35th Thames Traditional Boat Rally 2013

Fawley Meadows

Henley 0n Thames

Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July


The TVBC committee are looking forward to meeting club members,

longstanding and new, with or without their boats.

As usual there will be our two TVBC sail-pasts on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, starting at 15.30 and 15.00 respectively.

It would be great if every single TVBC boat going to the Rally this year could take part in our

sail-pasts as they’re always one of the major spectacles of the Trad Boat Rally.

This year there will be an additional ‘Queen’s Pageant Sail Past’ on both days, for boats that took part in the Jubilee pageant. You’ll have another opportunity to proudly fly your pageant flag (as well as the TVBC burgee).

There is also the usual spectacular illuminated sail-past on Saturday evening – the most creatively dressed boat wins a trophy which is presented on Sunday afternoon.

To sign up for the sail-pasts and obtain instructions about them, please visit the admin tent just behind the commentary tent where details of your boat will also be taken for the sail-past commentaries.

Details of the TVBC sail-pasts will also be displayed outside the TVBC tent.

For every sail-past please fly the club burgee – they’ll be on sale in the TVBC tent if you need one.

Please also arrive at the Rally flying your club burgee.

The TVBC tent

We need volunteers to help man the TVBC tent for one hour periods. Please call in at the tent to be put on the rota. It’s not a chore – more a chance to sit down, have a cup of tea and a chat about boats! We’ll also be selling a selection of TVBC clothing and insignia. If you’re unable to help, for whatever reason, please do pop in anyway – we’re looking forward to meeting you and having a chat.

TVBC Barbecue - Sunday

All members and their guests are warmly invited to the TVBC BBQ on Sunday evening. This is a well established and very popular event in our social calendar. It starts at 7pm at the club’s gazebos. Please bring your own food and drink, chairs and tables. We’ll provide the equipment and fuel.

This will be an extra special occasion this year as we will be celebrating TVBC’s 30th year!

TVBC Upriver Cruise – Monday

If you’re planning to stay on longer in Henley and would like to join our informal upriver cruise on Monday 22nd July, please add your name and the name of your boat to the list in the TVBC tent.

This is always a very enjoyable weekend – we hope to see you there!

Theresa Scrutton on behalf of the TVBC Committee