City of Cranbrook
Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on Monday,February 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, 40-10th Avenue South, Cranbrook, BC.
PRESENT: / Mayor W. Stetski
Councillor S. Cross
Councillor A. Davis
Councillor D. Pallesen
Councillor D. Scott
Councillor G. Warner
Councillor B. Whetham
IN ATTENDANCE: / W. Pearce, Chief Administrative Officer
R. Hales, Director of Corporate Services
W. Staudt, Director of Finance & Computer Services
D. Harvie, Deputy Director of Engineering
C. Zettel, Corporate Communications Officer
M. Dueck, Municipal Clerk
R. Veg, Community Planner
R. Price, Community Planner
CALL TO ORDER: / Mayor Stetski called the Regular Council Meeting to Order at 4:00 p.m.
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/ Moved by Councillor Cross and seconded
057-12 / THAT in accordance with Section 90 of the Community Charter the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, February 6, 2012, commencing at 4:00 p.m. is to be closed on the basis that the subject matters relate to Sections 90(1)(e), 90(1)(i), 90(1)(j), and 90(1)(k) specifically tothe acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; information that is prohibited, or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited, from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages.
Carried Unanimously.


/ Mayor Stetski reconvened the Regular Council meeting in Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m.


/ Nil


/ Mayor Stetski presented George Georgopoulos with a commemorative clock in recognition of 30 years of service in support of the Cranbrook Seniors Christmas Dinner.
Mayor Stetski presented FJ Hurtak with a plaque in recognition of 30 years of service in support of the Cranbrook Seniors Christmas Dinner.
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FEB 6/11

/ Mayor Stetski noted the following items for the agenda:
Item (9.7) Correspondence from Fred Mehl, Director, Shadow Mountain received January 25, 2012 re: Information on Golf Taxation
Item (9.8) Correspondence from Neil Cook, President, Cranbrook and District Community Foundation received February 1, 2012 re: Request for Grant in Aid for Cranbrook Homeless Shelter
Item (10.4) Business Arising – additional information – RDEK 5 Year Financial Plan Weed Control Operating Revenue
Item (12.7) New Business - Report Recommendation from the Economic Development Office re: Letter of Intent with the City of Taicang, China as part of the Asia Pacific Twinning Initiative
Item (12.8) New Business - Report Recommendation from the Finance and Computer Services Department re: Military Training Exercise – Canadian Rockies International Airport
Moved by Councillor Whetham and seconded
058-12 / THAT the Agenda of the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, February 6, 2012 be adopted as amended.
Carried Unanimously.
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JAN 23/11 / Moved by Councillor Warner and seconded
059-12 / THAT the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, January 23, 2012 be adopted.
Carried Unanimously.
BYL #3737 / City of Cranbrook Zoning Bylaw No. 3737, 2012
Postponed to February 20, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
BYL # 3739 / City of Cranbrook Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3739, 2012 (Slaterville Community Plan)
Postponed to February 20, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
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/ Moved by Councillor Pallesen and seconded
060-12 / THAT Corporal Pat Prefontaine, Operations NCO, Cranbrook Detachment, RCMP be heard as a delegation regarding Mayor’s Report 4th Quarter 2011; and further, that Chris Dadson, President, Wendy Van Puymbroeck, Manager, Partnership Marketing, and Emilie Cayer-Huard, Community Development Specialist, Kootenay Rockies Tourism be heard as a delegation regarding Tourism in BC; and further, that Jennifer Krotz, Columbia Basin Trust be heard as a delegation regarding CBT Grants at a Glance; and further, that Sioux Browning and Linda Holmes, Cranbrook and District Arts Council be heard as a delegation regarding Fire Hall Arts Centre/Funding Request/Summer Concert-in-the Park Series.
Carried Unanimously.
Mayor Stetski welcomed the delegation to the meeting.
MAYOR’S REPORT 4TH QUARTER 2011 / Corporal Pat Prefontaine, Operations NCO, RCMP introduced Sergeant Brendan McKenna, who has been transferred to the Cranbrook Detachment as the Operational NCO and provided a verbal update to Council on the year-to-date activities of the RCMP Detachment. He reviewed the Detachment statistics for the 4th quarter of 2011 noting the variances in the total calls for service between 2010 and 2011.
Corporal Prefontaine provided an update to the 2011/2012 Business plan and responded to general inquiries from Council.
Councillor Warner inquired whether Constable Bryden Hennessey was the officer involved in the recent incident in the media. Inspector Edmondson confirmed that he was and that Mr. Hennessey had since resigned from the RCMP.
Mayor Stetski thanked the delegation for the presentation.
