Emergency Ordinance No. 40 as of 20 May 2003

To modify and complement Law No. 161/2003 on certain measures to secure transparency of senior public positions, civil service positions and of the business environment, as well as on preventing and punishing corruption

Issued by:Romanian Government

Published in:Official Gazette No. 378 of 2 June 2003

As per Article 114, par. (4) of the Constitution,

The Romanian Government hereby adopts this Emergency Ordinance.


Law nr. 161/2003 on certain measures to secure transparency of senior public positions, civil service positions and the business environment, as well as on preventing and punishing corruption, published in Part I of Official Gazette No. 279 of 21 April 2003, is hereby amended and complemented as follows:

1. A new Article numbered 1001 shall be introduced after Article 100 and shall have the following contents:


On an exceptional basis, for persons assigned by the President of Romania, by the Parliament as proposed by the President of Romania or, as per applicable laws, by the Supreme National Defense Council, Standing Bureaus of the Chambers, in a joint session, may approve, further to a notification from the President of Romania, the continuation of the position that generated the incompatibility, should a public interest call for such continuation.”

2. Point II/2 of the asset disclosure referred to under Title I “Securing transparency in senior public positions, preventing and combating corruption” of Book II “Amending certain regulations to prevent and combat corruption” shall be amended and shall have the following content:

“2. The value of bank deposits and current accounts in currency or ROL, whose value exceeds the equivalent of 10,000 Euros:




...... ”


The asset disclosure statement, amended as per Article I, point 2, shall be filed within 30 days from the date when this Emergency Ordinance takes effect.



Endorsed by:

Minister of Justice,

Rodica Mihaela Stănoiu

Minister of public finance,

Mihai Nicolae Tănăsescu

Liaison minister for Parliament,

Acsinte Gaspar
