Nutrition, Fitness, and Wellness

Teacher: Ms. Samantha Jablonski

Room M105


Class Webpage:

Welcome to Nutrition, Fitness, and Wellness! Nutrition, Fitness, and Wellness is designed to help you develop your understanding of nutrition and fitness concepts and expose you to various careers in these fields. You will develop skills needed for healthy food selection and preparation, development of a workout plan, and overall lifelong wellness.

Subjects covered:

  • Nutrition basicsPT1*
  • Fitness basicsPT1, PT2*
  • Healthy weight loss PT1, PT3*
  • Healthy food preparation/safetyPT2, PT3, PT6*
  • Diet analysisPT1, PT2*
  • Food production PT1, PT2*
  • Food purchasing PT1*
  • Cultural food influences PT4, PT5*
  • Careers in nutrition, fitness, and wellness industry PT2*


  • Class work, participation, and notebooks = 40%
  • Quizzes, tests, projects = 40%
  • Final= 20%


90% or more = A

80% to 89% = B

70% to 79% = C

60% to 69% = D

59% and below=F

LATE WORK: If work is late the student cannot be eligible for an A. Work that is over 1 week late is only eligible for a grade of F+ (59%). Special circumstances are resolved at the discretion of the instructor.

ZAPS: If you are zapped you are expected to show up at the next seminar class to make up missed work. If you are a no show, you will be zapped again. If you are again a no show, you can attend Tuesday/Thursday scholars or have an administrative referral.


  1. Folder with notebook paper
  2. Pencils, pens

*Indicates a reference to DoDDS curriculum standards. To access DoDDS curriculum standards go to click Standards and Curriculum, select PK-12, click Content Standards, and Family Consumer Science standards will be located in the ProfessionalTechnical Studies department.

Rules and Procedures of Room M105

Ms. Jablonski


  1. Be on time and prepared for class. YOU are responsible for your own materials (pens, pencils, paper, etc).
  2. Rude or socially unacceptable language or behavior will not be tolerated.
  3. Be respectful of others ideas and property (DON’T TALK WHILE OTHERS ARE TALKING!).
  4. Do NOT pack up your things while Ms. J is conducting class. Ms. J. will dismiss you.
  5. There is no “Arguing with the Ref” during class. If you disagree with one of Ms. J’s decisions, wait until after class to express your opinion.
  6. Follow all school rules in the parent/student handbook. Examples include:
  7. Dress code, cell phones, hats, etc.
  8. Cheating policy
  9. Tardy policy

General Penalties

1st time: Warning

2nd time: Pointless bookwork or kitchen cleaning detention

3rd time: Parent/Guardian contact

4th time: Administrative referral

Note: Some circumstances may require bypassing steps depending on the severity of the infraction.


  2. YOUR planner is your hall pass. If you don’t have your planner, then you will not leave.
  3. Come prepared to class. You will not be allowed to go to your locker for a book, use the phone, etc.
  2. Homework is to be put into assigned class tray during the first 5 minutes of class.
  2. Assignments that were passed out while you were gone have been put into the “What did I miss” crate. It is your responsibility to get, complete, and turn in your assignments.
  3. Assignments will also be posted on class webpage at

I have read and understand the syllabus, rules, and procedures of the class.

Student name (print) Student SignatureParent/Guardian signature