Year 9 Subject Revision Lists – Winter Examinations, 2014.
- Exams will commence the week beginning November 24th
- Each pupil will be given their exam script the week beginning November 10th
- Script: ‘Across the Barricades’ extract by Joan Lingard
- In pairs as the character of Sadie
- Exam expectations – strong line knowledge, costume and props effort as well as a self-evaluation task
Literary Comprehension
Analysis of character using PEE chain (Point-Evidence-Explanation)
Words and meanings
Punctuation – capital letters / full stops / question marks / apostrophes
Writing in full sentences
Writing in paragraphs
Spoken language – accent and dialect
Rules for speech marks and use of direct speech
Features of eulogy
Features of diary writing
- Places in town
- Directions
- Talk about location ( near, far from, in front of behind, beside, between etc.)
- There is / there isn’t with facilities in town (Il y a/ il n’y a pas de…)
- Verb aller, to go
- Telling the time
- School subjects/timetable
- Daily routine
- Likes and dislikes with subjects
- Reflexive verbs for daily routine
- Verb faire to do/make
- Pupils are expected to be familiar with all year 8 work
- Places in town
- Directions
- Verb aller, to go
- Telling the time
- School subjects/timetable
- Daily routine
- Likes and dislikes with subjects
-Definition of population
-Approximate population of UK, NI and EU countries
-Definition of population distribution and density
-Reasons behind dense and sparse population distribution
-How to draw a choropleth map and make a key to match
-How population has changed since 1700 and population EXPLOSION
-The 4 reasons population changes
-The definition of birth rate, death rate and natural increase
-How to calculate natural increase
-The difference between birth and death rates in MEDCs and LEDCs
-REASONS for differences in birth and death rates in MEDCs and LEDCs
-What a population pyramid shows
-Differences between MEDC and LEDC pyramids
-How to draw and read a pyramid
-What is migration?
-Types of migration
-Reasons for migration (i.e. push and pull factors)
-Effects of migration on gaining and losing countries – positive AND negative
-Countries and capitals of Europe
-Physical geography of Europe
What do we need to keep our bodies going?- The hand of nutrition, macronutrients and micronutrients, protein, calcium & vitamin C
Base your meals on starchy foods– How much fibre we need, why we need fibre and ways we can increase our fibre intake
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables– Why we need fruit & vegetables, the nutrients in fruit & vegetables, what a portion is, the different groups for fruit and vegetables, how we should buy fruit and veg, rules to retain vitamin C and how to make a white sauce
The power of the media– What is advertising, how companies
advertise and who controls advertising
Family relationships– Three things we can do to avoid conflict, Three ways to deal with conflict and the meaning of new words
All spellings on the front of all of the above booklets.
- Introduction to the Renaissance Period 1500-1700
- Henry VIII
- Martin Luther and the Coming of Protestantism
- The Spanish Armada
- Angles - including missing angles, parallel lines, corresponding, alternate, vertically opposite, angles in a triangle or quadrilateral, bearings
- Data - including reading from a diagram, mean, median, mode, range, discrete/continuous data, frequency diagrams, scatter graphs and correlation
- Algebra - Simplify expressions, forming an expression, find the value of an expression, expand brackets, factorising
- Using Graphs – real life graphs, travel graphs
- Fractions – 4 rules, equivalent fractions, mixed numbers
- Converting Units – changing between metric and imperial units, conversion graphs
- General number questions involving the 4 operations
- Coordinates – plotting and identifying co-ordinates
- Angles – identifying types of angles, working out missing angles in triangles and quadrilaterals, measuring and drawing angles, bearings
- Data – reading information from tally charts, pictograms and bar charts, creating tally charts, pictograms and bar charts, creating scatter graphs, recognising types of correlation
- Algebra – simplifying expressions, solving simple equations
- Symmetry – recognising and drawing on lines of symmetry, recognising rotational symmetry
- General number questions involving the 4 operations
Prior to examination pupils will have completed a Judaism Project which is marked out of 20. These 20 marks are included in their overall Christmas examination result.
Hazard Symbols
Pressure & Moments
The Digestive System
In addition to these topics there will also be questions for which you cannot revise e.g.
Drawing & interpreting line graphs
Bar charts
Fair testing
Also make sure you can spell and understand the meaning of the key words.
- Greetings
- Numbers up to 100
- Days
- Months
- Saying your name, age & birthday
- Saying the date
- Brothers/Sisters – names & ages
- Pets
- Colours
- Describing pets
- Parts of the face
- Describing hair & eyes
- Classroom objects
- Present tense of regular –ar verbs
- Present tense of regular –ir verbs
- A/Some – un/una/unos/unas
- Agreement of adjectives
- The – el/la/los/las
- “ser” (to be)
- “tener” (to have)
Safety Signs
Electronic symbols
Soldering Techniques
Key Words
Series and Parallel circuits