Mayor Stetski welcomed the delegation to the meeting.
TOURISM BC / Chris Dadson, President, Kootenay Rockies Tourism made an electronic presentation to Council regarding the state of tourism in BC and a review of the revenues generated by tourism in the region. C. Dadson reviewed the Kootenay Rockies Tourism organization, its mandate, marketing structure, tourism revenue and the various programs and initiatives available including new smartphone apps.
Members of Council had general comments and questions for the delegation.
Mayor Stetski thanked the delegation for the presentation.
J. Krotz, Columbia Basin Trust did not appear as a delegation before Council.
Mayor Stetski welcomed the delegation to the meeting.
FIRE HALL ARTS CENTRE / Sioux Browning and Linda Holmes, Cranbrook and District Arts Council (CDAC)provided a brief overview for the proposal of the Fire Hall Arts Centre to Council including a request for partial funding for a feasibility study for the Fire Hall Proposal and a request for assistance with a summer concert-in-the-park series.
L. Holmes advised the Cranbrook and District Arts Council was requesting from Council a willingness to guarantee a shortfall of up to $5,000 towards the costs of the feasibility study, and noted that matching funds may be available. She also requested that Council confirm their willingness to partner on the project.
L. Holmes advised CDAC was planning to host a summer concert-in-the–park series and requested that Council waive or reduce the fees for the rental of the bandstand in Rotary Park; that City staff be responsible to clean up the park after each event, and that the City provide marketing assistance, including one mail out with the city utility billings. She advised the group was also seeking permission to string paper lanterns in the park for the events, with CDAC being responsible for hanging up and removal of the lanterns after each event.
Members of Council had general comments and inquiries for the delegation.
Mayor Stetski thanked the delegation for the presentation.
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DELEGATION – CHAMBER OF COMMERCE / Councillor Pallesen requested that the Cranbrook and District Chamber of Commerce be invited to a future Council meeting to provide an overview of current and future strategy.
Administration will extend an invitation to the Chamber of Commerce
READERBOARDS / Mayor Stetski inquired when information regarding reader- board signs would be coming forward to Council.
Administration advised a report will be on the agenda for the first regular meeting in March.
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/ W. Pearce reviewed the Administration Updates dated February 6,2012 regarding: Secondary Suites; Community Builder of the Year Award; Council Meeting DVD Recordings; Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System Improvement Program – Status; Cranbrook Fire and Emergency Services Training Program; Fire Services Summary – September 1 to December 31, 2011; Library Services – Board Officers; Five Year Anniversary; Freedom to Read Week, and Wheel Chair Lift at Cranbrook Seniors Hall.
Moved by Councillor Cross and seconded
061-12 / THAT Council receive the Administration Updates dated February 6, 2012.
Carried Unanimously.
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Moved by CouncillorWhetham and seconded
5th ANNUAL CHILD CARE AWARDS / 062-12 / THAT Council receive the correspondence from The Honourable Mary McNeil, Minister, Ministry of Children and Family Development dated January 23, 2012 regarding 5th Annual Child Care Awards of Excellence;
SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE TOUR / THAT Council receive the correspondence from David Humphrey received January 30, 2012 regarding Spray Irrigation Site Tour;
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Davis and seconded
ANIMAL HUSBANDRY IN CRANBROOK / 063-12 / THAT the correspondence from Sven Heyde received January 20, 2012 regarding Animal Husbandry in Cranbrook be referred to the Family and Community Services Committee.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Davis and seconded
6TH ANNUAL BUS. EXPO & CAREER FAIR / 064-12 / THAT Council receive the correspondence from Keith Powell, Publisher, Kootenay Business, Koocanusa Publications received January 19, 2012 regarding 6th Annual Business Expo and Career Fair; and further, that Council authorize Koocanusa Publications to provide free return bus passes to Mount Baker Students and job seekers for use 12:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Thursday, March 8, 2012 to attend the Career Fair at the College of the Rockies.”
