USRH Minutes


Call to Order

William Engels called the meeting to order at 4:35 pm.

Roll Call

Donster (1,1)Evans (1)Gruenhagen (1,1)Horizon (x)

S. Scott (1,1,x)N. Scott (1,x,x)Stewart (1)Taylor (1,x)

Guests in Attendance


Approval of Minutes

Motioned by: Matthew Semrad

Seconded by: Maya

Motion passed/failed: Passed

Approval of Business

Motioned by: Matthew Semrad

Seconded by: Shannon

Motion passed/failed: Passed

Guest Speakers

Items for Information

Campus Safety Walk – Shania

It is October 12th, Wednesday 6-8, a group of people are walking around campus identifying areas of concern, we want to know from the hall reps to go the halls and find out if there are any area of concerns and we need more volunteers, we will talk more about this walk next week – this is the chancellors safety walk

Parking Lot Closings – Shania

Pub crawl is coming up, parking lots will be closed to all vehicles without a permit

Will – Lot 4 is AC, lot 17 is right in front of halsey, lot 34 is the large lot by Evans

Website – Natasha (

Items for Discussion

Items for Action

Hall Funds – Sarah

We are being more selective this year because last year we had 15,000 and ran out and we have only 10,000 this year

We have three proposals this year and we want to try and get hall leaders and CA’s more active, we are going to through each one, discuss it and then after each proposal we will vote, they can get all of the money, some of the money or none of the money, so please voice your opinion

Sam – CA in Evan’s hall, program about tie-dyeing, shirts, socks, etc. to tie-dye, asking for about170.00, program is for Evans and Stewart


Matt – Making a team for Run with the Cops originally for Stewart/Gruenhagen, asking for $15 per person about $225 total, cover residents/CA’s – about 5 CA’s have shown interest – have posters up in the hall and CA’s are talking to their residents


S. Gruenhagen – Grill & Chill program, going to use the front lawn to have a place for the residents to hang out and relax – eat some good food too, asking for $282



NCC/WCC Nominations, speeches, Q&A, Discussion, Voting

My name is Brandon Gentry, what I have experience for, I worked with a lot of you in hall gov, I was president, cannot remember names is my biggest weakness, strengths – feel very comfortable talking in front of people I don’t even know, time management/stress – only have 3 classes and one during interim, they are hard classes and I do spend a lot of time on them, every week I make a to-do list, I do day-by-day, shout out to the hall gov crew, I don’t have anything else to talk about


Jenni – Part of this job involves recruitment for leadership confrerences, do you have recruitment ideas?

Brandon – I was thinking about doing it during office hours, having like an ask me about this

Shania – What do you see as the biggest problem students face in residence halls?

Brandon – Lack of communication with CA’s, not understanding rules and principles people must follow, not knowing when stuff is going on, whenever we were planning events in Hall Gov we would go knock on people’s doors and you can’t force people to do stuff

Sarah – Why do you want to be part of USRH?

Brandon – We overcame this issue known as the “glass elevator” like men get to a position before women but this is woman dominated, I like the idea to travel/meet people, open to new options

Matt – Do you plan on going to GLACURH?

Brandon – I figured I would because it’s in the job description

Sarah – What do you look forward to about going to conferences?

Brandon – I like to dress nice, learning new ways to interact with people

Lori – The CC represents Oshkosh, what are you most proud of about our residence halls and UWO?

Brandon – I love how Oshkosh is updating their stuff, it gives us hope for a better environment, cool events if people show up, Oshkosh has good programs

Shania – President last year, how do you feel you did in that position? In the NCC position you need to take charge, how do you feel about that?

Brandon – I’m not a very bossy person but I can be like “we have to do this” and I always explain why we have to do things, positive reinforce

Sarah – Being a CC you have to do a lot of planning to go places, the trips, the delegates trips, how are those skills?

Brandon – My planning skills get to the point, I was good at adapting, I didn’t do much planning in hall gov but I’m not a terrible planner and I would like to get better, I can’t say I’m an expert at it, but I’m willing to try

Jenni – Email?

