Minutes of a meeting of Latimer & Ley Hill Parish Council held on Monday 7th September 2015 at Latimer Parish Hall at 7.15pm

Present: B Perrott (Chairman) (BP), M Buckman (Vice-Chairman) (MB), A Birkett (AB), L Sunderland (LS), J Drewery (JD), R Sanders (RS), J Walsh (JW),R Walter (Clerk)(RW), Cllr A Garth (AG) (part of meeting)

1. Apologies for absence: CCllr N Brown (NB)

2. Public Quarter Hour None

3. Any Change of Interests None

4. Minutes of 23rd July meeting Approved

5. Matters Arising

SK has designed some new letter headed paper. Clerk reported on electricity quotes received. Advised to remain with Eon. LS to organise removal of phone box at Jasons Hill/Rushmere Lane junction. Following resignation of Clerk from July 2016, Clerk will keep a timesheet from September 1 and appeal to go into next edition of N&V.

6. Finance:

6.1Current/Deposit balances: Current £8296.43(7/9); Deposit £7011.85 (7/9)

6.2 Payments/Receipts:


DD Eon (July&Aug)90.54 + 90.87

SO 11 Dec IT (July&Aug)30.00 x 2

Clerk (M Long 90th birthday gift)22.50

Handyman Help525.00

Handyman Help (materials)112.80

CDC Election costs105.00

Mazars LLP audit fee120.00

Greenbarnes (notice board)284.00 inc VAT


Clerk salary (Apr-Sep)560.00

Ladywell Accountancy Services (payroll)35.00

Thames Valley Police (speed survey)468.00 inc VAT

Mrs J Hill (July-Sep) admin200.00

T A Gillott (July-Sep) maintenance500.00


HMRC VAT repayment 2014-15335.65

Memorial (Mrs J Richardson)150.00

Plot purchase (Mr & Mrs Garth)600.00

6.3Report from auditors: Nothing raised except query over reserves being +15% of annual precept

6.4Precept 2016-17: Decision on this required around end of Jan 2016

7. Official Business:

7.1 Meadhams Farm: 25/8 meeting & response to EA: Website needs to be balanced so statement composed and agreed by all. Clerk to forward to SK. Liaison Group meeting 9th September when response will be formulated.

7.2 Localism Steering Group & speeding: JW has organised with TVP for 3 surveys to take place along Botley Road from 2-9 Oct. No roadworks scheduled. Clerk to email


new letter heading to JW. AB to request that PC can work with new intake of parents at Ley Hill School and that letter from PC be included in new parents’ pack.

Thanks were expressed to JW for all his work on this issue.

7.3 BCC ‘Hold the date’ 18 Sep BP or LS will attend this.

8. Highways/Footpaths

Litterblitz Sat 3 Oct 9.30-12. Clerk to organise. All Councillors encouraged to attend.

Clerk unable to attend beyond 10.30am.MB to take over desk from 10.30am. Clerk has

reminded D Stowe re placing of dog bin on Common. 2 benches in Ley Hill have been

refurbished and bin by bus stop levelled

9. Planning

9.1 CH/2015/0225/FA St George’s Hall Awaiting decision

9.2 CH/2015/0666/FA 2.4m fencing, Rowan Tree Farm (retro) Awaiting decision

9.3 CH/2015/1017/SA Glen Ford, The Green Cert of lawfulness for proposed use or development

9.4 CH/2015/1095/SA The Stables Cert of lawfulness for proposed use or development

9.5 CH/2015/ 1118/SA Tall Firs Cert of lawfulness granted in part & refused in part

9.6 CH/2015/1122/FA The Old School House Conditional permission

9.7 CH/2015/1183/FA Red Gates, Jasons HillRefused

9.8 CH/2015/1214/FA Trail End, Jasons Hill Conditional permission

9.9 CH/2015/1541/KA Latimer House (trees) Awaiting decision

9.10 CH/2015/ 1593/FA 246 Botley Road Awaiting decision

10. Burial Ground

10.1 Quotes for tree surgery Clerk tabled 2 quotes received from P Empson and J&D Clark. Proposed by RS, seconded by BP, agreed by all to proceed with P Empson. Clerk to organise.

10.2 Bins Clerk explained that wheelie bins had to be removed. CDC has placed a normal litter bin by the notice board for all rubbish (green and black).

10.3 P Evans gate Plan to get this replaced in October.

10.4 Hedges Chiltern Society has agreed to return in the Autumn to trim hedges (one Wed or Thurs in Oct/Nov from 10-1.00). Clerk to liaise with CS volunteers.

10.5 Revised wording ‘Information relating to purchase of Exclusive Right of Burial in Tylers Hill Burial Ground’ JH has redrafted this. Agreed and approved by all.

10.6 Memorial application Ref Mrs J Richardson. Approved and signed by RS.

10.7 Plot purchaseMr & Mrs A Garth. Received and signed by BP and Clerk.

Thanks were expressed to AB for all her hard work organising the refurbishment of the gates, hut and bench.

11. Reports+Correspondence

11.1 Road naming Clerk/BP/KP/NL met with D Stowe and D Cole on 7 Sep. Now moving forward.

12. AOB

  • LS will get phone box removed. Clerk to send her email for BCC ROW Officer
  • JD mentioned gullies, war memorial & water leak by Old Rectory in Latimer. BP to contact LAT. PC will support Best Kept Village application but will need a resident from Latimer to lead on this

13. Date of next meeting: Note changeWednesday 14th October, 7.15pm, Ley Hill Memorial Hall (rear committee room)

The meeting closed at 9.30pm
