+353 (0)83 810 7901
Apt 46 Mayeston Court, Mayeston Hall
St Margaret’s Road, Finglas, Dublin 11
Igor Jelen, Web Developer
Web Developer with more than 5 years of freelance experience building and maintaining custom-designed websites seeks employment as a part of a web development team.
- Excellent experience with HTML5 (well structured, semantic code, cross-browser compatibility), CSS3 (with Sass preprocessor, Flexbox), JavaScript (Ajax, jQuery, ES6)
- Working knowledge of ReactJS
- Responsive web design using Foundation framework with Gulp (or Bootstrap, MaterializeCSS)
- Ability to hand-code responsive layouts
- Experience with SVG images (optimization, CSS styling, CSS animation)
- Excellent experience with ExpressionEngine CMS (10+ websites)
- Very good experience with WordPress theme development (custom post types, ACF plugin…)
- Experience with Vagrant for development environment (VVV for WordPress development, Homestead for Laravel)
- Good knowledge of PHP (OOP, Composer, good experience with Laravel) and MySQL
- Command-line tools (Bash, Git Bash, SSH, MySQL CLI)
- Experience with Linux server administration (bash, SSH, installing, configuring packages, MySQL CLI)
- Node.js based workflow tools (npm, Bower, Grunt, Gulp...)
- Basic experience with testing framework Jasmine
- Version control with Git
- Excellent experience with typography (using Adobe InDesign)
- Skilled at using Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Experience Design)
- Passion for web development and eagerness to learn
Freelance Web Developer
Vrbovec, Croatia – Dublin, Ireland
2003. – present
- Učenički dom Križevci (GitHub Repo) – A website for a small middle school campus: custom responsive web design,WordPress custom theme based on Zurb Foundation framework, Ajax, external APIs (wunderground.com, cloudinary.com, mapbox.com, youtube.com)
- – A website for a local radio station in Vrbovec, Croatia: custom responsive web design, ExpressionEngine integration, client training, Ajax
- – A website for a middle school in Vrbovec, Croatia: custom design, ExpressionEngine integration, Ajax, maintained and administered the site for 6 years
- – A website for a small carpentry shop: custom responsive web design optimized for slow internet connection
- – A website for the public library in Vrbovec, Croatia: custom web design, ExpressionEngine integration
- Designed and coedited the monograph on my hometown high school (excerpt, pdf)
- Logo and marketing print material for my hometown high school (brochures, the enrollment poster - pdf)
- B.A. Philosophy and Russian language and literature, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- B.A. Library and information science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- English (fluent)
- Croatian (native speaker)
- Russian (fluent)
- German (very good command)
- Cycling, traveling, languages