2015 SAMPE Rulebook: South African Model Parachutist Enthusiasts




10.1 Definitions...... 3

10.1.1. Definition of a parachute...... 3

10.1.2. Definition of an official jump……...... 3

10.1.3. Definition of an illegal jump ...... 3

10.1.4. Definition game zone ANNEX IV.A...... 3

10.1.5. Definition of a competition. ANNEX IV.B...... 3

10.2 Technical conditions skydiver…………………...... 5

10.3. Contest jury...... 6

10.4. Match Scheme. ANNEX II.C...... 6

10.5. Judging...... 7


10.1.1. Definitionofa radio controlledskydiver. skydiverisa radio controlledobject withtheappearanceofahumanskydiver.

1.Theheadlookslike ahuman head.
3.Theparachutistwearsan overall.
4.Theparachutistwearingaparachuteharness. It maybesewn on. chuteis seen asone unit.

10.1.2. Definition of anofficial jump: the startofaround ofjumpingwith atowingdevicebroughtto the participantdirection andon acompetitorwanted level(with due regard tolocal rules andrestrictions). the call of"omissionNOW" disconnected by the towing pilot the skydiverfromthetowingaircraft. Whentheskydiverleavesthe planeclearly visibleto the call of"omissionNOW"thenapplytheleadthanbecaughtand judged. timejumpingroundthatbe.

10.1.3. Definition of aninvalidjump: thatnot to thepointin10.1.2. describeddefinitionoccursis an invalidjump. a 2ndperson inthe managementoftheskydiverisnot allowed.

10.1.4. Definitiongamezone. See ANNEXIV.A. gamezoneis anarea consisting of an8-angular range of atleast25metersradius;center positionedwithinis thegamecircle.

TheCompetition leadersmayforsafetyreasonsdecideto determinetheperformance areais smaller, providedthatthelimit ofthezoneis at leastfivemeters fromtheedge ofthegame-circle. gamecircleisthe circlethat serves astarget. The gamecirclehasa diameterof10meters. Thecenterismarked. From the center, every meter is marked withaline. windsectorisindicated with a90-degree angleto showthewind direction. This windsectoris indicatedbybarrier tape/candy tapein the circle. Thecirclereferee(s) orthemeasurementteamwillensure thatthe windsectorisadapted to theprevailingwind direction. Byrapidlyrotatingwindthere could be asectorof360degrees that aresetby theCompetition leaders.

10.1.5. Definitiongame. ANNEXIV.B. classified ina jumpinground, or not separated bya pause. Ajumproundtakesup to 30minutes.TheCompetition leadersmaydeviate from thistimeprovidedthatit is applicable forall participants’and madeknownto them. is the numberof flightsthat is necessaryin order toallowall participantsto makeat leastone jump. be atleastonefullround ofjumps madetolet thegame resultasvalid forthe championship. leadersdetermine beforehandon the basisofthenumber ofparticipantsthe amountof jump rounds tobethere/done. make a validleap,werelyon a competitorto be 30minutesat disposalfrom the momentthebeginning ofthejumpround is announcedby theCompetition leaders. ( determinedatequal frequenciesby thegameleader, taking into account theavailable frequencies. enter a game, but onlyonetime. the startofeach game,4test jumps arecarriedout todetermine wheretheoutlets for the skydivers havefoundto take place,taking into account localconditions. withat his disposalfollowingtowingaircraftbe broughtup to height. Theparticipantcan be atowaircraft pilotto beawarded by theCompetition leaders. be accompaniedbyoneperson to thejumpcircle. Thereafterthehelpermust visibleturnoff away from thegamearea. thestartingorderisdetermined by thegameleader, the participantdetermine on his own whenhe is withinajumpround hisjump leapwith theunderstandingthat hecan onlystart as soon as ajump judge is available. can be multipleparticipantssimultaneouslymakinga jump, provided theparticipants have with to theirdisposal ofajump judge. judgestands byat the disposalofa participantfrom the momenttheparticipantsubmits itsappraisaltothe freejump judge, untilthe moment theskydiverlanded. fallbeginwhentheskydiverclearly visibleget off the planeand continues untilthemoment whentheparachuteleft thebackpack. landinghappensinto the winddirection. In addition, theparachuteshould be facing turnedinagainstthe wind. The skydiverclearly visiblewiththefeetfirst touchestheground. ofa technical failureat thetransmitterand/orreceiverand/ormechanismoftheskydiver thereisnoretry ofthejump. organizer has theobligationto makeadequatetowingaircraftandtowing pilotsavailable to ensurethe match run smoothly. combustionenginesused bythetowingaircraftshall notexceedthespotprevailingnoise standard. Joker rule.

The participants haveonce in a competition the possibility to use a wildcard. Use of the joker means that the jump may be repeated if to below condition have been met.

 Skydiver is unhooked from the aircraft

 The main parachute left the backpack

 The skydiver is not controllable

The participant gives as quickly as possible after the opening of the parachute to the jump referee that he wants to use the Joker. Once the participant pass to use the Joker will it lead not be judged on. It is not possible the withdrawal of the Joker


10.2.1.Skydiverand screencount asone unit.

