a parish of the R.C. Diocese of Galloway. Charity No. SC0105
Parish Priest: Fr Eamonn; Address: 28 Greenock Road, Largs; Tele. 01475 672324; Website:

Response to Psalm: “With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.”

WEEKDAY MASS 10 a.m. Daily

The Rosary is said each day during the week beginning at 9.40 a.m. and Saturday at 9.30 a.m.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: 7 p.m. Friday. (Led by
Lourdes Group)

EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Will take place each Tuesday from 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.

Saturday after morning Mass and after the Vigil Mass.

Saturday Vigil 6.00 p.m. & Sunday 10 a.m.

LARGS CHURCHES TOGETHER: United Service this Sunday evening in St Columba’s Parish Church at 6.30 p.m. All welcome.

NEXT SUNDAY IS PALM SUNDAY and marks the beginning of Holy Week. Palms will be blessed in the hall before the Vigil Mass and 10 a.m. Mass and we will then go in procession into the Church (weather permitting). You can make your way directly to the hall before Mass or, if you prefer, you may go straight into the Church. However, it would be good to have a sizeable number of people come to the hall and take part in the procession.

PENITENTIAL SERVICE takes place here in St Mary’s next Mon. 18th April at 7 p.m. Three priests will be present.

THE CHRISM MASS will be celebrated in the Cathedral, Ayr, on Tuesday 19th April at 7.30 p.m. We will be using the Mini Bus (Betty’s Bus), that collects people for Mass on Sundays. It seats 15 people including driver. First come first served. LIST FOR NAMES ON NOTICE BOARD IN PORCH. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Cost £3 children free. Bus leaves from St Mary’s at 6 p.m.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please remember all the sick for whom prayers have been requested. See the book at Our Lady’s statue. This week prayers have been asked for Ann Goodridge
AND FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR ABOUT THIS TIME including Edward Boyce, Hannah Boyce, Winifred Gallagher, James & Hugh McConnell,
Fr Alan McGinty

TEA/COFFEE in the hall after 10 a.m. Mass today.

Easter Cards are on sale in the religious stall.

HOLY WEEK SERVICES: Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist – please add names to lists in porch for the Easter Services. Ministers of the Eucharist will be
re-commissioned at Mass on Holy Thursday.

PALE BLUE ENVELOPES: for those parishioners who HAVE NOT signed gift-aid forms. These envelopes are inside the two doors at the back of the Church.
GREEN ENVELOPES: for those who HAVE signed gift-aid forms are on the seat beside the side altar (Blessed Sacrament Altar).
GIFT AID: If you want to join the gift-aid scheme or cannot find your gift-aid envelopes, please pick up envelopes in the sacristy and sign and return the gift-aid form enclosed with it.
STANDING ORDER: If you want to start paying by standing order, please go to the sacristy and collect a standing order form. Fill it in and send to your bank. Also, collect a gift-aid form with S/O marked on the top right hand corner and return it to myself or Jim Dunlop. Sincere thanks to all who contribute generously to the Church.

WEEKLY COLLECTION last Sunday £920.17
Special Collection for SCIAF: £2320.88. Sincere thanks for a very generous collection and special collection. Our hearts are truly with the needy of the world.

COPIES OF SCIAF’s LENT CAMPAIGN and the WEE BOX and its focus this year on Haiti are available in the porch. Please take one.

JOURNEY OF POWER: A course called “A Journey of Power” is to be run in the parish during the five Thursday evenings of May and the first Thursday in June. Held in the ‘TocH’ Hall in Bath Street, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. This course looks at many different aspects of prayer through scripture and is very challenging. Copies of the material will be available at the end of each session. For further information please phone 675638. For those interesting in attending there is a list on the Church Notice Board.

Copies of ST MATTHEW’S ACADEMY NEWSLETTER are available in the porch.

THANKS to the ladies and all who helped at the Carlow College Reunion last Wednesday.

CHURCH HISTORY COURSE: St Brides, West Kilbride this Wednesday, 13th April 7 p.m. Topic: “Protest and Division”. All welcome.

THE GALLOWAY MUSIC GROUP will lead the singing of evening prayer with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament today, Sunday 10th April, in St Margaret’s Cathedral, Ayr, at 6 p.m. All welcome.

CHRISTIAN AID: LENT LUNCHES each Wednesday during Lent, in Clark Memorial Hall. 12 noon – 1.30 p.m.

ST MARY’S YOUTH GROUP: meet in the hall on the 3rd Sunday of every month 6.30 – 8.30 p.m.

LARGS CHURCHES HOLIDAY CLUB COFFEE MORNING will take place on Saturday 23rd April in the Clark Memorial Hall 10.00 – 12 noon. Price £1.50 – Everyone welcome!