D56299GC10 - Oracle Service Bus 10g R3: Design & Integrate Services for SOA



Objectives 1-2

Agenda 1-3

Target Audience 1-4

Course Objectives 1-5

Course Agenda 1-6

Classroom Guidelines 1-7

Course Environment 1-8

Summary 1-9

Practice 1-1 Overview: Obtaining a Grid VM Instance and

Accessing Information 1-10

Practice 1-2 Overview: Connecting to Your Allocated Grid VM Instance 1-11

2Getting Started with Oracle Service Bus

Objectives 2-2

Road Map 2-3

Enterprise Challenge 2-4

Point-to-Point Integration 2-5

EAI and BPM 2-6

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Definition 2-8

SOA Further Defined 2-9

Domain Model for SOA Business Strategy and Process 2-11

Six Domain Approach 2-13

Layered Architectural Model 2-14

Enterprise Reference Architecture 2-15

Information and Access Services Layer 2-16

Shared Business Services Layer 2-17

Presentation Services Layer 2-18

Composite Applications Layer 2-19

Service Infrastructure Layer 2-20

Projects and Applications 2-21

Section Summary 2-22

Quiz 2-23

Road Map 2-25

Got Service Mayhem? 2-26

Enter Oracle Service Bus 2-27

OSB as a Message Broker 2-28

Messaging Types 2-30

Location Transparency 2-31

Dynamic Routing 2-32

Transformations 2-33

Service Orchestration 2-34

Message Enrichment 2-35

Security 2-36

Service-Level Agreements (SLA) 2-38

Section Summary 2-39

Quiz 2-40

Summary 2-41

3Message Flow

Objectives 3-2

Road Map 3-3

What Is OSB Console? 3-4

Projects and Resources 3-5

OSB Projects 3-6

OSB Resource Types 3-7

Business Service 3-8

Creating a Business Service 3-9

Proxy Services 3-10

Creating a Proxy Service 3-11

Difference Between Binding and Port 3-12

Message Flow Elements 3-13

Section Summary 3-14

Quiz 3-15

Practice # 3-1 Overview: Simple Routing 3-16

Road Map 3-17

Message Context Model 3-18

Using Context Variables 3-19

Predefined Context Variables 3-20

User-Defined Context Variables 3-21

Message-Related Variables 3-22

Predefined Context Variable Descriptions 3-23

Variables and Types 3-25

$header Variables 3-26

$body Variables 3-27

$body Binary Content 3-28

$attachments Variable 3-29

$body and RPC 3-30

$fault Variable 3-31

Inbound Message Dispatching 3-32

Outbound Message Dispatching 3-33

Section Summary 3-34

Quiz 3-35

Road Map 3-36

What Is Branching? 3-37

Branching Types 3-38

Conditional Branch 3-39

Operational Branch 3-41

Adding an Operational Branch 3-42

Section Summary 3-43

Quiz 3-44

Practice # 3-2 Overview: Operational Branching 3-45

Practice # 3-3 Overview: Conditional Branching 3-46

Summary 3-47

4Message Flow Actions

Objectives 4-2

Road Map 4-3

Routing Nodes 4-4

Route Node in OSB Console 4-5

Routing Table 4-7

Routing Table in OSB Console 4-8

Routing Table Versus Conditional Branch 4-10

Routing Options 4-11

Routing Options in OSB Console 4-12

Transport Headers 4-13

Publish 4-16

Publish Node in OSB Console 4-17

Publish Table 4-18

Section Summary 4-19

Quiz 4-20

Practice # 4-1 Overview: Using a Routing Table 4-21

Practice # 4-2 Overview: Using a Publish Node 4-22

Road Map 4-23

Expression Editor 4-24

Variable Structures 4-25

Namespace Definitions 4-27

XQuery Functions 4-28

Assign 4-29

Delete 4-30

Insert 4-31

Rename 4-33

Replace 4-34

For Each 4-35

If-Then 4-36

Condition Builder 4-38

Reply 4-39

Skip 4-40

Section Summary 4-41

Quiz 4-42

Road Map 4-43

Oracle XQuery Mapper 4-44

Mapping Data 4-45

Creating a Transformation 4-46

Mapping a Transformation 4-47