10.2.2.Theabsolutemaximum weightfora skydiveris1,7kg.

10.2.3.Theparachutistmust be rigged/provided withasafetymechanism to preventthe uncontrolledopening oftheparachute. If there isnosecuritypresent, the skydiveris excluded from participation. Before the startofthegame, the operationis displayed to theCompetition leadersandhangedon request of thetowing pilotbeforeit is hangedunderthetow aircraft. See AppendixIVB.

10.2.4.When there is asafety linedeployedthismaynot be longer than30cm. Mustbe established thatthesesafety lineswork underanangleof20 to90degrees andin a circleof360degrees.

10.2.5.Theparachutistshoulddo aclearfree fallinfree fallis controllableandmeet the minimumrequirements set out inthese rules.

10.2.6.Theuse ofan acousticsignal / “lost model alarm”in or ontheskydiverfor therecoveryin the event of a drift away parachutisthas happened.

10.2.7.Ribbonsand flagsfitted tothe skydiveror parachuteduring thegameare not allowed.

10.2.8.Thefollowing frequenciesareavailableexclusivelyfor use bythetowing pilotsandtherefore notto beusedforparatroopers:
In the 35 MHz band Spot 61 (35.010), 63 (35.030), 65 (35.050), 76 (35.160), 78 (35.180), 80 (35.200) en 82 (35.220).
Maythere be enough emptyfrequencieson hand, the game leader canwardoffthisgamedecision.

10.2.9.Theparticipant may, withthe exception of theparachute, defective parts oftheskydiverreplacedprovided thattheskydiverremains andmeet the technicalrequirements.

10.2.10.Eachparticipant, excluding 2.4GHz, are required to haveasecondpair ofquartz crystalsto his disposal atthegame, at the requestoftheCompetition leadersafrequency changeonhisparachutistmust be executed.

10.2.11.Before and/orduring the contest, the skydivercould be inspected bytheCompetition leadersto make sure that the jumper conforms to therequirements specified inthese rules. If requirementsduring the competition are not met, disqualificationfollows.

10.2.12.FPV(First Person View)used during thegame isnot allowed.

10.3. ContestJury

Theorganizershall, before thestart ofthegame, make acontestjuryknown. Thisconsists of aJump Judge, aCircle Judgeanda MeasuringTeam,preferablynot a participant inthe competition, and may notbelong to theCompetition leaders.
TheJump Judgeevaluatestheoveralllead oftheparticipant. Perparticipantis1Jump judgeresponsible forassessingthe jump.
TheCircle Judgeevaluatesthefinal phaseofthe jump(landing withfeet first, from winddirectionandfirstgroundcontact).
TheMeasureTeam supports theteamCircle Judgein assessingthefirstgroundcontactand measure thedistance tothe center.

10.4. MatchScheme. ANNEXII.C.

10.4.1.The gamecirclemay onlybeenteredby theCircle JudgeandtheMeasurementTeam.

10.4.2.Intheperformance area is allowed only theparticipantsin the competitionroundsandthejudgespresent.Helpersareallowed only fortheguidance oftheparticipantto the gamecircle. Thereafter they shouldremove themselvesclearly visiblefromthegamezone. They are alsosubject totheinstructions of theCompetition leaders.

10.4.3.Theparticipantshall notbe disturbedin sightandlibertyallowedby presentofficialsof one oftheinnerzone. Iftheparticipantfindsthat he/sheexperienced hindranceof one oftheofficials, he/she willimmediatelygivethejump judge notice.

10.4.4.TugAircraftmay onlybe startedfromthesomarked area.

10.4.5.Theskydiverafter the start ofaround ofjumpingbrought with atowingdevice into aparticipant’sdesireddirectionandbroughtto by the participantdesiredheight(it is according to localrulesand restrictions).

10.4.6.To the call of"omissionNOW" disconnected by the participant, the skydiverfromthetowingaircraft. Whentheskydiver leave theaircraftvisibleafter the call of"omissionNOW"then startsthefree fall.

10.4.7.After a successfuljumpthejumper ishanded over byone ofthe dedicatedpersonsto get thejumperorget thejumper fromthecircle judge,to collect his jumper.The pilotmay only enter the circle after the expresscommandto enter thecontestcircle.
10.4.8.The competitordecides whenin ajumpround, when hisjump is performed,unlessthegameleaderdetermined astarting sequence.Askydivershouldbelandedin thelapofthejumptime available.
Ifthis is notthe case,the jumpis appreciatedasinvalid.

10.5. Review/ Judging

10.5.1. The skydiveris aradio controlled object withtheappearanceofahumanskydiver.

1.Theheadlookslike ahuman head.(150)
3.Theparachutistwears an overall.(150)
4.The parachutist wearing a parachute harness. It may be sewn on.(150)

Note:150penalty pointsperpartin thefinalrating is applicable.
A total of450penalty points in thefinalgrade.

