Minutes of meeting of Saturday July 21,2007
The Justice and Peace Workshop for RIMOA region was launched by Sr Clare Nolan and Sr Shalini on the morning of July 21, 2007 at 9.00 a.m. Justice and Peace contact persons together with RIMOA Unit Leaders and Sisters Armelle, Evelyn and Sabina from the Leadership team were present - 30 participants and 16 nationalities. Having presented a brief overview of the workshop program Clare led the group in prayer inviting members to share on who God is for her today and to name that God remembering that the Holy Family were refugees in Egypt and that all of us have a relationship with God as Shepherd.
Shalini led us in a ritual of acknowledging the presence of the sacred in each one by smearing sandalwood paste on the forehead of each other.
Shalini outlined three goals for the meeting:
1) To have sharing, experience and exposure so as to be empowered to work for justice and peace
2) To enhance relationships thus enabling us to transform structures in society
3) To establish a team in the RIMOA region
A scene from the special Olympics in Seattle for persons with disabilities was recalled as an image of how things can be – in one of the races a child fell – the other competitors stopped went back, one ( with down syndrome), kissed the child who had fallen, asked if he felt better, then all joined hands together and walked to the finishing line.
Messages of greetings and encouragement from the Congregational Leadership Team and the participants of both the Asia Pacific and Americas workshop were read.
Clare led the participants in two processes: one sharing around ‘Myself as a Justice and Peace Contact Person’ through creating a symbol and sharing in small groups of two or three. The second process concerned sharing on each units experience in their justice and peace journey. This too was done in a creative way – unit groups journeying together through the priorities as outlined for us in the General Chapter of 2003 –
· Develop prophetic ministries at the margins to respond to those exploited by globalisation.
· Promote a culture of peace and non violence.
· Respond to exploitation of women and girls.
· Promote human rights
· Promote economic justice.
· Strengthen and develop networks.
· Involvement in interfaith/intercultural issues.
· Action on the debt cancellation;
· Contemplative vision of Justice and Peace.
· Foster respect for Creation.
If a particular activity was a priority for the unit it was checked, questions or issues noted and there was a corner for any issues not listed. This exercise was followed by sharing and open discussion. The exercise had crystallized for participants the actions and activities they have been undertaking – activities promoting a culture peace and non-violence; economic justice with just salaries for our workers, saving and credit schemes on behalf of women; educational programs for women; human rights work helping people to get ID’s ; inter-religious dialogue activities; empowering children with regard to Child Rights, environmental issue addressed in the planting of trees. Clare drew attention to some common issues that were emerging: concern for refugees; fear; interfaith building and listening, the realization that ‘I’ cannot do it alone. We need to network. There was a cry of pain from the heart of one participant that we cannot do more; this was an echo of the pain carried by all remembering Saint Euphrasia’s own pain.
21st July 2007.
Report on the sessions
The session started at 2.30 p.m facilitated by sister Shalini.
She gave a general outline on the JPSM office basing on the Gospel values, Catholic social teachings and our Constitutions and the Declarations of the General Chapters. She gave a recap on the structure of GS JP Network, the roles of the JP Contacts and the Regional JP Team. After that she invited the sisters to share on the statements from their units as she had asked to prepare before. Three units Lebanon, Ethiopia and the Isles shared.
We had an exercise on effective Leadership based on a text" Airplane Crash". Some of the qualities were: seriousness, Honesty, sincerity, collaboration, Listening, practical, youth, experience, skillful, calmness, value of life, humor, respect, daringness, social –ability, realistic, energetic and flexibility. As a summary, she invited us, the JP Contacts to integrate these qualities as they are necessary for us as leaders.
This was followed by a brainstorming session and sharing on something that has inspired us from her input.
Sister Clare Nolan opened the session by asking two questions:
1. Which year did we acquire NGO status?
2. For what reasons.?
After the question she gave an explanation of our NGO status. It helps us to join our voices with other NGO on issues of women and children’s rights. We are only affiliated to the economic and social commission of the UN. She encourages us to send articles from our various units because she is there to represent us on JP matters. They encouraged us to read the congregational communications on JP that is The Contact and Embrace the World.
Minutes of Meeting of Sunday July 22, 2007
The morning session opened with prayer honoring St. Mary Magdalen, as this was her feast day today.
Then we had a presentation on Islam, with a focus on Inter-Faith dialogue. The input was given by a renowned Islamic scholar, Gamal Al-Banna. Three main points: Freedom, Simplicity, Equality! He gave us a solid input on the principles of Islam.
There was an opportunity for questions after the presentation and these are some of the points covered:
Ø In response to questions about the use of loud microphones in the streets and negative talk about Islam by some Muslims, this is a clear contradiction – the Qur’an says do not speak publicly from the Qur’an.
Al-Ahzar is a special school which trains many Muslims, but it monopolizes the spirit of religion, and does not want anyone to speak of Islam but themselves.
Ø Religion is a divine mission, but understanding and applying it are social phenomena. Dialogue with other religions – differences will be intensified. Agreement that there is a God who is the Creator. Dialogue between religions should be on points of consensus.
Ø Good Shepherd Congregation is working for peace and justice, especially for women and children. What about violence endured by Muslim women? Before Islam, women were part of heritage. Now there are 40 quotes in the Qur’an concerning rights of women. (There are only 4 regarding men). Violence is a departure from the Qur’an!