Using XQuery File in OSB 4-48

XQuery Resource Binding 4-49

MFL 4-50

Using MFL in OSB 4-51

Section Summary 4-52

Quiz 4-53

Practice # 4-3 Overview: Transformation Using an XQuery File 4-54

Practice # 4-4 Overview: Transformation Using MFL 4-55

Road Map 4-56

Service Callouts 4-57

SOAP Document Style Service Callout 4-58

SOAP RPC Style Service Callout 4-59

XML Service Callouts 4-61

Messaging Service Callouts 4-62

Service Callout Actions 4-63

Java Callouts 4-64

Section Summary 4-65

Practice # 4-5 Overview: Using a Service Callout 4-66

Practice # 4-6 Overview: Using a Java Callout 4-67

Summary 4-68

5Debugging with OSB

Objectives 5-2

Road Map 5-3

Error Handler Pipelines 5-4

Error Handlers 5-5

$fault variable 5-7

Error Codes 5-8

Reply Action 5-10

Reply Action in OSB Console 5-11

Transport Errors with Service Callouts 5-12

Error Code BEA-382502 5-13

SOAP Faults with Service Callouts 5-14

Unexpected Responses and Service Callouts 5-15

Resume Action 5-16

Section Summary 5-17

Quiz 5-18

Road Map 5-19

Validation and Error Scenario 5-20

Validation and Error Solution 5-21

Validate Action 5-22

Section Summary 5-23

Quiz 5-24

Practice # 5-1 Overview: Error Handling and Validation 5-25

Road Map 5-26

Reporting Actions 5-27

Reporting Framework 5-28

Reporting Framework Diagram 5-29

JMS Reporting Provider Framework 5-30

Report Action 5-31

Log Action 5-33

Alert Action 5-34

Section Summary 5-35

Quiz 5-36

Practice # 5-2 Overview: Using the Report Action 5-37

Road Map 5-38

OSB Debug Files 5-39

OSB Debug Flags 5-40

Configuration Framework Debug Flags 5-42

Section Summary 5-43

Summary 5-44

6Best Practices with OSB

Objectives 6-2

Road Map 6-3

Introduction 6-4

Split-Join Order: Example 6-5

Static Split-Join 6-6

Dynamic Split-Join 6-7

Creating a Split-Join Configuration 6-8

Receive Node 6-9

Reply Node 6-10

Parallel Node 6-11

Assign Node 6-12

Invoke Service Node 6-14

Input and Output Variables 6-15

Exporting the Split-Join Flow 6-16

Split-Join Flow Creation Process 6-17

Section Summary 6-18

Quiz 6-19

Practice # 6-1 Overview: Implementing the Split-Join Pattern 6-20

Road Map 6-21

What Is Quality of Service? 6-22

Delivery Guarantees 6-23

Delivery Guarantee Types 6-24

Delivery Guarantee Rules 6-25

Additional Delivery Guarantee Rules 6-26

Overriding the Default Element 6-30

Reliable Messaging Support 6-31

Configuring Delivery Behavior 6-33

HTTP(S) Quality of Service Success 6-34

Handling Unreliable Transports 6-35

Section Summary 6-37

Quiz 6-38

Road Map 6-39

Dynamic Routing 6-40

Dynamic Routing Techniques 6-41

Technique #1 6-42

Sample XML File 6-43

Dynamic Routing Action 6-44

Technique #2 6-45

Section Summary 6-46

Quiz 6-47

Practice # 6-2 Overview: Using Dynamic Routing 6-48

Road Map 6-49

What Is Service Versioning? 6-50

Map of URIs 6-51

Metadata-Based Selection Algorithm 6-52

Content-Based Selection Algorithm 6-53

Content-Based URI File 6-54

Service Interface 6-55

Versioning Input and Output State 6-56

Versioning the Service Interface 6-57

Section Summary 6-58

Quiz 6-59

Road Map 6-60

What Is REST? 6-61

Benefits of REST 6-62

Configuring Proxy Service for REST 6-63

OSB Support for REST 6-64

Example 6-65

Standard Proxy Service: Example 6-66

REST-Ful Proxy Service: Example 6-68

Section Summary 6-73

Quiz 6-74

Practice # 6-3 Overview: Using REST in a Proxy Service 6-75

Summary 6-76

Appendix A: Practices and Solutions
