6.00pm Monday 9 December 2013

PRESENTArlene Allan (Governor)

Chris Baker (Governor)

Jennifer Cope(Student Governor)

Elinor Dodd (Governor)

Paul Lacey (Governor)

Bill Johnson (Governor)

Nick King(Staff Governor)

Morag Matthews (Staff Governor)

Julian McInerney (Parent Governor)

John Rostron (Governor)

Vipin Trivedi (Governor)

Sandra Unsworth (Governor) until 7.20pm

Adele Wills (Principal/Governor)

In attendance

Ian Swift (Vice Principal)

Michael Barker (Assistant Principal)

Will Melia (Assistant Principal)

Janet Regan(Assistant Principal)

Darren Brookfield (Course Leader PE) until 6.15pm

Clare Parry(Director of Quality and Standards) 6.15pm until 6.50pm

Wendy Moorcroft (Clerk)

A Quorum being present, John Rostron (in the Chair) opened the meeting at 6.00pm.

13/85 Apologies

Ronnie Fearn (Governor)

Rob Fletcher (Governor)

Dominic Mousley-Dean (Student Governor)

13/86 Reappointment of Governor – Mrs Morag Matthews

Dr Trivedi as Chairman of Search Committee reported that Support Staff Governor Morag Matthews was due to come to the end of her term of office on 13December 2013. Nominations for the position had been sought. Only one nomination had been received and this had been in respect of MrsMorag Matthews. There had therefore been no requirement to hold an election and the Committee was recommending that Mrs Matthews be reappointed as Support Staff Governor for a further four year term of office.

The Board unanimously accepted the recommendation of the Search Committee.

Morag Matthewsjoined the meeting and was welcomed by the Chairman.

With the approval of the Board, the Chairman then took Agenda item 13/89and 13/90 next in order not to detain the visiting speakers.

13/89 Kenyon Trust

The Board welcomed Michael Barker (Assistant Principal – Student Services)and Darren Brookfield (Course Leader PE)to the meeting. Mr Barker began by explaining that the Kenyon Trust which had been set up by former Old Georgian NeilKenyon, had been wound up and the Collegehad received around £20k. This was primarily for the co-ordination of a Healthy College initiative and associated activities, not just sport related or within the PE department, but also health issues in general across College. Mr Brookfield circulated an actionplan which outlined the key objectives, actions to achieve these with related dates for achievement, persons responsible and current status. Governors noted the significant amount of partnership work with other community sports groups and national bodies. Year 13 BTEC Sport students were completing Rugby Leadership Awards to deliver six weekprogrammes in primary schools. The funding had also allowed for the appointment of a PE technician which had enabled the Fitness Suite to be reopened for use by staff, students and potentially thelocal community. Other objectives included the increase ofpartner input to coaching sessions,smoking cessationand general health and wellbeing promotion through local media and broadening the college’s extra curricular sporting activities. Mr Brookfield thanked the trust for the welcome funding and SLT for its backing. He concluded by playing a short video showcasing what had been achieved so far and the many KGV sporting successes locally and nationally in leagues and tournaments which would continue to be built on.

Governors thanked Mr Brookfield and his team for their hard work and efforts and success in raising the profile of sporting activities within the College.

Mr Brookfield left the meting at this point (6.15pm).

Claire Parry joined themeetingat this point (6.15pm).

13/90 Governors’ Briefing for Ofsted

The Board welcomed Claire Parry Director of Quality and Standardsto the meeting. Ms Parry explained in detail the three specificareas of focus in the common inspection framework, the implications this had for Governors and how Inspectors reported in termsof what judgements wouldindicate a college to be outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate.The Board noted the key features of outstanding Governance which included the monitoring of the performance of learners’ outcomes very well,providing informed challenge and support, active involvement in developing solutions where improvement was required and having a clear strategic vision for the college which was translated successfully into practice. The Board also noted the importance of having experienced, highly skilled and well trained governors who had a good understanding of teaching, learning and assessment and recognised fully, and were passionate about, the need for student representation and involvement in evaluating the performance of the college.

Governor JulianMcInerney reported on his role in the validation process of theSAR. Each curriculum area had a clear understanding of the current position,the standard required and plans inplace to meet that requirement. He also reported on the new timetable changes with the fifth day being utilised effectively for bringing in students not thought to be on track to address any issues and also as ameans for accessing resources which were limited on other days.

The Board recorded its appreciation and thanks to Mr McInerney for his active, critical and enthusiastic involvement in the validation of the SAR.

Although the Board considered and approved the SAR, the more detailed discussion took place at the January Curriculum Committee meeting. It was felt however that all members would benefit from an in depth consideration of the SAR.