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Scottand seconded
BC TRANSIT SERVICES / 065-12 / That Council receive the correspondence from Mike Davis, Chief Operating Officer, BC Transit dated January 25, 2012 regarding BC Transit Services; and further, that Council direct Administration to invite Mr. Kevin Schubert, Senior Regional Transit Manager, and Mr. John Darula, Cranbrook Transit Service Operator to a Special meeting of Council, date to be selected, to discuss Cranbrook transit services.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Whetham and seconded
KINSMEN/KINETTE DAY / 066-12 / That Council receive the correspondence from Anita Llewellyn, Membership Director/Public Relations Chairperson Kin Club of Cranbrook received January 5, 2012; and further, that Mayor and Council proclaim February 20, 2012 as “Kinsmen and Kinette Day”, and February 19-25, 2012 as “Kinsmen and Kinettes Week, A Celebration of Kinsmen and Kinettes in Canada”.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Scottand seconded
INFO. ON GOLF TAXATION S.MTN / 067-12 / That Council receive the correspondence from Fred Mehl, Director, Shadow Mountain received January 25, 2012 regarding Information on Golf Taxation for information.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by CouncillorPallesen and seconded
GRANT IN AID – S. ARMY HOMELESS SHELTER / 068-12 / That Council receive the correspondence from Neil Cook, President, Cranbrook and District Community Foundation received February 1, 2012 regarding Request for Grant in Aid for Cranbrook Homeless Shelter; and further, refer to Administration for review and report back to Council.
Carried Unanimously.
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SHAW CABLE REBROADCAST – COUNCIL MTGS. / Moved by CouncillorDavis and seconded
069-12 / WHEREAS the provision of TV rebroadcasting of the City Council meetings through Shaw Cable has been deteriorating for the past few years,
AND WHEREAS efforts have been made and such efforts have not been successful in transmitting these meetings to the public on a regular basis,
AND WHEREAS the City has spent thousands of dollars to ensure that council meetings are recorded in a manner suitable to Shaw Cable for rebroadcasting,
AND WHEREAS the presentation of City Council meetings, via Shaw, is a relied upon form of valued TV to a significant segment of the population, many of whom are seniors, shut- ins and those unable to attend council meetings.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Cranbrook provide to the CRTC a history of the inability of Shaw Cable to provide the service to the community and, noting in this presentation that Shaw Cable itself is identified corporately as a community organization but in the provision of this much relied upon feature they are either not able, or choose not to act in that capacity.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Davis and seconded
SIDEWALK SNOW CLEARING / 070-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the CAO/Public Works Department titled “Sidewalk Snow Clearing”; and further, that Council direct Administration to draft a Bylaw which will require property owners to clear snow and other debris from public sidewalks immediately adjacent to their property within a specified time following end of snow event.
Motion Defeated.
Moved by Mayor Stetski and seconded
071-12 / THAT Council accept the Report Recommendation from the CAO/Public Works Department titled “Sidewalk Snow Clearing” for information, not direct Administration to draft a Bylaw to require snow clearing of public sidewalks by adjacent private property owners, continue to encourage voluntary snow clearing through City advertising and maintain current City budget and policy direction on roads and sidewalk snow clearing; and further, that Administration identify a snow clearing plan within the current budget within the coming year to provide for continuous sidewalk plowing of select major routes, deleting small pieces currently being cleared which are scattered throughout the community.
Opposed: Councillor Scott
DCC BYL. UPDATE / Moved by Councillor Pallesen and seconded
072-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the Engineering Department titled “Development Cost Charge Bylaw Update” and further,that Council accept the attached municipal assist factor impact analysis for information and use for purposes of setting an assist factor for draft bylaw preparation and public participation purposes; and further, that the assist factor be set at 51%.
Moved by Councillor Davis and seconded
073-12 / THAT Council postpone consideration of the Development Cost Charge Bylaw Update to the Regular Meeting on February 20, 2012; and direct Administration to provide assist factors for comparable communities.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Davis and seconded
RESCIND 408-11 / 074-12 / THAT Council rescind resolution No. 408-11 regarding RDEK Bylaw Referral Bylaw No. 2343 Invasive Plant Management Program.
Opposed: Councillor Scott, Councillor Pallesen
RDEK BYL. INVASIVE PLANT / Moved by Councillor Whethamand seconded
075-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the Finance and Computer Services Department titled “RDEK Bylaw Referral – Invasive Plant Management Program”; and further, that Council consent to proposed RDEK Bylaw – Invasive Plant Management Program and direct Administration to include program in 2012 Budget and 5 Year Financial Plan.
Opposed: Councillor Scott, Councillor Pallesen
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Moved by Councillor Warner and seconded
NOTICE OF MOTION - TRAFFIC MGMT. / 076-12 / Whereas periodically members of Council receive recommendations, suggestions or complaints related to traffic management, and
Whereas Council has established the Cranbook in Motion Committee to consider traffic, transit and street signage issues, and to make recommendations to Council, and
Whereas Council normally refers such issues to the Committee for consideration,
Therefore be it resolved that Council refer the following issues to the Cranbrook in Motion Committee for the Committee’s consideration and recommendations back to Council at a future meeting prior to end of May, 2012:
  • Full traffic and pedestrian control signals at 11th Avenue South and 2nd Street South
  • Improved directional signage (form, location, budget source) for the existing municipal campground
  • Promotional/directional signage (form, location, budget source) for the Farmer’s Market
  • Consideration of designing 8th Avenue and 9th Avenue (and/or others) into one way streets to create angle parking
  • Program traffic control lights on Victoria Avenue (Highway 3 to 2nd St. N. or further) to flash green from late evening to early morning (cross streets flash red).
