N. E. W. Chapter Newsletter

Meeting Date: January 9, 2006

Meeting Place: Germania’s, Menasha WI

Meeting Times: Directors’ Meeting ……………. 4:30 P.M.

Social Period ………………….. 5:30 P.M.

Dinner ………………………… 6:30 P.M.

Entrée: Beef Burgundy & Broiled Haddock Oscar

Price: $15.00 Make checks payable to N.E.W.


Our Eighteenth Annual Valentines Dance will be held this year on February 18, 2006, at the Holiday Inn Riverwalk, Neenah WI. Reservation forms are included with this newsletter.

Program Chairman: Hank Menchl, Neenah Foundry Co

Program: “Proper Application of Advanced Refractory Coatings; The Ecolotec Process” – Bruce Lundeen, Product Applications Manager, Foseco Metallurgical, Inc

February 6th – “What A Customer Needs” – Mark Sperry, Owner, Mechanical Devices

February 18th, - Valentine’s Dance

Rooms have been reserved at the Holiday Inn Riverwalk, Neenah for the evening of February 18th.

Please make your reservations by January 18, 2006, and make sure that you indicate that you are with the Northeast Wisconsin AFS. The telephone number for the Holiday Inn is 920-725-8441.

Programs for 2006 – 2007: Anyone interested in being a speaker, or if there is a specific program that you would like to hear, please contact Leslie Gearing at 414-848-9028 or


Meeting Cancellations: In the event of inclement weather, you can verify if a meeting has been cancelled by contacting one of the following:

Wayne Eichhorn ……………….. 414-708-8163

Anna Halaychik ………………… 920-725-0059

Membership: Danielle Visser reported a membership of 319 as of 10/31/05. Members are asked to encourage co-workers and other contacts to join. Application can be submitted via the internet at our web site, afsnew.org, or the society web site, afsinc.org.

Raffle: We will have a 50-50 raffle at the January meeting.

Return Cards: To help control costs, it is important to have an accurate count of members attending for dinner. If you are unable to return your card prior to the due date, please contact Anna Halaychik at (920) 725-0059 and let her know how many will be attending. It is only necessary to return your cards if you are coming to the dinner. You may also respond via our web site, afsnew.org.

Please mail your cards by January 2, 2006 or call with the count by January 4, 2006.


Leslie Gearing

Secretary, N. E. W. Chapter AFS