2100 E. Walt Williams Drive

TUESDAY – 6:00 P.M.
August 12, 2014


Town Board:

Harley Kulkin

Bill Dolan

Dr. Tom Waters

Robert Adams

Amy Riches


Susan Holecheck, Town Manager

Michael Sullivan, Finance Director

Scott Lewis, Fire Chief

Matt Luis, Buildings and Grounds Manager

Stephanie Massimino, Executive Assistant

Alexandra Crow, Business License Tech

Arlette Ledbetter, Tourism Director

Carla Yoder, Financial Assistant

1.  Call to Order

Mr. Kulkin called the meeting to order.

2.  Invocation by Pastor Wayne O'Bannon of Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church and the Oasis Outreach & Worship Center

Pastor Wayne O’Bannon led the Invocation.

3.  Pledge of Allegiance.

Dr. Waters led the Pledge of Allegiance.

4.  Consideration to Move the Order of or Deleting an Agenda Item(s).

Mr. Kulkin pulled items 10, 11, 13, 14,and 15 based on a court injunction.

Mr. Adams moved items 19 and 20 after Advisory Board reposts.

The Board presented Ms. Natalie Hunn and Ms. Cameron Lynch with certificates for their participation on the Youth Advisory Board.

5.  Public Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).

Public comment was heard.

6.  Board and Staff Comments: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. NRS 241.020(2)(c )(3).

Dr. Waters made a statement on how he believed that the County and Town should be working together to make a better County on behalf of the citizens.

Mr. Adams commented that he agreed with Dr. Waters statements.

Mr. Dolan stated that two weeks ago he received an article about the Balloon Festival and thanked Ms. Arlette Ledbetter for her hard work promoting. He also thanked Dr. Waters for his comments, and he also felt there a need for the County to work with the town and citizens too.

Mr. Kulkin stated that he is concerned about the staff and that the Town is already losing staff because the County is not giving a response to employees about whether the Town employees have a job after January.

Ms. Holecheck stated that in previous years contracts were made and in recent years the standard of contracts has not been the same. She stated this had been the reason for the agenda items that were pulled.

7.  Announcements

Announcements were read by Dr. Waters.

8.  Consideration to adopt Consent agenda items:

a.  Action – Approval of Town Vouchers.

b.  Action – Approval of Town Board meeting minutes for July 22, 2014.

c.  Action – Approval of the Ambulance Delinquency write-offs for the months of April, May, and June.

d.  Action- Approval of Proclamation declaring August 16th Chef’s Appreciation Day.

e.  Action- Discussion and possible decision of the approval of application of Jaydee Webb to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board.

f.  Discussion and possible decision on the removal of James Rosen and Author Shaulk from P&R Advisory Board.

g.  Discussion and possible decision on the resignation of Cameron Lynch and Natalie Hunn from the Youth Advisory Board.

Mr. Dolan motioned approve consent agenda items.

Mrs. Riches seconded.

Motion carried, 5-0.

9.  Advisory Board Reports from Advisory Board Chairpersons and/or Town Board Liaisons on the Status of Advisory Boards.

Mr. Luis gave an update on the Fall Festival and the Fall festival Rodeo that all was coming together well.

Ms. Arlette Ledbetter thanked the local papers on their help with advertising of Pahrump. She also stated several other magazines are showing Pahrump in a positive light as well.

10.  Consideration to ratify the contract for the Buildings and Grounds Manager

Pulled from the Agenda

11.  Consideration to ratify the contract for the Pahrump Fire Chief

Pulled from the Agenda.

12.  Consideration of hiring and possible approval of one Full-time employee to the Buildings and Grounds Department

Ms. Holecheck stated that Mr MattLuis is down one Full-time member due to FMLA, however a Full-time temp would help.

Mr. Luis stated that having this extra person would help to get the current projects done in a more timely matter. He also stated that his current budget would cover this.

Mr. Dolan motioned to approve one Full-time temporary employee to the Buildings and Grounds Department.

