HBMA Board of Director Minutes
Wednesday, May 9th, 2007
Sherri Dumford, President Randy Roat, Secretary
Ken Goodin, Vice President/President Elect Patrick Lukacs, Director
Barry Reiter, Director Brad Lund
Holly Louie, Director Paul Myers
Julie Demerath, Director Cindy Rounds
Rich Papperman, Director Gail Sunshine
Jackie Willett, Director
Andy Kokosa, Director
Bing Herald, Past President
Scott Everson, Treasurer
Sherri Dumford called the meeting to order:
1. Approval of the April 11, 2007 Minutes
MOTION: Rich Papperman moved that the minutes from the April 11, 2007 Board meeting be approved and Barry Reiter seconded. Passed
2. Financial Report-See Finance Committee Minutes
Ken Goodin provided the financial report in Scott Everson’s absence. He specifically noted that all expenses for the Spring Educational Conference and the Las Vegas Compliance Course are reflected in the March figures which could take our YTD profit from “over budget” to “under budget”. The Spring Educational Conference had better than budgeted attendance however, the expenses grew substantially and disproportionately (negative impact) affected the budget. The Finance Committee is reviewing this issue and will consider their findings in the future budgeting process.
A. 2006 Audit
Debbie Holmes has been selected to do the 2006 full audit. Anticipated audit costs will be between $6,000 -$7,000, depending on the degree of support required by our accountants.
B. Change of fiscal year
The Financial Committee recommended changing the HBMA fiscal year to the calendar year and this requires BOD approval.
MOTION: Rich Papperman moved to change the fiscal year from December 1, 2007 to January 1, 2008 and Randy Roat seconded. Approved
Added discussion confirmed that there will be a one time fee for filing a short year tax return for the month of December 2007.
The accounting firm has been instructed to prepare a more accurate accrual based monthly financial statement. To accommodate this request, future monthly financial statements will not be prepared until the end of each month.
C. Exhibitor pricing at National Conferences-See Finance Report
Brad Lund presented the Finance Committee with a recommendation for a price increase in the booth registration for exhibitors at our national conferences. This is a result of increased costs in exhibition hall support and general food & beverage expenses for attendees.
MOTION: Andy Kokosa moved to accept the fees proposed as follows:
Vendor Affiliate Member $1,495
Non-Member $ 1, 795
$300 for additional booth staff.
Jackie Willett seconded the motion.
Motion was approved
D.HBMA ISAM Agreement
The committee will meet again on May 29th to finalize the terms of the ISAM management agreement renewal. This will be presented to the Board at the June 13th Board call.
2. AMA Flyer Project-See Flyer attachment
K.T. Anders will make final edits to the AMA flyer after which it will be presented to the board for final review.
ACTION: The Board was asked to look over the flyer in the next two days and send Brad an email by Friday this week if you have comments or concerns about the flyer.
3. Ethics Policies & Procedures-See attached Ethics P & P
Holly Louie presented the revised Policies and Procedure document.
Rich Papperman suggested two changes:
a. In 1iii3, in the first sentence, use the word “shall” instead of “may”
b. In 2a. In the first sentence, fourth sentence, add to report its findings “in writing to the HBMA Executive Committee.” to define how we receive it and remove the rest of the sentence.
Discussion was held and it was noted that the document was drafted to allow HBMA maximum flexibility. Concern was expressed about modifying the nature of the document without additional legal review.
ACTION: Holly Louie will present these suggestions to HBMA’s attorney, Jim Wieland to determine if such changes create any undue risk. Holly will report back comments from Mr. Wieland before asking for final Board approval.
4. Nominating Committee Report
Bing Herald was not present. The Nomination Committee has been formed and their report will be sent to the Board as soon as possible.
5. Technology Task Force Report
Curt and the Task Force met on April 30th and May 1st and are finalizing their report.
6. Organizational Efficiency Committee Report
Michelle Botana and Brad Lund are scheduling calls to speak with each committee chair. The Organizational Efficiency meeting date will be July 26th and 27th, 2007.
7. Government Relations Report & Washington D.C. meeting
Randy Roat reported that the Government Relations Committee is finalizing plans for a meeting in Baltimore on June 14 and 15. The purpose of the meeting is to meet with various CMS officials, at the CMS offices, June 14 and then hold a Government Relations Committee Strategic Planning Session on June 15th. The following subcommittees have been established:
Communications, Chair Don Rodden
Education, Chair Jud Neal
State, Chair Bing Herald
The first order of committee business will be to establish committee scope and a first year workplan.
8. Post Annual Spring Conference Report
Ken Goodin recommended adding a Budget Column (Budget and Actual) to this report and Sherri Dumford requested a “Lessons Learned area”.
ACTION: Sherri Dumford will meet with Paul to discuss the “Lessons Learned area” and Gail Sunshine will add the budget numbers to the report.
9. Post Compliance Course Report
Holly Louie reported that the Compliance Conference set an attendance record and the initial review of the evaluations indicated the attendees were extremely pleased with the program.
10. Public Relations Committee Report and actions
Andy Kokosa will present more information in a written report to the Board following his meeting tomorrow with Michelle Botana and Brad Lund.
ACTION: The Board was asked to send names of periodical and contacts lists to Andy Kokosa for his Letter Writing Campaign to get HBMA articles published.
11. Update on Related Association meetings
Brad Lund reported that HBMA continues to be very active with other related associations and the significant opportunities that exist for promoting our industry. Recent activities:
ACA’s Health Services Program-Sherri Dumford and Brad Lund met with their leadership.
RBMA- Bing Herald, Randy Roat and Brad Lund met with leadership at their meeting in St. Louis.
AHRA- Sherri Dumford, Bing Herald and Brad Lund will attend their meeting in Orlando in July.
HFMA- Sherri Dumford is scheduled to talk with one of their Regional Directors in an effort to form a stronger relationship with this organization.
ACTION: It was suggested that the Board might consider revisiting HBMA membership requirements. Currently it is limited to Billing Service Companies. Some members of other organizations have expressed interest in HBMA membership but do not qualify according to our definition of a member. Further work is being done on this concept and will be presented to the Board in the near future.
12. Survey Committee update
Brad Lund and Jackie Willett met in Las Vegas to discuss a proposed survey of certain member demographics. They agreed it would be better to gather this information at the time of the Members renewal. It will take up to a year to achieve the gathering of this data. The result will be an Annual Report with benchmarking of this demographic information. The committee is working with Andy Kokosa to release the Credit Card Processing Survey with Moneris. Days in AR Survey should be released in June with results available in July.
13. Regional meetings update
MOTION: Patrick Lukacs moved that Dennis Kasper replace himself as the Southwest Regional Chair and Jackie Willett seconded. Motion Passed
Patrick Lukacs reported that Regional Meeting locations have been established and they are working on getting CMS speakers for the three meetings.
ACTION: Once Regional Meetings are confirmed they will be added to the website and placed in the next issue of Billing.
ACTION: Rich Papperman will invite Patrick Lukacs to the next Education Committee call and Paul will add Patrick Lukacs and Regional Meetings to the agenda.
14. Education Committee meetings update
Rich Papperman reported that Elizabeth Woodcock will be presenting on Friday and Karen Collier on Saturday. A new Grand Rounds non formal networking approach will feature four different themes.
15. Other Committee reports as needed
Cindy Rounds gave a brief update regarding CHBME and CMBA. renewals.
MOTION: Rich Papperman moved to adjourn the meeting and Barry Reiter and Randy Roat seconded.