After discussion it was therefore agreed that all Board members be invited tothenext Curriculum Committee meetingon 20 January. An Equality and Diversity update would also take place at thatmeeting.

Governors also requested more regular update on ALPS and results predictions against targets for better monitoring purposes. The assessment of the impact of key strategic changes was also important.

The Board thanked Ms Parry for the informative briefing.

Ms Parry left the meeting at this point (6.50pm)

13/87 Minutes of the Meeting of 30 September 2013

It was noted that Bill Johnson had given apologies for thelast meeting With this amendment the minutes wereaccepted as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chairman.

13/88 Matters Arising

13/52 Premises Report – BCIF/Fearn Building Update

Problems with Fearn Building were ongoing A thermal imaging survey had identified more problems Further analysis of the report was required but re-roofing wasa significant potential future cost. Should more BCIF funding becomeavailable however Fearn Building was now incategory D in termsof funding eligibility. The building was not unsafe at the moment however and only minimal urgent work was being carried out. An announcement on BCIF funding was expected imminently. Should no funding be forthcoming refurbishment andrepair would be the option as replacement without funding would be too expensive. There had been no response to the letter sent to the current owners of Britspace. It was unlikely that there would be any redress so to commit any further expenditure to legal costs could not be justified.

13/54 Annual Pay Award.

National agreement had been reached and SFCA was recommending a pay award of 1% which was the amount included withinthe College budget.

The Board approved payment of a 1% pay award to all staff excluding Senior Postholders and the Clerk.

13/56 Budget 2013/14

The ten year plan was currently under revision due to the uncertainty with Fearn Building.

There were no other matters arising.

13/91 Principal’s Report

The Principal presented the Report to the Board highlighting inparticular:

Student Activities and Staffing

Governors noted the many student activities that had taken placealong with many wide ranging sporting events.

Curriculum and Quality/Governor preparation for Ofsted

Governors noted the plans and strategies in place for quality improvement and Ofsted preparation which had been discussed indetail under agenda item13/90.

Marketing andLiaison

There had been two very successful Open Evenings and Governors noted the planned marketing and schools liaison activities.

Meols Cop Teaching School Alliance

The outcome of the application was still awaited. .

Coastto Coast Alliance

Governors noted the progress todate.

Merseyside Colleges Association MP Breakfast meeting/Bill Esterson visit

The Principal reported ona very productive event whichhad resultedina follow up visit to the College from Bill Esterson who had shown significant interest and support for KGV.

VAT Campaign

Governors noted the situation with regard to the Sixth Form Colleges Association continued campaign for VAT changes for sixth form colleges and the related correspondence with John Pugh.

Creative Arts Building/Condition of Fearn Building

The Planning submission would be going to the Planning Committee on 11 December. Five companies had been invited to tender for the work. The Condition of Fearn Building had been discussed earlier in the meeting.

A Level Reforms

Governors noted thepresentationmade by the Principal at the recent MCA breakfast meeting and the concerns and issues inrelationto the proposed changes.


Governorsalso noted the recent activities with Partners.The‘KGV’s got Talent’ event had been rescheduled. The Christmas concertwould take place on 12 December.

Governors noted the Report

13/92Financial Statements Auditors Management Letter/Final Accounts 2012/13

WillMeliapresented the Financial Statements and Audit Findings Report from Baker Tilly to the Boardwhich had beendiscussed in detail by both Audit and F&GP Committee. A summary of key issues had also accompanied the report for Governors’ information. The Board was pleased to note that there were no unresolved disagreements with Management regarding items that could be material to the accounts and subject to carrying out a post balance sheet events review, Baker Tilly would be issuing an unqualified audit report for the year ended 31 July 2013.

Moving on to the financial performance and position, the Committee noted from the summary report that the College had achieved an operating deficit of £933k compare with a deficit of £30k the previous year. The underlying surplus however excluding exceptional restructuring costs, assets write offs and accelerated depreciation was a surplus of £223k compared with £276k last year. The restructuring costs and capital expenditure contribution towards the BCIF funding had resulted in a negative cash flow of £749k compared with a negative cash flow of £830k the previous year. Governors noted the capital expenditure and rationalisation costs which if excluded would give a positive cash flow of £668k. The support staff pension fund deficit had reduced by £160k due to changes in the actuarial valuation of the scheme compared to an adverse movement the previous year. The balance sheet, cash and fixed asset position reflected the significant capital expenditure during the year. Mr Melia drew Governors attention to the Baker Tilly Audit findings report. Governors noted that the consideration of the going concern basis for the preparation of the accounts was still outstanding pending a review by management of further cost savings to reduce the impact of funding reductionsThis was underway and a number of savings had beenidentified. Mr Melia outlined the potential effect on cashshould the savings not be met.Even inthe worst case scenariothe cash positionwould be such that the College would still be able to meet its liabilities for the next twelve months. On that base the Board agreed that the College continued to be a going concern.