Dr. Water seconded.

Motion carried, 4-0. Mrs. Riches left before the vote on this item due to illness.

13.  Consideration to approve and implement a contract for the Tourism Director

Pulled from the Agenda.

14.  Consideration to approve and implement a contract for the Human Resources Director

Pulled from the Agenda.

15.  Consideration to review and approve changes to the Town Manager’s Contract

Pulled from the Agenda.

16.  Consideration to adopt an ordinance enacting a revision and codification of the general ordinances of the Town of Pahrump.

Mr. Dolan motioned to adopt an Ordinance 66 enacting a revision and codification of the general ordinances of the Town of Pahrump.

Dr. Waters seconded.

Motioned carried, 5-0.

17.  Consideration to approve intent to award RFP by Gary Guy Wilson for the Waterline at Kellogg Park.

Ms. Holecheck stated RFP was handled by Gary Guy Wilson and the company selected was not only the lowest but most responsible party and would do well on the Town’s behalf.

Mr. Luis stated this project would bring pipeline to the well at Kellogg Park.

Mr. Dolan asked about the Basketball Court at Simpkins park change order and how much was used as to he felt change orders caused problems.

Mr. Luis stated the Town held fast on that project and ended up spending nothing due to changes orders.

Dr. Waters motioned to approve intent to award RFP by Gary Guy Wilson for the Waterline at Kellogg Park to the Ron Murphy Company not to exceed $74,800.

Mr. Adams seconded

Motioned carried, 3-1 with Mr. Dolan voting nay. Mrs. Riches left before the vote on this item due to illness.

18.  Consideration to discuss and approve Memorandum of Understanding with Nye County for the proposed General Aviation Airport

The FAA sent a letter showing concern for the transition of Town and County, and therefore the FAA is requesting a newly executed, revised MOU from both the Town and County.

Ms. Holecheck stated this vehicle has been budgeted replacement for the last two years and finding is available.

Public comment was heard.

Dr. Waters motioned to approve Memorandum of Understanding with Nye County for the proposed General Aviation Airport

Mr. Adams seconded.

Motion carried, 4-0. Mrs. Riches left before the vote on this item due to illness.

19.  Consideration to approve a letter of support for an exemption to the current Nye County Code regarding installation of toilet facilities in a commercial zone i.e. private airport on Bell Vista

This item was discussed after item 9.

Mr. Kulkin stated that he felt there should be a way the County can work with this private group.

Mr. Dolan motioned to approve a letter of support for an exemption to the current Nye County Code regarding installation of toilet facilities in a commercial zone i.e. private airport on Bell Vista.

Mrs. Riches seconded.

Motion carried, 4-0, Mrs. Riches left before the vote due to illness.

20.  Consideration to approve purchasing of new Fire Department Command Vehicle.

This item was discussed after item 19.

Chief Lewis stated that after many years of use the Command Vehicle is starting to need more work than it is worth.

Mr. Adams motioned purchasing of new Fire Department Command Vehicle.

Mr. Dolan seconded.

Motion carried, 4-0. Mrs. Riches left before the vote on this item due to illness.

21.  Closed Session(s).

Discussion and Possible Decision regarding a Closed Session, to receive information and advice from the Town Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation pursuant to NRS 241.015(2)(b)(2).

No closed session.

22.  Future Meetings/Workshops: Date, Time and Location: Regular meeting August 26, 2014.

23.  Public/Board/Staff Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).

Public comment was heard.

Mr. Dolan stated that the County and Town are businesses and that he would hope everyone would remember that.

Ms. Holecheck stated she has had meetings with staff to try and reassure them. She also stated she is trying to work with the County on confirmation of their outcome in January. She stated that Communities of Distinction is confirmed for filming October 15, 2014.

Mr. Luis gave an update on the Fall Festival to the board. He also gave the board an update on current and finished Buildings and Grounds projects.

24.  Adjournment.

Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm

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