Brandon – Good with professors and stuff, not good with announcements/spam but sometimes I have a tendency to respond without formality

Marc – If you had to give this group a users manual on you what would be one thing you would put in there?

Brandon – “Do not talk to him like he is stupid, it upsets him.”

Kyla moves to end the speakers list, Anna seconds

Clara – How do you deal with confrontation?

Brandon – My boss of construction over the summer, and he would constantly belittle me, I’m good with confrontation, I don’t let it get to me, I can deal with people like that very easily


I liked his honesty, he didn’t lie

He seems willing to learn but some of the stuff was kind of a red flag but we could potentially work through that stuff

I think what worried me is the tangents he went on but if he has to talk to people and can’t dictate clearly that’s worrying

I think the opposite

I agree with Allison, he wasn’t comfortable taking charge but it could work

I think he’s pretty great

I think he needs to develop, I was nervous that he didn’t have ideas to recruit

I think he would work well with the exec. Board because he’s comedic and it will add to the dynamic

He can grow with the environment

His lack of ideas for recruitment caught me off guard, I think he will have the Exec. Board and advisors helping him brainstorm and come up with ideas

Shannon moves to end discussion; Matt seconds


Brandon will be the new NCC/WCC

Voting Rights

Hall Reports

Donster(^, ^): Webster is hosting something tonight, ice cream social, talking about safe sex, goes until 7 tonight

Evans (^): Tie-die program on Saturday

South Gruenhagen (^): No Report Submitted

Horizon (^, ^): No Report Submitted

North Scott (^, ^, ^): No Report Submitted

South Scott (^, ^, ^): No Report Submitted

Stewart (^): No Report Submitted

Taylor (^, ^): No Report Submitted

Committee Reports

Constitution (Kyla Brown): Printed out the constitution, read most of it, lots of white space, I plan on fixing the white space

Food (Matthew Semrad): First official meeting is Oct. 10th – Blackhawk 110 at 5:15 on Mondays

Programs (Clara Hewins, Maggie Vacula): Meeting on Monday to plan After Dark, will take place of Titan Nights

Safety and Security (^): Campus safety walk, position is open

Paid Assistants

Social Media Director (Anna Schilcher): Added quite a few friends to the Ffacebook page, about 13 new likes, excited for the conference on Saturday

Student Organization Representatives

National Residence Hall Honorary (^): No Report Submitted

Oshkosh Student Association (Stephanie Garcia-Orozco): In our last meeting we had some new legislation that we are going vote on on Oct. 10th, they want to review the rules on honor cords/stolls, they want to update it so it’s more inclusive – would like the governing bodies to put a voice in

Reeve Union Board (Margaret Cobb): No Report Submitted

Reeve Advisory Council (^): Position is open, meeting was really informative, first guest speaker was on the use of titanlink, contract is almost up, other guest speaker talked about improving diversity on campus, Reeve Renovations – crosswalk in front of Reeve is closed

Sustainability Council (^): Position is open, meet every other week, Thursday Morning’s 8:15, going to do an institute for sustainability, we were No. 3 in the nation last year this year we’re No. 52, it’s not as bad as it sounds, every year the system changes on how they score us and this year we had 0 points in investment because we are still burning coal – Still number 1 in Wisconsin

Executive Board

President (Shania Williams): Working on some legislation and we will hopefully have in next meeting

Vice President (Will Engels): No Report Submitted

Director of Internal Affairs (Jennifer Depew): Spent all of my time this week preparing for training

NCC/WCC (^): No Report Submitted

Treasurer (Sarah Stefaniak): Hall Funds requests are due in two weeks

Secretary (Natasha Zwijacz): No Report Submitted

Advisor Report



Motioned by: Shannon

Seconded by: Jerome

Motion passed/failed:Passed

Respectfully Submitted by,

Natasha Zwijacz

Natasha Zwijacz

USRH Secretary