Looking at the Baker Tilly Audit findings report the Boardnoted that Baker Tilly had identified some deficiencies in internal control and the actionsagreed to address these.

The Chairman of F&GP Committee reported that the Committee had received a detailed report on the accounts. Audit Committee had received a detailed presentation from Baker Tilly on the Audit Report. Both Committees were recommending that the Accounts be approved for signature by the Chairman of Governors and the Principal.

The Board agreed that the accounts be approved for signature by the Chairman and Principal. The Chairman and Principal thanked Mr Melia and all the Finance staff for their hard work during the year.

13/93 Financial Report – 4th Quarter Accounts

Will Melia reported that the 4th Quarter Accounts reflected the information in the Financial Statements just approved and had been presented in detail to F&GP Committee at the last meeting.The Board had received the period 11 accounts at the last meeting and there was very little change to report since then with most variances having been discussed at previous meetings.

The Board noted the 4th Quarter Accounts.

13/94Annual Risk Management Report

Will Melia presentedthe Annual Risk Management Report to the Board. The Audit Committee had received update reports throughout the year and the annual report summarised any specific issues The Report also summarised the work and findings of the Internal Audit Service and Financial Statements and Regularity Auditors. All internal audit work undertaken during the year had received a ‘Green’ rating. The remit of the RMG would be expanded to include internal control and the review of the internal audit reports. Whilst the Group had not met last year, meetings would be resumed and a review of membership and terms of reference for the Group would be undertaken at the first meeting. Future issues continued to centre on funding reductions and student numbers.

The Board approved the Annual Risk Management Report.

13/95 Annual Internal Audit Report 2012/13

Will Melia presented the Annual Internal Audit Report to Governors whichhad been presented in detail to the Audit Committee in November. The purpose of the Report was to present the results of the work carried out by the Internal Audit Service during the year and to give an opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the College’s risk management, control and governance processes. Using a Red/Amber/Green rating system, the overall assessment was Green for Control, Governance and Risk Management. The Report included a summary of the conclusions and recommendations made arising from the Audit work carried out during the year with no high priority recommendations identified.Reasonable progress had been made in implementing the agreed recommendations.

The Board approved the Annual Internal Audit Report for the Year ended 31 July 2013.

13/96Results and Value Added

Ian Swift, Vice Principal, presentedthe Value Added Report for 2012/13 to the Board whichhad been considered in detailby Curriculum Committee at the last meeting. The Board was aware from earlier discussions that it was clear that there was a needto improve quality and the focus therefore would be to improve the situation as soon as possible and a number of strategies and action points had been identified toaddress this. Application of the entry requirement criteriaappeared to have resulted ina focused and committed cohort resulting in a very pleasing improvement to an already good attendance rate.

The Boardnoted the Report on Value Added.

Sandra Unsworth left the meeting at this point 7.20pm.

13/97Audit Committee Annual Report 2012/13

TheClerk presented the Audit Committee Annual Report for 2012/13. The Report had been produced on the same lines as in previous years and summarised briefly information on attendance and the items that had been discussed during the year and included the Committee’s Terms of Reference. The Board noted in particular the summaries relating to the work of the Internal Audit Service and Financial Statements and Regularity Auditor and the College’s arrangements for Risk Management and Governance Processes. The Audit Committee conclusion was that the Committee was confident that the Board could rely on the service provided by both the Internal and External Auditors.

The Board approved the Audit Committee Annual Report for 2012/13.

13/98 Internal Audit Performance Indicators 2012/13

The Clerk presented the Internal Audit Performance Indicators for 2012/13which had beendiscussed in detail by the Audit Committee on 25 November.

The Board noted thatRSM Tenon had provided a reliable and efficient service meeting all the agreed performance indicators and that the Audit Committee and Management had been very satisfied with the work carried outand appreciative of the recommendations made. The performance criteria were still considered to be relevant and appropriate for 2013/14.

The Board approved the Internal Audit Performance Indicators for 2012/13 and agreed that the targets be retained for 2013/14without change.

13/99 Reports from Committees
Curriculum Committee 14/10/13

The Committee Chairmanreported that the Committee hadreceived a comprehensive report on Admissions, and also theValue Added data received by the Board earlier. The Committee had also received a presentation on outlining the KGV 390 vision, target setting and use of Markbook to record student progress and enable earlier intervention if necessary.