fulfilling our criteria, others will struggle more.

Which list applies?

During a period of transition, until 2016, the DID list 2014.1 and the DID list 2007 will both be valid. It is up to you as license holders or as applicants to decide which list you would like your products to be evaluated according to. As our criteria documents develop, new criteria versions will state that it is the DID List 2014.1 which will apply.

No action is required regarding already licensed products. However, when re-applying or extending your license, you must state which version of the DID list you would like to be used when licensing your products.

The updated version of the DID list may be used to evaluate those substances not listed in the 2007 version even if you have chosen to use the 2007 version of the DID list in your licensing process. Alternatively, the calculation model shown in Appendix B of the DID list 2007 can be used.


The parameters used to evaluate substances have in large not been changed in the revision, apart from that some substances have been given a particularly low biodegradability. However, substances’ values according to the parameters they are evaluated on have been updated due to new knowledge on the substances (mostly in collaboration with Cesio, individual operations and data provided by ECHA). Primarily, safety factors and toxicity values have been updated.

Furthermore, in order to facilitate for Nordic Ecolabel’s environmental officers to choose data, thus minimizing the error of margin in the licensing process, the revision has prioritized to make the list more user-friendly. This priority has had the largest impact on surfactants. Now the DID list contains approximately 100 substances, around 40 more compared to the previous version.

The revision also focused on decreasing the amount of DID numbers with a high safety factor. By using better ground data (substances have been tested on several trophic levels), approximately 40 DID numbers have been given a lower safety factor. Around 60 substances have been given better chronical values and therefor also a lower safety factor.

Also data on substances’ biodegradability has to some extent been updated.

Project implementation and external contacts

The updated version of the DID list has been developed in a collaboration between the Nordic Ecolabel and the EU Ecolabel, led by the Nordic Ecolabel.

Most data processing has been conducted by Ecolabelling Denmark in dialogue with European collaboration partners and with the help of DHI eco-toxicologists Torben Madsen (Ph. D) and Tina Slothus (M.Sc). During the course of the project, an AHWG meeting (ad hoc working group meeting) occurred in Brussels where stakeholders from primarily the industry participated. Thereafter, a close cooperation between Cesio, trade associations for surfactant manufacturers and other operations which produce substances on the DID list, was established.

EU Ecolabel

For those with an EU Ecolabel license or those applying for one, more information will be given this autumn on how the new version of the DID list affects EU Ecolabelled products.

Best regards

Cecilia Ehrenborg Williams
Vice Ceo & Head product development, Nordic Ecolabel