We are looking forward to a busy term in Doves class. Our topic this term is…


How can you help your child’s learning?


In English this term we will be looking at the work of a much loved children’s author, James Mayhew. We will be exploring several of his texts including Katie’s Picture Show, Katie and the Waterlily Pond and others. Doves will also access a fiction text called ‘Billy’s Booger’ by William Joyce. We will also access much non-fiction material that will link to our Roman Topic Work and Science Topics. Later half term we will access ‘Stories’ from around the world, linking with our International Week beginning 27th February.


Our children really enjoy reading and being read to. Towards the end of last term our school ‘Reading Books’ were reorganised and restructured in a slightly different way. By the end of this week the children will all have a ‘coloured’ code in their Home Reading Record Books, this is the coloured band in which they should access a home reader. Please encourage reading at home and remind your children to bring their books to school each day so that they can read in school also. Do remember to record all reading done at home, the children are rewarded and encouraged with ‘stars’ towards stickers on their sticker charts. Don’t forget to discuss the stories the children bring home, we need to help progress and move them on in their comprehension skills.


Literacy homework will be sent home each Friday and needs to be returned to school by the Wednesday of the next week. When completing all written homework / topic work please encourage your children to focus on the presentation of their work using neat cursive joined up handwriting.

Spellings will continue to be sent home on Fridays and tested on the following Friday. Please support your children by practising these regularly by Look / Cover/ Check / Write technique. Make sure your children understand the words and can use them in context.


It is so important and necessary for our children to be confident in their knowledge of times tables to 12, ensuring they can use and apply this understanding in problem solving questions.

Doves will be challenged to solve multi-operational work problems, deciding on which operations and strategies will best help them in finding the answers to different questions. Children are encouraged to show clear jottings and calculations in their maths work.

Maths homework will continue to be set on a Friday, please ensure this is completed weekly and returned to school by the following Wednesday.

If you have any questions or concerns, please come and see us. After school is often the best time to catch us but if you feel you need a longer chat, we are happy to make an appointment with you.

We are looking forward to another busy and exciting term.

Mrs. Martin & Mrs. Collins

January 2017