Gifted Services Advisory Committee Agenda-October 2015

Goal: To help North Royalton City Schools provide the most effective programming for our identified gifted students at the elementary level who are at the most intensive academic level (identified in reading and/or math with the superior cognitive score)

In attendance: Tim Anderson(GIS), Lauren Bly (Royal View), Julie Bogden, Beth Burdick, Samantha Lumpkin (GIS), Stephanie Rambert (MS Math), Rachel Steinlage (Valley Vista), Melissa Vojta, Unable to attend: Brandi Demming (Royal View), Sandy Keane (Albion), Devi Sekura (Albion), Deval Vakil (Valley Vista)

1.  Review minutes from last month

a.  Review for sharing with our parents of our elementary gifted students.

(minutes approved for posting to website)

b.  determine what the opening paragraph should be on website and email to parents

(paragraph written and approved for distribution/publication)

2.  Email address for input and responses from community. This will be added to the minutes

a.  Beth, Julie and Melissa have access to the responses (emails will be shared with committee at monthly meetings to discuss and respond)


c.  input on process for sharing out the questions, responses, etc.

d.  handouts (to be emailed to parents - same as text on website)

e.  postcard to distribute at parent conferences (may be given to parents at conferences- same as text on website)

3.  Review historical data of gifted identification for elementary and MS

From 2008 - present: Avg of 23 students in 3rd & 4th combined qualify for EELA,

This year is the highest with: 33 students qualifying for 3rd/4th EELA,

33 qualifying for 3rd/4th Enriched Math

This year there are 24-3rd and 4th students with IDs in Cognitive Ability, Reading and Math (triple ID)

Historically, we add students for 5th grade EELA and Advanced Math due to 4th grade testing and move in students.

From 2008 - present: Avg. of 32 students in 5th grade Advanced Math, 23 in 5th EELA

4.  Share the Advanced Math track and alignment between Elementary and MS Math (see handout)

Discussion of enriched vs. accelerated 3rd/4th math option and how it fits into continuum of services

NRMS/ NRHS Advanced Math Flow chart available here and on our website

Review fiscal responsibility/resources

a.  2 teachers was a temporary fix (Current, existing staff member is available for Enriched Math this year only)

b.  1 gifted intervention specialist at the elementary level for 2016-17 and beyond

c.  transportation

5.  Meeting date and focus (review options) Discussed time of meetings as obstacle for some members to attend. Possible to have a few evening meetings? Next meeting: Dec. 1, 2015, 3:15 @ NRMS

a.  brief discussion of other elementary gifted delivery structures in the region

b.  bring thoughts, strengths and concerns regarding the options to next meeting