SouthwestElementary School
833 Montlieu Avenue High Point, NC 27262 336-841-9000

September 9, 2005

Dear Parents,

I’ve enjoyed working with and getting to know your children this past week. As we begin the school year, I’d like to make you aware of some of the laws relating to internet use as the internet will be a large aspect in the curriculum. Your children will be using the internet for research, assignments, and projects. I’m very exciting about including technology in the curriculum this year as it can be very beneficial for your student and their educational experience. Please be aware that all websites visited throughout the year will be evaluated by me prior to use and the students will be monitored while on the computers. I have modified the information in this letter from “Linking Technology and Curriculum” written by, Jeri A. Carroll and Tonya L. Witherspoon.

To begin, there is the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act(COPPA). This Act requires that the operator/s of websites or online services that have knowledge that a child will be looking on their website must:

  • Post prominent links on their websites to a notice of how they collect, use, and/or disclose personal information from children.
  • With certain exceptions, notify parents that they wish to collect information from their children and obtain parental permission before obtaining that information.
  • Not condition a child’s participation in online activities on the provision of more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in the activity.
  • To allow parents the opportunity to review and/or have their children’s information deleted from the operators database and to prohibit further collection from the child.
  • To establish procedures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of personal information they collect from children.

Next, there is the FamilyEducational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and these include the rights that parents have for the privacy of their student’s records. It is also required for the schools to notify the parents of these rights annually. They are as follows:

  • Parents of eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the school.
  • Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct the records, which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading.
  • Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record and parents have the right to deny that release.

Lastly, there isThe Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) which requires that schools and libraries use filtering software to screen material that is inappropriate or harmful to students and also requires them to monitor their internet use. This should not only be done at school but is encouraged to be done at home as well. I ask that you speak with your child about the safety of the internet. You may even want to consider creating boundaries for your children such as parental controls on certain web browsers as well as monitoring the amount of time your child is spending on the internet. Although the internet does offer sites that may be harmful, we need to encourage the students to become familiar with the internet and the many opportunities and information that can benefit the education of your child. I can assure you that before, during, and after using the internet, I will explain and teach the students the risks as well as the benefits of the internet. I will enforce rules for internet use that will keep the students away from harmful or obscene sites as well as closely monitor their time on the internet to be sure that they are using the internet for their appropriate tasks.

I hope this letter not only offers you information on internet safety, but also lightens your worries about your students using the internet in the classroom for educational benefits. I am excited about teaching your children about the internet and how to use it for research, assignments, and projects. I’m thankful that we have this technology available to the students and I am looking forward to sharing with them the knowledge I have regarding internet use. I appreciate your time reading this letter as well as taking appropriate precautions for the internet at home. If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 309-721-7039 or by email at . Thank you for all that you do!


Michelle Kampner

Second Grade Teacher

SouthwestElementary School