Procurement Framework
Overview and Details - (Jan 2017) /
This is a summary guidelinefor schools on the Google Chromebook and AndroidProcurement Framework, which outlines how it can be used to specify, request quotes and purchase fit-for-purposecomputing devices, while achieving value for money. The target audience includes school authorities, principals, ETBs, and those involved in the planning, provision and support of ICT in schools.
The Framework itself was developed by the Office of Government Procurement (OGP). It simplifies the procurement processand includes six suppliers. Thesesixapproved suppliers were subject to a detailedevaluation process, ensuring that they can provide suitable products, associated services and support for schools.
- This guideline presents the framework in non-technical language, so as to be as simple and useful as possible for schools.
- Schools can request quotes forany number or combination of devices, as all six suppliers supply both (Google) ChromebooksAndroid Tablets.
- Schools can specify any device they require, including a ‘standard’ spec’ or they have the flexibility to include their own specific requirements
- An example template specification is provided – see below, this can be modified by schools to suit their needs
- As standard framework contractual terms and conditions are already in place with the sixsuppliers, there is no need forthese to be re-specified.
- All Android devices include a minimum 1 year next business day (NBD) onsite warranty
- All Chromebooks include a minimum 3 year next business day (NBD) onsite warranty
Adviceand support for schools:
PDST Technology in Educationprovides ICT advice and support via our website at on a range of areas including ICT procurement. This includes providingschools with guidance on using the ICT framework to procure suitable computing devices. If schools have queriesin these areas they can email us at.
Framework Suppliers - Summary: The following 6 suppliers have qualified to be on the Framework.
Summary of Procurement Framework Rules:
1. All suppliers must be treated fairly and equally.
RFT requirements must be specified in a non-discriminatory manner.
2. All Suppliers must be allowed reasonable time to respond to a Request for Tender (SRFT).
Suppliers must be given a reasonable amount of time to submit a response. It is suggested that a minimum of 5 working days is needed for responses.More complex mini-competitions should be given 2 full weeks.
3. Open-ness and transparency regarding how the winning tender is selected
When issuing the RFT, the evaluation criteria that will be used in the evaluation process needs to be transparent.The evaluation criteria may be totally based on cost. However, if schools want more flexibility in choosing a supplier, the framework allows you to apply evaluation criteria including: cost, suitability for intended use, customer references re’ quality of products and /or services provided, delivery conditions, or criteria for Notebooks such as screen size, weight, battery lifeetc .,
How to seek Tender Responses by issuing a Supplementary Request for Tender (SRFT):
Supplementary RFT (SRFT) Email Template:
The followingexample email template wording is provided as a basis forthe SRFT email, and can be modified as required. Just ‘cut and paste’ the text below to your email, and then modify it as required before sending it to .Emails sent to will be forwarded to the 6 framework suppliers, who will then respond to your SRFT before the ‘Closing Date for Supplier Responses’ that you specify.
Example Email:
Subject: Supplementary Request for Tender (SRFT) for Chromebooks and/or Android devices
Dear Supplier,
Please quote for [X] Chromebooks of the spec’ below as per the OGP Framework.
- Chromebooksare to be used by [teachers/students] in classrooms and other areas
- Screen size should be a maximum of 14 Inch
- Operating System –latest Chrome OS required
- Minimum2GB memory (RAM)
- Minimum 16GB storage
- Long battery life (minimum of 8 hours (ie., 480 Mins) to last a full school day, without the need for recharging
- Bluetooth 4.0, Minimum of 1 USB 3.0 port, HDMI or Display port, Smart Card Slot
- Front and Rear camera
- A minimum 3 year next business day onsite warranty is required.
- Carry case
Options: (these should be costed separately); (If you have some additional specific requirements you may add them here)
Please quote for [X] Android devices of the spec’ below as per the OGP Framework.
- Android devices are to be used by [teachers/students] in classrooms and other areas
- Screen size should be amaximum of 14 Inch
- Operating System – Minimum Android 4.4 OS required
- Minimum 2GB memory (RAM)
- Minimum 16GB storage
- Long battery life (minimum of 8 hours (ie., 480 Mins) to last a full school day, without the need for recharging
- Bluetooth 4.0
- A suitable robust protective case is required to suit a school environment
- Front and Rear camera
- A minimum 1 year next business day onsite warranty is required.
Options: (these should be costed separately); (If you have some additional specific requirements you may add them here)
Optional Associated Services for Schools:
- Training Options available, for example, how to use devices for teaching and learning, such as setting up common Apps on all devices.
- Storage, Charging and Sync’Cases - options for schools for managing devices
(If you have some additional specific requirements you may add them here)
The Closing Date for Supplier Responses is 5pm on [Insert date here, give 5 working days to respond].
Award Criteria:
Any contracts arising from SRFTs or mini-competition must be awarded on the basis of the following 6 Award Criteria:
Cost, Quality of proposed device, Quality of technical support, Quality of associated services, Delivery timescales, Energy efficiency & environmental matters
For example, the Award Criteria allocated percentages, which schools decide could be: (note: these must add up to a total of 100%)
Cost - 60%; Quality of proposed device - 20%
Quality of technical support - 10%; Quality of associated services - 10%
Delivery Timescales: 0%Energy efficiency & environmental matters – 0%
The anticipated award date is [Insert Date here].
[Add your main contact Name, school, Address, Delivery address (if different), Phone No.]
Chromebook: Minimum Specifications
The following is the minimum specification to which all Chromebook devices on the framework comply with.
Android Tablet: Minimum Specifications
The following is the minimum specification to which all Android devices on the framework comply with.
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