August 2015
Dear Armand Bayou Families,
On behalf of our entire faculty, we would like to welcome you to the 2015-2016 school year. This year, our school is celebrating its 40th birthday. Our 40 year old history is rich with stories of hard work, loyalty, and, most important, the love of children. We are committed to providing your child with a successful elementary school experience and building a partnership with parents and community members.
This handbook is a supplement to the material printed inside the CCISD Parent/Student Handbook. It offers information specific to procedures at our school. For your convenience, the items are listed in alphabetical order.
Take a moment to read through ABE school procedures. Feel free to call the school if you have any questions or concerns not outlined in this handbook.
Thank you for your support! We look forward to a great year!
Jenny Thomas
table of contents
Absences and Tardy Policies / 4 / Lunch / 18Allergies / 5 / Music / 19
Arrival and Dismissal / 5 / Parent Conferences / 19
Art / 7 / P.T.A. / 19
Birthdays / 7 / Parties / 19
Breakfast / 7 / Pets / 19
Building Security / 7 / Physical Education / 20
Bullying / 8 / Positive Behavior Support / 20
Bus Service / 10 / What is PBS?
Campus Instructional / 10 / Love and Logic
Improvement Committee(CIIC) / Nurtured Heart
Character Education / 10 / Safety Patrol / 21
Challenge Program / School Pictures / 21
Clinic / 10 / Student Leadership Team / 21
Communication / 11 / School Supplies / 21
Counselor/Counseling / 12 / Science Fair / 21
Curriculum and Instruction / 12 / Special Education / 22
Day Care / 13 / STAAR Testing / 22
Deliveries / 14 / Technology / 22
Discipline / 14 / Telephone Calls / 22
Dress Code / 15 / Textbooks / 22
Drop-off, Pick-up and Parking / 15 / Toys/Gadgets / 23
Dyslexia / 15 / Visitors at School / 23
Emergency Procedures / 16 / Watch D.O.G.S. / 23
Enrichment Clusters / 16 / Watch D.O.G.S. / 23
ESL/ELL / 16 / Weather Information / 24
Enrollment Card Changes / 16 / Withdrawal from School / 24
Field Trips / 16 / Where to Turn for Help / 24
Food, Treats and Special Events / 16 / Staff Roster / 25
Gifted and Talented / 16 / Bullying Pledge Form / 26
Grading Procedures / 17 / Signature Page / 27
Homework / 17
Library / 17
Lost and Found / 17
History of ARMAND BAYOU Elementary School
MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of Armand Bayou Elementary is to assist all children in becoming competent and creative citizens, while recognizing that every child has unique characteristics and needs. Our goal is to work collaboratively with parents, staff, and community to provide an educational environment for our students that fosters positive personal growth in all areas of life.
The Clear Creek Independent School District was founded in May, 1948. Armand Bayou Elementary School opened its doors on August 20, 1976. The school was named after Armand Bayou Nature Park and Nature Center, a 2000-acre preserve that adjoins the Johnson Space Center in the Clear Lake Area. The bayou and park were named for Armand Yramategui, a Houston naturalist, who worked to preserve the natural beauty of the area.
Absences and Tardy Policies - Parents and guardians are responsible for student attendance. According to Texas Compulsory Attendance Law, a student must be in attendance 90% of the total school days to receive credit for the grade level. An attendance review committee will examine situations of excessive absences or tardiness to determine the academic status of a student if they have not met the 90% attendance rate. When returning to school after an absence, a student must bring a note with the following information: reason for the absence; the date of the absence; student’s name; parent’s signature; the teacher’s name.
The note must be received within 3 days of the absence; otherwise the absence is counted as unexcused. Please give absence notes directly to your child’s teacher.
Legitimate reasons for student absences include the following: personal illness; medical appointment; family illness; death in the family; natural disaster.
If your child obtains 3 unexcused absences, you will automatically receive a letter from the District Attorney’s Office. This letter is a result of mandatory state requirements for attendance.
When your child is absent, you will receive an automated call from our school notifying you that your child is not present in school. If the information given to you is not accurate, please call our attendance clerk, Terri Conway at 281-284-5125. A request for an extended excused absence due to a family need must be received in writing by the principal two weeks in advance. Only 5 days per year are allowed for each student for this type of absence.
Students who are absent will be required to make up any work they have missed. An additional day for each day will be allowed so the student may complete make up work. Upon the third consecutive day of the absence, a parent/guardian may request work be sent to the front office for pick up.
Partial day absences are when a student needs to leave school during the day for any reason. Please send a note to the teacher that morning stating the reason and time they will be picked up. It must be signed by the parent/guardian. All students must be signed out through the front office. A child will be called to the front office when the parent comes in and signs them out. Students will not be called out of the classroom ahead of time. If a parent/guardian is contacted by the nurse to come and get their child because of illness, please sign them out through the front office.
To earn an annual perfect attendance certificate from Armand Bayou Elementary:
A child must be enrolled in CCISD on the first day of school and must be present the entire year. If a child enters CCISD and Armand Bayou Elementary after the first day of school, he/she must have a record of perfect attendance from his/her previous school.
Absences from natural disasters or uncontrollable factors will not be counted, if officially designated by the Superintendent as being such, i.e., weather conditions, etc. A perfect attendance certificate may not be earned if the student has more than five early check-outs/partial day absences.