  • Hwy 3/Victoria Avenue Intersection
  • Victoria Avenue and 13th Street Intersection

Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Davisand seconded
‘TODAY IN AMERICA’ / 077-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the Corporate Communications/Economic Development Offices titled “Proposed City Promotion Segment ‘Today in America’”; and further, that Council not endorse participation by the City of Cranbrook in the “Today in America” television segment production at a production cost of approximately $24,800.00 and further; that Council direct Administration to contact the “Today in America” producers and respectfully decline the City of Cranbrook’s participation.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Whethamand seconded
DEV. VAR. PERMIT NORTH STAR MOTORS / 078-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the Corporate Services Department titled “Development Variance Permit Front yard setback for Northstar Motors Ltd. 1900 Cranbrook Street N. - Lot B, Plan NEP 23001, D.L. 24, K.D.”; and further, that Council approve the application for a Development Variance Permit for the relaxation of Section 7.15 (.4)(a)(i) of the “City of Cranbrook Zoning Bylaw No. 3100” to decrease the minimum required front-yard setback from 7.5 m to 6.0 m for a proposed quick oil-change development on property legally described as Lot B, Plan NEP 23001, District Lot 24, Kootenay District (PID 023-391-073), consistent with the application and plans submitted.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Scott and seconded
HWY D.P. NORTHSTAR MOTORS / 079-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the Corporate Services Department titled “Highway Corridor Commercial Development Permit – Northstar Motors Ltd. 1816 & 1900 Cranbrook Street N. Lots A & B, Plan NEP 23001, D.L. 24, K.D.; and further, that subject to Council’s approval of the associated Development Variance Permit application for the property, Council approve this application for a Highway Corridor Commercial Development Permit to enable the construction of proposed additions to existing buildings on properties legally described as Lots A & B, Plan NEP 23001, District Lot 24, Kootenay District (PIDs 023-391-065 & 023-391-073 respectively), consistent with the application and plans submitted.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Scott and seconded
COMM. D.P. COMMUNITY CONNECT. SOC. / 080-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the Corporate Services Department titled “Downtown Commercial Development Permit Façade Renovations Community Connections Society of Southeast BC16-12th Avenue North, Lot 3, Plan 5926, D.L. 5, K.D. and Lots 16, 17, 18, & 19, Block 97, Plan 669, D.L. 5, K.D.; and further, That Council approve the application for a Downtown Commercial Development Permit to enable exterior façade renovations of a building located on property legally described as Lot 3, Plan 5926, District Lot 5, Kootenay District (PID-014-351-145) , and Lots 16, 17, 18, & 19, Block 97, Plan 669, District Lot 5, Kootenay District (PID-009-116-869) (PID-009-116-923) (PID-007-765-941) (PID-007-765-959), consistent with the application and plans submitted.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Whetham and seconded
RESPONSE BOUNDARY ADJ. / 081-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the Fire and Emergency Services Department titled “Response Boundary Adjustment”; and further, that Council approve the addition of Hwy 95A and Highway 3 & 95 & adjacent public lands, in the immediate vicinity of the north entrance overpass and as indicated on the enclosed map, to the Cranbrook Fire & Emergency Services response area.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Scott and seconded
LETT. OF INTENT – TAICANG, CHINA / 082-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the Economic Development Office titled “Letter of Intent with the City of Taicang, China as part of the Asia Pacific Twinning Initiative; and further, that Council authorize Administration to sign “The Letter of Intent between the City of Taicang, Jiangsu Province of the People’s Republic of China and the City of Cranbrook, British Columbia Province of Canada on the Establishment of Friendly City Exchange Relationship”, and further,that should a similar request be made by the City of Wonju, Republic of Korea, during Administration’s time in Wonju that Council authorize Administration to sign such document with the City of Wonju on behalf of the City of Cranbrook.
Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Councillor Pallesen and seconded
MILITARY TRAINING EXERCISE / 083-12 / THAT Council receive the Report Recommendation from the Finance and Computer Services Department titled “Military Training Exercise – Canadian Rockies International Airport”; and further, That Council approve a Licence Agreement between the City of Cranbrook and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada for use of City land at the Canadian Rockies International Airport for a military training exercise from 1000hrs February 24, 2012 to 1200hrs February 26, 2012; and further, that the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to sign the necessary documents.
Carried Unanimously.
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