Friday Focus


Future Cardinal Alert!

Easton Tyler Faulkner arrived on 10-17-11 at 4 pm. He weighed 8lbs 10 ounces and was 21 inches long. Congratulations to Proud Papa Tyler Faulkner!

Halloween Storytelling October 28th

6th grade teams will be 1st. period

7th grade teams will be 3rd period

8th grade teams will be 5th period



The staff at Central Office presented us with the traveling trophy for winning the teacher attendance competition between us and North Laurel Middle. Thanks for what you do! We as well as the district appreciate your efforts!!!

Mr. Swinney


Currently there is an app for the I-Phone and I-Pad free from the apple store and linked from the KDE webpage for Infinite Campus Parent Portal.

Publishing Student Work

W.6-8. 6 – Use technology, including the internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others

FYI - from an article posted on the Teacher Experience Exchange site

Publishing content online in eye-catching formats is easier than ever. Use these easy-to-use tools to publish, share and celebrate student work.

Students love to publish their projects online and share with their family and friends. Use these easy-to-use tools to publish, share and celebrate student work. The following web 2.0 tools would be perfect to showcase student projects.

Online content publishing (leaving out the massive blogging category) falls into two broad categories.

1.  Some convert publications created solely in other applications, such as Microsoft Word or in PDF format, into an interactive online format. This works well to transform existing student work into an online portfolio.

2.  In other websites, the creation is accomplished on the site itself. The text, images, etc. are added to each page and the final product is a virtual book.

Keep these two types of online publishing in mind when you are designing student projects.

Check out these sites to publish student work:

·  Yudu: Lets you upload all sorts of content including Word documents and PDFs. It will quickly convert the documents into an impressive virtual magazine with flipping pages. Account creation is optional but an email address is required. You can also set privacy settings to public or private.

·  Flipsnack: Very similar to Yudu and is extremely easy to use. The only caveat is the document you upload must be in PDF format. If you have a copy machine at school that scans into PDF, load it with student work, create a PDF and convert it into a virtual book.

·  Issuu: Pronounced "issue", is another option to upload almost any document format and transform it into a virtual flipping book. Of course, you can share and or embed the resulting creation. For example, you can embed the book on your classroom homepage or wiki.

·  Tikatok: Aimed at younger students and is a wonderful tool for story creation. Students begin with story starters or a completely blank book. Text, images and imagination are added and an amazing digital book is created. The final product can be viewed online and a print copy can be ordered.

·  Mixbook: Very similar to Tikatok but features some sophisticated editing tools perfect for middle or high school students. The site includes numerous templates and images to ensure a professional-looking book. Mixbook also offers accounts designed for teachers.

·  Epubbud: Allows you to convert and existing document into an e-book or create the book on the site itself. The difference is that it converts the book to the epub format, which is compatible with numerous readers and tablets. The user interface is not as elegant as some of the other website choices but is an efficient way to generate an epub format book.

·  Lulu: Like a combination of Epubbud and Mixbook. You have the ability to upload a document and convert to epub format. In addition, the site contains photo book tools very similar to Mixbook. Add images and text to tell a story. Tools are also available for creating poetry books and digital portfolios.

·  Scribd: Arguably the best known online publishing site. Upload any file or even import from Google Docs. One drawback for the school setting is the number of advertisements.

·  YouPublish: YouPublish is similar to Scribd. Upload virtually any type of file, including video, and it will be viewable and shareable. It's very easy to upload content and this site works well for older students.


SCC Cosmetology provides Christmas for many of our students in elementary schools and one of our families. They also assist our Positive Image Club by providing free haircuts, manicures and pedicures two to three times a year. They are having a fundraiser to benefit our students who they provide Christmas for. Fundraiser Details : Feather Extensions for the public! Each feather is $10.00! They will have a wide variety of colors and types! Call the cosmetology department for more details or stop by! 878-4851

Red Ribbon Week Oct. 24th-28th

Monday – Red Day in honor of Red Ribbon Week

Tuesday – Camo Day – Fight against drugs

Wednesday – Crazy hair and sock day – Sock it to drugs

Thursday – Twin Day – Double up against drugs.

Friday – Costume Day – Don’t let drugs trick you they are not a treat. Costume day students are not allowed to wear masks or bring costumes that have weapons to school.

Attendance Winners

Congratulations to the following classes for having the highest attendance during month 2.

6th Mrs. Lewis 97.84%

7th Mrs. Taylor 97.50%

8th Mrs. Reed 95.18%

Thank You for Displaying Your Cool Cards!

Voyager Team


B ird Adaptations Project Students on the Comet Team worked on a bird adaptation project in science. Students were given specific adaptations their birds had to have and were asked to make a bird with those adaptations and figure out how the adaptation would help their specific bird!

Logan Martin Megan Ford Renee Kott


Oct. 21st- Peer Mediation Training

Oct. 24th – Laurel Co. Board Meeting

Oct. 24th-28th – Red Ribbon Week

Oct. 25th- Club Day during 2nd Period

Oct. 26th- Flex PD – Descartes & Goal Setting 3:30-5:30 @ GCG

Oct. 28th – Halloween Storytelling

Nov. 7th PTO @ 6pm in Library

Nov. 8th – NO SCHOOL / Election Day

Nov. 8th – First Boy’s Basketball Home Game @ 5:30

Nov. 10th – All Pro Dad Meeting @ 7:15 am in Auditorium

Nov. 11th- Veterans Day Program

Nov. 15th – Grandparents Support Meeting @ 11 am - Laurel Co. Extension Office

Have a Fabulous Friday!