*Adapted from SAIT’s Program Success Plan

School Retention Plan & Self-Assessment ChecklistJune 2013

  1. Tracking student enrolment during the semesters of the program.

Purpose: to track student progress in order to better understand student challenges & better support students through to graduation or by transferring to a more appropriate program of study as part of overall Strategic Enrolment Management efforts.

(See Retention Plan template & Trending Sample)


  1. How do you and your faculty identify at-risk students at the beginning of and throughout the semester? (check-off one or more)

Students on academic probation

Frequent absenteeism

Continuously poor test results

Disruptive or inappropriate behavior

Sudden drop in grades

Literacy and numeracy challenges

Students at risk of failure after midterms

Career uncertainty

Repeated request for special considerations

Interface with Mohawk’s early alert software tool

Other (specify)


Comment on lessons learned from the use of these strategies and briefly outline your plans for moving forward.


  1. How do you and your faculty support/assist students that have been identified as at-risk? (check-off one or more)

Meet one on one with the students (regularly or when required)

Use performance contracts like the Student Success Plan

Use referral forms, lists or emails that direct students to services

Direct students to the Learning Resource Centre

Direct students to the Library

Inform students about athletics, recreation and activities on campus

Direct first year students to the Start Smart orientation program

Direct first year students to the Student Success Advisor

Recommend workshop attendance

Personally connect students to the needed support resources

Direct students to Counselling & Accessible Learning Services

Inform student about mentoring or peer services

Offer extra academic assistance on the course material

Offer study groups or online chats

Connect students to other students in class/program

Other (specify)


Comment on lessons learned from the use of these strategies and briefly outline your plans for moving forward.


  1. What methods do you and your faculty use to raise the awareness of students and other employees in your school about the resources available to support students? (check-off one or more)

Bring to the attention of all stakeholders, the Resource calendar (in hard

copy and on-line)

Reference resources in the course outlines, program guide etc.

Regularly guide/prompt student to be aware of the wide array of student resources.

Have workshops presented to your students and faculty/staff on the available


Reference Make Your Mark materials with students

Have information provided during student Orientation

Other (specify)


Comment on lessons learned from the use of these strategies and briefly outline your plans for moving forward.


  1. What strategies are you and your faculty using to increase the awareness of student retention initiatives within the program management (Leadership) team? (check-off one or more)

Student retention is an agenda item on all program meetings

There is a sub-committee of program faculty dedicated to assessing and making

recommendations about student retention initiatives

Student enrolment in the programs is monitored closely and discussed on a regular basis at meetings

Faculty participate in an “identify at-risk students” activities with Student Success advisor

Associate Dean & Program Coordinators requestsinformation about retention on an ongoing basis & shares with the team.

Study the patterns and reasons for student withdrawals/early leavers from your program

Use program KPI and Survey on teaching to understand retention trends.

Other (specify)


Comment on lessons learned from the use of these strategies and briefly outline your plans for moving forward.


  1. Tracking students on academic probation during the semesters

Background: It is important to provide brief comments that help you understand the context for the data entered below. For example, some (an actual number) of the students on academic probation attended Back on Track program and were successful in moving off probation.

Understanding promotion status

Semester One
First year students / Semester three
Second year students / Comments
Number of students on academic probation
Semester two
First year students / Semester four
Second year students / Comments
Number of students on academic probation
  1. What strategies have you and your faculty used to support the students on academic probation? (check-off one or more)

Keep accurate and up to date records on these students

Emailed students: ie. Tips for Students on Academic Probation

Meet with these students and build a Student Success Plan with them

Keep in touch with these students by regular meetings

Keep in touch with these students by email

Refer students to the appropriate resources

Match students with a faculty advisor or other mentor (if applicable)

Students directed to a college workshops



Comment on lessons learned from the use of these strategies and briefly outline your plans for moving forward.


Program Success Plan Academic Development

Academic Excellence Facilitator Adapted from SAIT