10.5.2.Theparticipantisclearly visible outside thegamecircle.

If theparticipantduringthe jumpgame touches the circlethen itis punishableby 100points.

10.5.3. Anofficial jump.
Theskydiverafter the start ofaround ofjumpingwith atowingdevice brought into a desired directionand height of theparticipantaccording to localrulesand restrictions.
To the call of"omissionNOW"theparachutistmustbe disconnected fromthetowplane andthere must be aclearfree-fallrun.
Whentheskydiverleavesthe planeclearly visibleto the call of"omissionNOW"thenappliestheleap start andwill be reviewed.
Itis valuedat0points.
A notjumpstartedvaluedat 2,500points.

10.5.4.Thefree fallbeginwhentheskydiveris clearly visibleoff the planeand continues untilthemoment whentheparachuteleaves thebackpack.
Thefree fallis confirmed by thejump judge.
Itis valuedat0points.
Is itnotthecasethenit is valuedby 500points.

10.5.5.The fullopening oftheparachuteis valuedat0points.
The parachutedoes not fully open it is valuedat 1,800points.

10.5.6.The landinghappenedinto the winddirection. In addition, theparachuteagainstthe windturnedin. Itis valuedat0points.
Is itnotthecasethen it isvaluedat150points.

10.5.7.The skydivergetsclearly visiblewiththefeetfirst on theground. Itis valuedat0points.
Is itnotthecasethen it isvaluedat150points.

10.5.8.Intervene of outsiderin chargeof skydiver.
Theinterventionof a 2ndperson inthe managementoftheskydiverisnot allowed andwillbepunishedwith1800points.

10.5.9. Number offlights.
Agameis classifiedinto atleast4jumping roundsorthenumber ofthat isdeterminedbefore the startby theCompetition leaders. Thedurationofa jumpingroundis 30minutes. Perparticipanttheresultoftheworstjumproundwill not count. With 1 jumpround, the resultof jumpingroundwill countas a result.

10.5.10. Number ofhelpers.
Eachparticipantmay be ahelperin thejumpzone.
Helpers areonly allowedto lead thepilotto thecircle. Thenthehelper goesoutside thetarget zonetoclearawayfrom the pilot. Physical contactbetweenhelperandpilotat thetarget circleisprohibitedandwillbe penalizedwith1800points.

10.5.11. Winnerofthe competition.
Perparticipantis subject totheresultsof alljump rounds.
Winneris the onewho obtained the least number of pointswith alljump rounds.
With onejumpround, the resultof that jumpingroundcount as a result.
Witha tiethere will beacontest jump. Theoutcome ofthis jumpwill determine thefinaloutcome.

10.5.12. For theevaluation ofthe gamesthat countfor theSouth Africanchampionshipthe following schedule and scoringis handled:

Instruction / Yes / No
1 / Does the parachutist seem like a human skydiver and head on a human head?
Is the parachutist helm or cap present?
Is the parachutist’s overall present?
Is parachute’s harness present? / 0 points
0 points
0 points
0 points / 150 points
150 points
150 points
150 points
2 / Jump started / 0 points / 2500 points
3 / Clear visible freefall / 0 points / 500 points
4 / parachute opened / 0 points / 1800 points
5 / Landing outer zone (A) / 1200 points / 0 points
6 / Landing inner zone (P) / 700 points / 0 points
7 / Landing inner circle (10 m) - 1 point for every centimeter away from center dot 1 point per cm / 1 point per cm
8 / Landing on the wooden disc (32 cm) / 0 points
9 / Landing into the wind direction (not at point 5) / 0 points / 150 points
10 / Landing clearly with the feet first (not at point 5) / 0 points / 150 points
11 / Game circle entered / 100 points
12 / Intervention by outsider / 1800 points
Measuring point is the point where the first contact with the ground was.

Game zone / Target zone, schematic representation.



•Thegame zoneis acircularor8-angularrange of atleast25meters, in whichis positionedcenteredthetarget circle. Thegame zonemustbe as roundas possibletobe evicted, providedthatthe outside ofthezonearoundis the same distancebutneverlessthan5meters fromtheedge ofthegame circle.
•Thegame zoneis notnecessarily inthe modelflyingsite.

Thecontest leadercan forsafetyreasonsdecideto determinethecontest zoneto be smaller, providedthatthelimits of the zone lieat leastfivemeters fromtheedge ofthecontest circle.


Onlyexamples of asafety mechanismare:
•Thesecurity linepullasecurity pinout of atubeequipped withmicro switches. The skydiveris firstturned onafter leavingthedrop box. The sender canremainswitched on duringthedrag/tug.


•Thesafety linewithasafety pinconnected.

Normalopening screenis prevented bythesafety pinthrough theextra eyeonthebackpack. The screencanevenopenat the timethatthesafety pinispulled bythesafety line. Duringthe drag/tug theskydiverandtransmitter is bothenabled.Thesecurity lineis shortbehind thesafety pin securedthrough a piece ofVelcro.


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