The Mindfulness Group
This course is appropriate for anyone who wishes to reduceand prevent relapse of anxiety and low mood, and to improve general well-being. It offers Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), with some elements of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR). It teaches participants to recognise early signs of low mood and anxiety, and to respond wisely, rather than repeat habitual patterns of cognitive reactivity.
There is a growing body of research into the benefits of Mindfulness which include;
- Reduced stress levels and mood disturbance.
- Improved mood regulation.
- Increased perceptions of control.
- Reduced negative thinking.
- Reductions in physical pain and improved immune function.
- Improvements in levels of self compassion and kindness.
Qualitative reports include;
- A sense of greater clarity on what is happening in life.
- Improved problem-solving.
- Better concentration.
- Feeling more energised, engaged and “alive”.
- Improved sleepand fewer physical symptoms of stress.
The course runs for 8 weeks (plus a telephone orientation). We aim to support clients in their practice and wellbeing by offering 4 x quarterly follow up sessions
The 8 weekly (2¼ hr sessions) include mindfulness practices, gentle movement and breathing exercises, plus elements of CBT,designed to help individuals develop a more present moment focus. This supports people intaking a less reactive approach to stress and low mood, and enables a more helpful response to situations.
Sessions are as follows;
Session 1: Awareness and Automatic Pilot.
Session 2: Living in our Heads.
Session 3: Gathering the Scattered Mind.
Session 4: Staying Present
Session 5: Allowing/Letting Be.
Session 6: Thoughts are not Facts.
Session 7: How can I Best Take Care of Myself
Session 8: Using what has been learned to deal with Future Stress.
The Mindfulness Group
Check list for referrers
The groupsare suitable for clients with a range of disorders who are requesting support to manage anxiety or low mood and improve well-being.
Inclusion Criteria
Those who are likely to benefit are;
- Individuals who are open and willing to finda new way to respond to stress and low mood.
- Participants who are willing and able to commit to and engage with the requirements of the programme.
The programme requires a substantial time commitment including attendance at 8 weekly (2 ¼ hr) sessions, plus Home Practice.
Home practice is essential and includes up to 1 hour of formal and informal meditation 6/7 days. It is important that participants are made aware of this and make an informed decision about whether their personal circumstances will allow forthis commitment.
Most anxiety presentations will be considered including; Stress, GAD, Mild Social Anxiety and Panic, as well as those with low mood. Long Term Health conditions including Chronic pain, Fibromyalgia and CFS are also suitable.
Exclusion criteria
- Anyone looking for a quick ‘fix’and unable to commit to the programme.
- Those in current significant life crisis (eg, bereavement, divorce, legal proceedings).
- Current major depression or psychiatric illness (bipolar disorder, psychosis, current self-harming or risk).
- Current alcohol or substance dependence issues.
- Untreated PTSD/ Significant trauma history (there is potential for re-activation within the practices)Please contact us to discuss anyone in this category who expresses an interest to attend.
- Clients currently receiving psychological therapy.
If you are unsure please contact us and we can make an individual decision with you or directly with the participant.
To refer someone to the mindfulness group:
- Check that they fit the referral criteria (above) - if you're not sure email Lynne or Astrid
- Checkthat they can attend all 8 sessions -if not suggest a group in another area (if they can travel) OR a later group (we will be running 3 groups per year in each hub)
- Put them onto the relevant group Waiting List on IAPTUS eg BRIDGWATER Mindfulness Group
- Move them onto WLHI Group Therapy on the Care Pathway (via Enter Step 3)
- Send them: 'Mindfulness group Info and Invite'
- Transfer them to Astrid or Lynne’s Caseload if you have finished working with them.
We will then phone them for an Orientation appointment before the group starts.
Any questions contact Lynne Ingram (Chard) or Astrid Perez-Lyons (Bridgwater)