Terms of Reference for the South-West Lincolnshire Dementia Action Alliance

  1. Dementia Action Alliance Background.

Dementia Action Alliance is made up of over 100 organisations committed totransforming the quality of life of people living with dementia in the UK, and the millions of people who care for them. The East Midlands Regional Board and Local Alliances aim to transform the quality of life of people with dementia and their carers through delivering on their action plans.

Members of Dementia Action Alliance sign up to a National Dementia Declaration with the objective of developing their community into a local Dementia Friendly Community. The Declaration explains the huge challenges presented to our society by dementia, and some of the outcomes we are seeking to achieve for people with dementia and their carers. Outcomes range from ensuring people with dementia have choice and control over decisions about their lives to feeling a valued part of family, community, and civic life.

  1. South-West Lincolnshire Dementia Action Alliance (SWLDAA).

Aim: To ensure that people living with dementia and their carers feel a valued part of family, community and civic life.


  • To recognise the diversity of organisations needed to support people with dementia and their carers in South-West Lincolnshire.
  • To recognise and respond to local patient and carer needs as best we can.
  • To consult and involve people with dementia and their carers in the work of the SWLDAA.
  • To work towards South West Lincolnshire becoming a Dementia Friendly Community.
  • To encourage 20+ members from all sectors to join the DAA within the first year.
  • To share information, resources, opportunities, and best practice amongst members.
  • To encourage local participation in the Dementia Friends initiative, particularly by providing more opportunities locally.
  • To link with other local DAAs to consider joint ventures which would benefit the residents of South West Lincolnshire.
  1. Membership of SWLDAA.

Membership will comprise local organisations from any sector, or individuals, with an interest in supporting the work of SWLDAA. A list of member organisations can be found in Appendix A.

Every member of the SWLDAA is expected to support the principles of the National Dementia Declaration, and to submit an action plansetting out their work and contributions, which will appear on the SWLDAA website. Additionally, the SWLDAA will produce an overarching action plan to ensure the overall aim and objectives are to be achieved. The action plans of individual member organisations will also help feed into the SWLDAA’s overarching plan.

There are a number of commercial organisations in the SWLDAA and the Alliance will be looking to expand the range of commercial organisations.If any member of the SWLDAA has serious concerns about an organisation being a member, they should raise the concerns with the Chair. If issues cannot be resolved a small sub group will be convened to discuss the concerns raised.

Each member of the SWLDAA can promote their work through the Alliance but the purpose of the SWLDAA is to create an arena where collaboration and joint action can develop. Therefore members can promote their work within meetings and communications (particularly via quarterly and annual reports). However, the Allianceshould not be seen as an opportunity by members to strongly market products or services. The Alliance will not be an opportunity to challenge activity of othermembers or be used as a forum to express personal experiences. There areprocesses and opportunities external to the Alliance for this to take place. The Alliance will be a safe haven based on trust and respect of members giving them the opportunity to discuss.

Members will be invited to attend all meetings, and expected to commit to attend, or send a suitable representative from their organisation, or a written update prior to the meeting.

  1. Meetings of the SWLDAA.
  • The SWLDAA will meet bi-monthly for the first year, there after quarterly.
  • 7 members will represent quorum at meetings.
  • In the initial set up stage South West Lincolnshire CCG have agreed to act as Interim Chair and Interim Secretary providing agenda and minutes, working towards handing over responsibilities within the first year. Thereafter the committee will decide on future chairing and administrative arrangements
  • Meetings will be used to provide an opportunity for partners to update on action plans and identify opportunities to deliver outcomes in partnership.
  • The SWLDAA will invite speakers or agree task and finish groups to progress actions as needed.
  • Arrangements for meetings will be reviewed on an annual basis.
  1. Reporting mechanisms.

The SWLDAA will produce an annual report to be shared regionally and nationally, and will liaise and work with regional and national groups to ensure good communication.

  1. Review date.

The terms of reference will be reviewed on an annual basis.

Last Review – 24th November 2017.

Next Review – 14th December 2018.