State of Israel

Ministry of Education

Pedagogical Affairs

Language Department

Teaching English and Diplomacy and International Communication in English

FAQs Regarding the Literature Bulletin

October, 2015
Question / Answer
Are the 11th graders of this year eligible for the internal exam made up by teachers? / Yes.
Does the exam the teacher writes have to include all the six literary pieces? / The students have to study the required number of literary texts and HOTS and the teacher decides which to test. It should follow the format of the Bagrut exams in Literature (Table of Specifications in the Revised Literature Handbook).
Will there be random sampling as in the past for the Unit Logs? / Yes. The random sampling will be according to what is written in the Revised Literature Handbook.
Will teachers be allowed to choose the option of having their pupils take the Bagrut exam written by machon Szold (which the mishne pupils take)? If yes, will the teachers mark the exams? / No. This year 11th grade students can only be tested on an exam written and marked by the teachers. 12th grade students will be taking the Bagrut exam written by Szold and the exam will be marked by Bagrut markers.
Will teachers be paid for writing/checking the internal exams? / No. This is true for all subjects.
Will the written exams be checked by inspectors (before they are given as tests)? If so, when will they have to be ready? / The English Inspectorate will be providing criteria for the writing of the exams. They will not be checked by the Inspectors before they are given to the students. However, as with the Unit Logs, there will be random sampling according to the guidelines in the Revised Literature Handbook.
October, 2015 (continued)
Question / Answer
What does it mean to report "only one grade" for the Log? Which grade? / Last year it was required to write 7-8 grades for the Unit Logs. This year only one final grade needs to be written, according to the guidelines in the Revised Literature Handbook.
“Meaningful learning” (namely the Literature module) was supposed to be 30% of the final grade, yet it is written that “for school-based assessment” (26%). Which is the correct one? / For English it is 26%.
If our school opts for the exam, can we teach and test any approved pieces from the TLC list? In other words, can we teach our log pieces? / Yes. As long as they are approved texts you can teach them and test the students on them.
Can each teacher decide whether she wants to do the exam or the Unit Logs? / Yes.
How can I get information about making the school planned initiative? / Details will soon be posted on the site of the English Inspectorate.
Our school is doing the exam rather than the Unit Logs. Our question is whether this year, 2015-16, we will be writing our own literature exam in the Bagrut format. That is, will the exam be on the same chosen pieces that we were supposed to be tested on in the official Bagrut F and D exams? / Yes. For students in the 11th grade, you will be writing your own exam in the Bagrut format. However, you can choose which literary texts you want to teach, as long as they have been approved.
So now does every teacher write his own module D/F Bagrut test? / The teacher/English staff can choose either to do the Unit Logs, the test, or to write a different literature program. If a teacher chooses the test option, s/he writes her/his own exam.
We are three teachers in the 12th grade, five-point level. Do the three of us have to come up with the same test? / This year, students in the 12th grade will be taking the external Szold Literature Bagrut exam.
For the literature initiative, will we be able to do fewer pieces and complete all work in one year as other subjects do? / You cannot teach fewer pieces. Also, it is necessary to include the integration of the HOTS. It is highly recommended that the literature program NOT be completed in one year.
The program must receive the recommendation of the regional English Inspector as well as the approval of the accompanying committee (ועדה המלווה) of the school.​
October, 2015 (continued)
Question / Answer
For this year, our advanced group is taking the literature exam in the 11th grade as always. How are they going to be tested? Do we get an exam for the literature from the Inspectorate in the Ministry of Education or do we have to write our own exam? / Since the program started last year, students who are in the 11th grade this year will do the school-based assessment exam. That is, an exam that is written and checked by the English staff.
The advanced group is considered special groups so when can they start taking their Bagrut exams? / According to the Hozer Mafmar, which is based on the policy of the Ministry of Education, students who are now in the 11th grade can take their Bagrut exams starting in moed summer of the 11th grade.
There has been a question about a change in the value of the external test and the annual grade (magen). In the past the final Bagrut grade was the average of the two grades - 50/50. / According to the Bagrut reforms for all subjects, the final grade for ALL external exams will be calculated as follows: 70% of the grade of the exam and 30% of the annual grade (magen). For English, this is relevant for modules A, C, E and G.
According to the Hozer Mafmar, 12th grade students do same format as last year but what about length of exams for them. I understood from the Table of Specifications that these modules are longer. Is that for 12th graders this winter? / The new times of the length of the exams are for all modules, old and new, starting this winter.
Will there be ANY changes for the 12th graders of this school year (2015-2016)? / The only change for 12th graders is that for some of the modules, the length of the exams will be longer.
What's the difference between a Log and an exam now, since teachers also prepare the exam and teaching process is the same? / The learning process is the same. The difference is in how the students are assessed.
Will the calculation of the literature program of both (exam and Log) be the same now since teachers are preparing the exams and teaching process is the same? / This information can be found in the Revised Literature Handbook.
Will the Literature Bagrut exam have the same regulations as before?
- an official date of exam
- external משגיחים / No. The school decides when to have the exam and it is done in class with the English teacher present.
October, 2015 (continued)
Question / Answer
Will there be moed bet for the internal Literature exams? / There is no moed bet for school-based assessment.
Since teachers prepare exams now, will module B change (Log/exam)? / No. For module B there is only the option of the Unit Logs.
Can I teach my three-point students a piece that is approved for the 4-point program? / In principle you can as long as the literary piece is approved and is not too difficult for your three-point students.
In the Hozer Mafmar it is written: "When the Unit Log is finished and graded (for 10th and 11th graders), it is no longer kept in a complete Log the way it was in the past." Does this mean we do not have to keep any samples of unit logs at school? / It is correct that students' work is no longer kept in a complete Log the way it was in the past (and is still true for 12th graders this year), however, teachers MUST keep three different samples of unit logs that represent three levels (above average, average, below average) on each literary piece taught for each class. Details can be found in the Revised Literature Handbook.
If a student wants to move from 3 to 4 points level exam without the risk of losing his eligibility for a Bagrut certificate, can he first finish the 3 point modules + the Oral exam for 3 points (internal) and then move ahead and do modules D and E + 4 point- Oral exam (external)? / Yes. Students can move from one level to a higher level. If a student wants to get to the four-point level after graduating, s/he will take modules D and E.
There is no oral exam for students who have graduated high school.
Can Tov and Mabar students be tested in the winter moed, in the 11th grade? / Yes, three-point students who are in the 11th grade can be tested in the winter moed.
Do 11th graders taking modules A or C this year do the old format or the new format? / 11th graders do the new format of modules A and C.