Request for Happy?OK?Sad?materials
To order Happy?OK?Sad? promotional materials please complete this form and return it to
NameName of organisation
Postal address
Email address
Phone number
There is a range of different Happy?OK?Sad?materials, so please indicate clearly which you would like and the quantities you require (a fuller description of each of the materials is on the next page). We'll try to give you what you ask for, but if demand is high we may give you fewer copies than you request.
Happy?OK?Sad? materials / Please indicate the quantity you require. Please use figuresrather than putting "lots" or "as many as possible".A6 flyer
A5 booklet for older people
A3 poster for older people
Please also answer the questions below.
Please tell us below where, and to whom, will you distribute the materials, this will help us to get an even distribution across different areas and communities.
Thank you for completing the form.
Please email it to
More details about the Happy? OK?Sad?materials available
The Happy? OK? Sad?promotionalmaterials all signpostpeople to mental health awareness site.
The Happy? OK?Sad?flyerhas a QR code, so people can visit the website just by scanning it with their phone. The flyer is A6 size and is double sided.
The Happy? OK?Sad?bookmarkis approximately 6cm x 21cm and is double sided.
TheHappy? OK?Sad?older people's booklet includes details of a range of local services, which can help older people avoid isolation and maintain their mental health. There's also information about local services that can support older people who have mental health problems and an explanation of how people can get support if they can't cope and need urgent help. The booklet has large, easy to read text (14 point),is A5 size and has eight pages.
The Happy? OK?Sad?older people's poster isA3 size.For those who don't use the internet the poster includes the phone number for LifeTime, the local network for people over 50.