Exhibitor Award Application

1.  Name of institution to receive funding:

2.  Name of library, if applicable:

3.  Institution address:

4.  Institution tax ID (Required):

5.  Institution DUNS # (Required):

6.  Name of the primary contact(s):

7.  Position title for primary contact(s):

8.  Email for primary contact(s):

9.  Phone # for primary contact(s):

10.  Amount requested:

11.  Name of meeting and sponsoring organization hosting the event or events:

12.  Date and location of event(s):

13.  Summary - Provide a one paragraph summary statement that states the significance of exhibiting at this event(s) as it relates to increasing access to biomedical and health information to the target population:

14.  Target Population - Describe the specific target group (including numbers and types of health professionals, patients, members of the public, etc.) and provide an estimate of how many of these you expect to reach through exhibiting:

15.  List NLM resources you plan to promote at the exhibit (MedlinePlus, PubMed, TOXNET, etc.):

16.  List any other resources you plan to promote at the exhibit:

17.  Evaluation – Describe how you will evaluate if exhibiting for the target audience was a success?

In addition to the above evaluation plan, exhibit awards have standard information to collect using NN/LM forms. Please refer to the NN/LM Evaluation Office’s NN/LM Evaluation Materials web page for the type of information you will need to report. For the proposal, explain how and when you will use the NN/LM forms to collect the information, and include any additional evaluation that you are planning for the exhibit award.

18.  Names and titles of the booth staff:

19.  Qualifications - Describe booth staffs’ experience using, teaching, or demonstrating the NLM resources listed in question #15:

20.  Other participation in this meeting? Will you submit a proposal to give a talk, teach a workshop, or network in some other way that may promote NLM resources to the target audience?

21.  Award funding is up to $1,500. Supply a detailed budget:

Funding may cover staff time, registration and booth fees, travel and per diem, communication costs, publicity, reproduction of educational materials, and equipment rental, if needed. MAR staff will provide the exhibit structure, NLM supplied educational materials, as well as consultation on applicable NLM resources for your target group.

Budget Item / Projected Costs
Staff Time:
Registration Fees:
Booth Fees:
Travel and Per Diem Costs:
Reproduction Costs:
(reproduction of resource handouts or brochures):
Shipping for Exhibit and Materials
Additional Costs (please describe):
Indirect Costs (IDC) or Facilities and Administrative (F&A): Due to the nature of this award, we encourage institutions to waive IDC or F&A. If not waived, IDC or F&A apply at your institution’s non-research rate, or, if your institution has no negotiate rate, a 10% Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) rate may be applied.
Total (not to exceed $1,500):

22.  Provide a narrative justification for each budget item listed above.

23.  Complete the Beneficiaries and Goals checklist.

24.  Put Exhibitor Award in the subject line and submit application and checklist at one PDF file to NN/LM MAR at .