Minutes of Fairview City Planning Commission Meeting, Thursday, July 13, 2017======

Minutes of Fairview City Planning Commission Meeting held on Thursday, July13, 2017 at 7:32 p.m. at 85 South State Street, City of Fairview, County of Sanpete, State of Utah.

Presentwere Chair Mike Jarman and members Evelyn Morris, Alyson Lee, and Kyle Durrant. Member Dave McFarland was absent. City employees Dave Taylor and Jan Anderson along with Councilman Bob St. Jacques and citizens Josh and Ashlee Gardiner were also present.

The invocation was offered by Mike Jarman

Approval of Minutes.

On page 2, first paragraph under Cargo Storage Review there is a duplicate sentence that needs to be taken out. Commission Member Alyson Leemoved to approve the minutes with the amended change. Commission Member Evelyn Morris seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.


Business License Approval.

Jared Rohbock, Lawn Care Services, 38 West 100 North. Mr. Rohbock was not present, his application seemed in order. The purpose of his business is lawn and yard care. He will have a lawnmower and trailer and small hand tools, etc. Commission Member Evelyn Morris moved to forward the business application on to City Council for final approval. Member Kyle Durrant seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Josh Gardiner, Pressure Master, Home-Occupational Permit (HOP),

130 South 100 East. Mr. Gardiner purchased a pressure washer and would like to start a part-time business cleaning car ports, cement patio, etc. There will be no structures, no signage, no customers. Contact will be on-line and telephone. The only equipment is a trailer, pressure washer and water tank. He was asked how he plans to advertise-- by fliers, signage on trailer and truck, and by word of mouth. Commission Member Kyle Durrant moved to pass the HOP onto City Council for final approval. Commission Member Alyson Lee seconded the motion. The voting was unanimous in favor of.

Topic of Discussion.

Solar farm Discussion. Dave Taylor stated that a Murray couple are looking to put in a solar farm north of Fairviewnorth of Day Lane. They have not met with the City but presented their plan to the Sanpete County Planning Commission. Dave reached out to the Governor’s Office, the energy department, and they will get back with him Wednesday with state requirements. The power committee will meet this coming Monday. The City could purchase the power but it is not simple or easy. Fifteen acres could supply 1,000 homes. This is something that the City Council and Planning Commission should look into because, if not, then it invites Rocky Mountain Power in and then who knows what will happen. The City needs to protect the rights of the citizens. This is for information at-this time because KSL News has already reported on this, and you may be asked by the public what this is all about.


Planning Commission Reports.

Chair Mike Jarman - None

Alyson Lee - None

Kyle Durrant - None

Evelyn Morris - None

Councilman Bob St. Jacquesasked for every ones’ email address. The County Planning Commission put together a report on zoning and what jobs need to be coming here. It is a 61-page document. He will email it to the Commission. The Corner Station will be opened soon.


Member Alyson Lee moved to adjourn at 8:08 p.m. Member Kyle Durrant seconded, motion carried in favor of.