A perfect attendance certificate will not be earned if a student has more than ten tardies for the school year. Students are considered tardy if they are not in the classroom at 8:15 a.m.
Students are required to check in the front office when tardy for school. They will receive a tardy slip to present to their teacher. Please have your child here each day on time, so that they are prepared for a successful day at school.
Allergies: If your child has a food or other allergy, please contact the school nurse and teacher so we can ensure your child’s safety while at school. The CCISD Child Nutrition Department also collects this information for food restrictions. The Physicians Statement form is available from the school nurse or at www.ccisd.net.
Arrival and Dismissal: Students are allowed to enter the school at 7:45 a.m. The breakfast serving line also opens at 7:45 a.m. to all students.
Parents/ Guardians are permitted to walk their child to class up until 8:15 the first week of school. After the first week of school, all students will need to walk to their area unassisted by parents. Staff will be on duty in the hallways to assist children in getting to their classrooms.
Children should arrive to school and be in their classrooms by 8:00 a.m. Although a tardy will not be issued until 8:15, your student will be best served by arriving by 8:00 a.m (our instructional start time) each day. This will help to settle in and prepare them to make each day a success. Students reporting to school after the tardy bell, must report to the office before proceeding to class.
7:45 a.m. School Doors Open (students will go straight to class to prepare for the day)
8:00 a.m. Arrival Bell (begins the day)
8:07 a.m. Announcements begin
8:15 a.m. Tardy Bell (tardies will be issued to students who enter after 8:15)
Transportation changes may only be submitted in writing to the office. E-mail to the teacher is not sufficient. If a note is sent in to the teacher, the office should receive the note to document the change. The office will send a pass to the classroom to notify the teacher of change.
In the event of an emergency, you will be asked to fax/scan a note stating the new method of transportation and a copy of your driver’s license.
In order to ensure the safety of our students, please submit in writing to the office any changes in your child’s transportation before 2:30 p.m. No students will be checked out after 2:45 p.m. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please encourage your child to think carefully before he/she leaves school for the day so that he/she will have everything needed for homework and projects. No student will be allowed to re-enter the classroom after 3:30 for any forgotten items. If we all work to enforce this policy, our children will benefit from the expectation that they leave school prepared for homework. It is much better to learn this lesson early in life!
CCISD Policy requires each Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st Grade student to be tagged for year round identification. Each tag will have at minimum teacher name, student name, and route number: BUS RIDERS (yellow), CAR RIDERS (blue), DAYCARE (cherry), WALKER (green).
In the event of inclement weather, we will implement our ‘Bad Weather Dismissal’ plan, which requires all walkers and bikers to be picked up by car. Please ensure you have documented with the office and classroom teacher an alternate contact that will pick-up your child in the event you are not available during a bad weather dismissal.
CAR RIDERS - Children will remain on the porch with the teacher until the parent’s car pulls up. Never leave your car unattended in the car rider line. If you choose to park and walk up to retrieve your child, your child is considered a walker and you will be directed to the office for a “Change of Dismissal Form”. Please do not enter, stop, park in, or block the HANDICAP RAMP, BUS LANE, or FIRE LANE.
BIKE RIDERS - Bike Safety
· All children should wear bike helmets (state law).
· Park and lock your bike in the bike rack. Bike racks are located by the recycle bin and old gym.
· When arriving and leaving the school, always walk your bicycle until you are off campus.
· Use the crosswalk with the crossing guard to safely cross Running Springs or Hickory Knoll. Students can also use the bridge under Hickory Knoll.
· Remember to go directly home after school.
· Bikes have the right of way on the bike paths. If passing a walker or jogger, please say “Excuse me” to let them know that you are there.
· Always use hand signals for stopping and turning.
Art - The students at Armand Bayou Elementary design, develop, and create original works of art. They work on both two and three-dimensional projects. These include design, drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. Students observe natural and manmade objects. They are also encouraged to create from memory and imagination. Students are taught to appreciate and understand the history and culture associated with both past and contemporary works of art.
Birthdays - Birthday treats are allowed during the last 15 minutes of the school day (2:45-3:00). Student birthdays will be recognized during the morning announcements and students will be given a birthday pencil and ribbon. Per Child Nutrition guidelines, birthday treats (cake, cookies, cupcakes, pizza, etc.) are not allowed in the cafeteria.
Other policies include: (1) Invitations to parties cannot be handed out at school unless all students in the class receive one or it is an all boy or all girl invitation. They may be given out the last 15 minutes of the school day; (2) Party favors are inappropriate at school for birthdays and will not be distributed; (3) Balloons, flowers, or other gifts cause a distraction in the classroom and cafeteria. These items should not be sent to school. Any such deliveries will be held in the office until dismissal time.
*Breakfast - Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:45-8:15 each morning for those who wish to participate. Students entering the breakfast line after 8:10 may be given a “sack breakfast” and sent to class. MEAL PRICES and Payment Information - http://www.ccisd.net/departments/child-nutrition-services/prices-payments
Building Security - The safety and security of our children and staff are of utmost importance. It is everyone’s responsibility to create and maintain a safe and secure environment at ABE. Key procedures are listed below:
· ALL visitors/volunteers/parents must sign in/out at the front office.
· ALL visitors/volunteers/parents must enter the building through the front door, unless we are hosting a night event and an alternate route is determined.
· Visitor badges must be worn at all times. Any adult in the building without a badge will be redirected/escorted to the front office.
· Volunteers must wear their volunteer badges at all times.