Ø Question re Shariah Law – is it opposed to freedom, which is a fundamental concept of Islam. Qur’an has at least 100 verses regarding freedom. Minorities of Christians have lived with Muslims and been killed. We were reminded of the Catholic King and Queen of Spain, who began the Inquisition.
Ø We can reach peace if religions do all they can, concentrating on religious issues and doctrines. Leave aside social issues.
Sunday afternoon: 22nd July 2007-0
Our session started at 2.30 pm, Sr. Clare introduced our next speaker : Dr. Hala Mustafa. Dr. Hala Mustafa is the head Officer of the Arabian Magazine “ Democracy”. She clearly expanded on the concept of globalisation, the negative and positive aspects.
Globalisation is part of the evolution of capitalism. It does not only mean economic expansion but also contains ideological, religious, political and cultural aspects. After a well-developed exposition Dr. Hala Mustafa welcomed questions of clarifications.
After a short break we continued with the 2nd part of the meeting.
Sr. Clare drew our attention to a contemplative dimension over the topics presented during the day. Some questions helped us to be in touch with what came to mind as we asked ourselves:
1. What ideas excited me most during this day?
2. What ideas I do not agree with?
3. What thoughts or ideas do I want to think more about reconciliation, promotion of women and girls?
4. How do I deal with conflicts within inter-religious dialogue and globalisation?
Afterwards we broke into small groups for sharing. The day closed with a picture of the whole group which will appear in the Good Shepherd website.
Gladys Mozambique
MINUTES OF THE MEETING (morning) THE 23 rd JULY 2007
We started our day with a warm welcome from Shalini who reminded us that it was Independence Day in Egypt today and expressing her joy that many of our sisters from the Choubrah community had joined us for the day. Lydicia from South Africa led us in prayer and the theme was “ Happy are the poor” and we ended our prayer sending peace vibrations to all those whom we wanted.
We then welcomed the Bishop Michael Fitzgerald, the Apostolic Delegate for Egypt and for the Arab states. Clare invited the Bishop to present himself. He is a religious belonging to the congregation of the African Missions better known as the white Fathers. He had worked with the Pontifical council, earlier called the Secretary for the non-Christians and which after the passing of years became the Pontifical council for inter religious dialogue and eventually became council for inter religious relations. The Bishop had been invited to speak on the Theological aspect of inter religious dialogue.
Just to underline some important points in his presentation. Quoting a church document he said that Inter religious relations consist of 5 basic principles which are Presence, Service, Dialogue, announcing and teaching. He explained that each one of these elements are important but does not have to be in a chronological order. We are called to dialogue because of our Faith after the model of the Trinity. Each one is distinct and there is communion among them.
There was a time for questions. One interesting point that the Bishop said was that we could be proud of being Christians but not proud in the negative sense of thinking ourselves superior. He made a good distinction using two French words that our used for the one word proud in English. He spoke of mutual confidence which should be cultivated and this would overcome fear and suspicion.
After the break, the Bishop spoke about how to cultivate the culture of peace. The elements which could be obstacles to peace would be ideas of self sufficiency, the fear of the other, prejudice, lack of freedom etc. We should cultivate a healthy curiosity about the others and even try to find elements that we could admire.
This was followed by a series of questions which touched mixed marriages, the difference between Religious Education and Religious Knowledge. We terminated our morning by thanking the Bishop wholeheartedly for his presentation.
23rd –07-07
Interfaith dialogue was a means to bring all people from different religions. The term Inter Religious Dialogue was highly appreciated because the word used to distinguish non- Christians was much discriminative. It was therefore necessary as Pope John Paul II introduced it to the Pontific of Inter Religious Dialogue. It has the sense of love and saving of God’ s mercy. Inter Religious dialogue motivates the different religions to meet and focus at God as the only one Creator of the universe and all that it contains. The term was highly appreciated and used in many countries but truly speaking on cannot generalize as country differs from other country. With help of the Holy Spirit we can overcome all that is frightening to us. No one can talk about Inter Religious dialogue unless s/he is convinced of her /his religion.
It is encouraging to know about other religions for this can be of great help in our ministries. It is not converting people to Christianity but living God’s love.
How do we overcome inter religious dialogue difficulties?
Ø Curiosity-Be ready to ask questions like how is your prayer life? Explanation of rituals… etc.
As Christians we continue to announce the good news of Jesus Christ. We can get involved if we only allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.
South Africa
The meeting started with a small introduction for our prayer with sister Shalini. It was the prayer of the earth and all sisters took part to this prayer and danced to heal the earth. We put the earth brought from different countries in a common bowl.
Sœur Theresa of Lebanon gave us some explanations on the rosaries made by the women of the jail and sister Hiam the relic of Charbel saint.
After the prayer we listened to the journey of Justice Justice and Peace of our sisters of the Islands. Sister Françoise of Maurice and sister Julia of Madagascar have presented it.
Next the group packed their lunch and set out for an exposure in the Caritas at 10 o'clock.
Mr. Magdi Galass responsible of the Caritas of the province of Giza, together with his team welcomed us. In the exposition that he presented us on their institution, he spoke to us the objective of the Caritas that is to construct the peace and the reconciliation through the humanitarian projects that they establish.
He gave us more of explanation on the project of Gafr El Sisi began in 2004 and that understands four shutters: