Parent Referral and Case History
Information provided on this form will remain strictly confidential
Date Completed:______Person completing form:______
Child’s name (First)______(MI)______(Last)______
Age ______Grade______Teacher______
Birth date______/______/______
Sex Male Female
Is your child Medicaid eligible? Yes No If yes, Medicaid #______
Child’s primary language______Other languages spoken in home______
Name of Parent(s) or Guardian:
Home Phone______Cell Phone ______
Work phone ______Highest Grade completed______
What is the best way to contact? ______
Home Phone______Cell Phone ______
Work Phone ______Highest Grade completed______
What is the best way to contact? ______
Other People living in home:
Name Age Relationship to child
Does this child have other parent(s)/stepparent(s)? No Yes
If yes, please provide the following information
Name ______Relationship to this child______
Home Phone______
Name ______Relationship to this child______
Home Phone______
Child Care
If primary caregivers work outside the home, please provide the following information.
Who cares for this child when caregivers are gone?______
How many hours per day is this child in a child-care setting?______
Family History
Is this child closer to one parent than the other? No Yes If yes, which?
Has this child ever experienced any parental separations, divorces, or death? No Yes
If yes, when?______How old was this child at the time?______
If parents are separated or divorced, who has custody of this child?______
How often does the other parent see this child?
Weekly or more often Once or twice a month Few times a year never
Was this child adopted? No Yes If yes, at what age?
Were any other children in the home adopted? No Yes
Was the mother under a doctor’s care during the pregnancy? No Yes
Number of previous pregnancies/miscarriages: ______
Check any of the following complications that occurred during the pregnancy.
qDifficulty in conception
qExcessive swelling
qExcessive vomiting
qEmotional problems
qAbnormal weight gain
qVaginal Bleeding
qHigh Blood pressure
qRH incompatibility
qPremature Labor
qExposure to chemicals or toxins
qMaternal injury
Describe: ______
qHospitalization during pregnancy:
qX-rays during pregnancy:
What month? ______
Alcohol used during pregnancy:
qNone qOccasional qFrequent
qCigarettes used during pregnancy:
Drugs/medications used during pregnancy:
Type Frequency Prescription
______Yes No
______Yes No
______Yes No
At this child’s birth, what was the mother’s age? ______Father’s age? ______
Where was child born? ______
Length of pregnancy: ______weeks Birth weight: ______lbs ______oz
Length of labor ______hours Apgar score______
Child’s condition at birth______
Mother’s condition at birth______
Check any of the following complications that occurred during birth:
qForceps used qBreech birth qLabor induced qCaesarean delivery qPlacenta Previa
qOther delivery complications: Describe______
qIncubator: How long?
qJaundiced: Bilirubin lights No Yes If yes, how long?
qBreathing problems right after birth: Describe: ______
qSupplemental oxygen How long? ______
Was anesthesia used during delivery? No Yes If yes, what kind?______
Length of stay in hospital: Mother ______days Child ______days
At what age did this child first do the following? Or Not yet?
______Turn over
______Sit alone
______Walk alone
______Walk up stairs
______Walk down stairs
______Show interest in sound
______Say 3 or more words
______Speak in a sentence
______Pull off clothing
______Dress self independently
______Finger feeding
______Use a spoon/fork
Was this child breast-fed? No Yes When weaned? ______
Was this child bottle-fed? No Yes When weaned? ______
Did this child use a pacifier? No Yes
suck on fingers or thumb? No Yes
When was this child toilet trained? Days: ______Nights: ______
Did bed-wetting occur after toilet training? No Yes If yes, until what age? ______
Did bed-soiling occur after toilet training? No Yes If yes, until what age? ______
Were there any medical reasons for bed-wetting or –soiling? No Yes
If yes, please describe______
Which hand does this child use for writing or drawing? Left Right Both
….Eating? Left Right Both
…..throwing a ball? Left Right Both
Medical History
Please check the illnesses this child has had and indicate age (year/month).
qRheumatic Fever
qGerman Measles
qChicken Pox
qWhooping Cough
qFever above 104
qScarlet fever
qHead injury: Describe______
qComa or loss of consciousness: Describe ______
Please describe other serious illnesses/operations/hospitalizations:
Illness/Operation/Hospitalization Age
Has this child ever been on long-term medication (more than 6 months)? No Yes
If yes, when? What kind?
Current Medications, dose (please list):
Please indicate if the child or family member exhibits or has a history of the following conditions by checking the appropriate column if true: (if not applicable because of child’s age please indicate n/a) If multiple options are listed, please circle the choice(s) that apply.
Condition/behavior / Child currentlyDemonstrates condition or behavior / Child demonstrated behavior or condition in the past / Family member / If true, family member’s relationship to child
Example: plays piano / ü / ü / Grandmother
Sleep problems/staying asleep/getting to sleep
Eating disorder
Hearing problem/hearing aids/cochlear implant
Allergies/Hay Fever
Vision problems/glasses
Attention problems/ADD/ADHD
Tourette’s syndrome
Birth defect
Drug/alcohol abuse
Mental health problem: including depression, anxiety, psychosis, bipolar
Cognitive/Intellectual disability
Seizures/Epilepsy/abnormal EEG
Reading problems/dyslexia
Other learning disability
Speech-language problem
Head injury/head trauma/concussion
Sexual abuse/assault
Traumatic event
Frequent headaches
Physical disability
Cleft lip/palate
Muscular dystrophy
Fragile X
Tuberous Sclerosis
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Behavior/Temperament and Development
Please indicate whether this child exhibits any of these behaviors/problems: / A Current behavior or problem / A problem/behavior in the pastTemper tantrums
Difficulty learning to walk or crawl
Toe walking/odd gait when running
Difficulty learning to ride bike/difficulty with balance
Difficulty learning to catch a ball
Unclear speech/difficult to understand speech
Underweight/failure to thrive
Colic/excessive crying
Eating disorder
Feeding/Swallowing problems/tube fed
Refusal to eat certain foods
Excessive vomiting/frequent diarrhea
Stomach pain/GI problems
Ear Infections/Ear Tubes
Bangs head
Grinds teeth
Rocks back and forth, jumps, or flaps when excited/distressed
Sleep problems/staying asleep/getting to sleep
Overly Energetic/always “on the go”
Difficulty making/keeping friends
Odd or unusual behavior (please comment)
Intense interest in specific topic
Perseveration on topics/objects
Overly sensitive to smells/tastes/sounds/textures
Visual fascinations/looks at objects from an unusual angle
Lack of sensitivity to low level of pain
Makes inappropriate comments or demonstrates inappropriate behavior
Lacks empathy/understanding of other’s feelings
Needs excessive amount of reassurance
Difficulty expressing emotions or feelings
Difficulty with eye contact
Difficulty playing/interacting/conversing with others
Prefers to be alone/play alone
Exceptional memory for unusual facts/trivia
Overly upset by changes in routine/environment
Difficulty changing from one task to another
Unusual fears
Overreacts when faced with a problem
Giggles, laughs or cries easily
Currently / In the past
Asks the same question repeatedly
Aggressive toward others
Lacks self-control
Seems unhappy, sad or tearful
Hides feelings
Slow in completing tasks
Difficulty following directions
Difficulty remembering things
Difficulty organizing self or environment
Negative verbalizations about parents/teachers
Easily frustrated
Negative verbalizations about self
Withholds affection
Interrupts or Intrudes on others
Talks excessively
What is the method of discipline used in the home?
Friendships and Social Skills:
Please indicate how this child relates to others:
Has problems relating to or playing with other children No Yes
If yes, please explain ______
Are there other children with whom this child regularly plays?______
Enjoys meeting new people No Yes
What role does this child take in peer group games (for example, leader, follower, observer, etc.)?______
What activities does this child enjoy?______
What are his/her favorite toys?______
Check the activities in which this child often participates in with the family:
qMovies qMeals qSports qGames qConversations qTrips
qVisits with Relatives qTelevision qChurch qOther: ______
Educational History
Early childhood
Please describe you child’s educational experiences
Where attended Dates of Enrollment Hours per week
Head start______
Older students Where attended Dates of Enrollment
Elementary ______
Middle School/Jr.Hi______
Senior High______
How many schools has your child attended? ______
Age started 1st grade:______
Has your child repeated any grades? No Yes If yes, when?______
Has your child ever been referred for speech therapy or special education evaluation? No Yes
Is your child absent frequently (missed more than 5 days last year?) No Yes
Were there any special circumstances? (please explain)______
What is the child’s attitude toward school?______
What are this child’s current after-school arrangements?______
What extra curricular activities is your child involved in?______
Parent Information
What are your primary concerns at this time regarding this child?
What do you feel are your child’s greatest strengths?
What would you like to learn from the evaluation?
Is there anything else you feel would be helpful to know about your child?
Other comments: