Introduction – Maple Lodge Bird Report 2007

Maple Lodge Conservation Society was founded in 1983 with the objective of ensuring that the existing reserve continued to provide a safe habitat for wildlife and a pleasant and interesting place for people to visit.

The Society has continued to develop and improve the Reserve with a careful management plan and in partnership with the owners, Thames Water. Our visitors enjoy watching wildlife, so volunteers from among our members have built a number of hides around the Reserve.

The hides allow visitors to enjoy the birds and animals without disturbance.

All our members are encouraged to become involved with conservation work at the Reserve. Our volunteer Conservation Officer runs regular work parties with tasks for all levels of effort. The work party is always pleased to see new recruits.

Members join various social events held in our Clubhouse.

Schools and youth groups are especially welcome to visit the reserve.

The Society has a regular Open Weekend in May as part of the local Ricky week events.

Maple Lodge Nature Reserve is 40 acres of mixed habitat based around disused gravel workings. It is owned by Thames Water Utilities who lease it to the volunteer members of the Maple Lodge Conservation Society.

From the Clubhouse hide there is a view over the lake. During the winter the feeding site attracts a wide variety of birds and animals. A strategically placed perch provides the Kingfisher with a good fishing site.

The Plantation area has been replanted with native trees, such as Oak, Alder and Ash. The new trees replaced an old stand of Poplars, felled some years ago.

The Alder cones attract mixed flocks of Siskin, Blue and Great Tits and Redpoll.

The mature trees and hedges provide nest sites for many common birds.

The Paddock is carefully managed and usually cut twice a year. During the summer it is a haven for flowers, butterflies and warblers.

We have created a Wildflower Meadow in an area contained within a Rabbit proof fence. This area attracts large numbers of Insects and Butterflies including the wonderful Marbled White.

Two Lakes with varying cover support breeding wildfowl including Gadwall, Pochard, Little Grebe and Tufted Duck. If we do not keep the vegetation under control, the number of species on the reserve would decline. The lakes would eventually disappear under the willow scrub and reed mace and there would be no place for the waterfowl to live and breed.

The Long Hedge contains an interesting mixture of trees and shrubs; most of them have flowers to attract insects and butterflies, followed by berries for wintering birds. Replacement trees and shrubs must be planted when older specimens die or are felled by strong winds. The trees, shrubs and flowers must be native species and provide food for birds or insects. Nettles may be painful for people but they are valuable food plant for insects and caterpillars.

There are several hides, two with wheelchair access, around the reserve so that members and visitors can observe wildlife without disturbance. All the hides have been built by volunteers from the Society who work hard to maintain the Reserve. Seats and benches are also sited around the Reserve so that visitors can pause and enjoy the peace and quiet.

View from the Clubhouse:

Paul Lewis (Taken 2004).
Systematic List

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis

Resident, bred.

There was a marked increase in numbers this year due to the fact that water on the reserve had returned to normal levels after the previous years of drought. Breeding records hit an all time high with at least eight broods of young reared. On the 11th May a pair was observed from the Shell Hide sitting eggs. Regrettably this nest was lost to rising water levels a few days later. Fortunately nest building soon resumed and at least 5 broods of young were later reared from this location. At the ClubhouseLake a pair was observed with 2 young on the 29th May and these successfully fledged. On the 9th August the same pair was observed with 3 young and these too successfully fledged. A pair was also observed nest building in front of the Teal Hide on the 15th June and successfully raised a single brood.

A maximum count of 14 was observed on the 14th July.

Monthly Max

Great-crested Grebe Podiceps Cristatus


Not recorded on the reserve this year although a pair was regularly seen from Lynsters Hide on Lynsters Gravel Pit. On the 7th September this pair was observed with young that later successfully fledged.

Cormorant phalacrocorax carbo


Primarily a winter visitor with juvenile and non-breeding birds present throughout the summer. Observed mainly on the ClubhouseLake. A maximum count of 2 was noted on the 23rd August.

Monthly Max

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea


Regularly observed with immature birds visiting the reserve throughout the summer months. A maximum of 4 was noted from the Sanctuary Hide on the 20th June.

Monthly Max

Little Egret Egretta garzetta


This once scarce visitor is now regularly noted throughout the ColneValley with a large roost site located close to the reserve. On the 24th February 2 birds were observed in flight above the reserve. On the 3rd September a singleton was noted from the Teal Hide. The last observation of the year was noted on the 7th October when another singleton was present on the marsh in front of the Rotunda Hide.

Bittern Botaurus stellaris

Rare winter visitor.

On the 24th October a single bird was observed briefly as it flew into the main stand of Phragmites near the Sanctuary Hide.

Mute Swan Cygnus olor

Resident, bred.

Regularly observed throughout the year with a pair noted nest building on the 10th April. Thereafter regularly seen on the nest with 2 cygnets first noted on the 29th May. As these cygnets grew it was blatantly obvious that one was ill as it was considerably smaller than its healthier sibling. Fortunately the ill bird gradually increased in size with both birds reaching full immature plumage by the end of the year.

Monthly Max

White-fronted Goose Anser albatross

Rare winter visitor with birds of captive origin irregularly seen.

On the 22nd January a single bird of unknown origin was first observed on Lynsters Farm. It remained in the vicinity for some time and was last noted on the 15th April.

Greylag Goose Anser anser

Resident. Bred.

Regularly seen throughout the year with larger numbers noted on Lynsters Farm.

On the 8th March 3 birds were first observed on the reserve with a maximum of 4 noted on the 16th May. At Lynsters Farm a pair was noted with goslings on the 30th May with another pair later seen with 9 young. A maximum of 100 were noted on the 2nd December.

Monthly Max - Maple Lodge Nature Reserve

Monthly Max - Lynsters Farm

Canada Goose Branta canadensis

Resident, possibly bred.

A common resident regularly seen on the reserve with larger numbers recorded on Lynsters Farm. On the 12th March a pair was first observed on the reserve and remained throughout the breeding season. A maximum count of 22 birds was noted grazing on the Cricket Pitch on the 16th May. At Lynsters Farm a maximum count of 69 birds was noted on the cattle field on the 11th July.

Monthly Max - Maple Lodge Nature Reserve

Monthly Max - Lynsters Farm

Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus

Uncommon resident.

Regularly noted at Lynsters Farm with birds occasionally recorded on the reserve.

The first sighting for the year was made on New Years Day when 2 were observed at Lynsters Farm. Thereafter regularly seen most days with a maximum count of 4 again seen at Lynsters Farm on the 25th November. On the 16th May a pair was noted on the Cricket Pitch with 3 later seen on the 26th & 29th May.

A pair visited the reserve on the 27th & 28th September and were observed from the Rotunda Hide.

Monthly Max - Maple Lodge Nature Reserve

Monthly Max - Lynsters Farm

Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis

Rare winter visitor and passage migrant with most records referring to birds of captive origin. On New Years Day a singleton was first observed on Lynsters Farm and remained until the 25th April. On the 8th & 9th of May 3 birds visited Lynsters Farm with two of these birds observed wearing metal rings on their right leg.

Shelduck Tadorna tadorna

Uncommon visitor.

On the 23rd February a single bird was observed briefly at Lynsters Farm.

Mandarin Aix galericulata

Uncommon visitor.

On the 30th May a single drake was observed grazing on Lynsters Farm from Lynsters Hide.

Wigeon Anas penelope

Winter visitor.

Regularly observed on Lynsters Farm throughout both winter periods with a maximum count of 75 noted on the 10th February. A single drake remained throughout the summer and may have been injured preventing it from migrating.

Monthly Max - Maple Lodge Nature Reserve

Monthly Max - Lynsters Farm

Gadwall Anas strepera

Resident, bred.

Regularly observed on the reserve throughout the year with maximum counts of 51 recorded on the 18th February and the 22nd July. On the 12th June a duck was first noted with 9 ducklings with 7 surviving to at least the 8th July and may have successfully fledged.

Monthly Max

Teal Anas crecca

Primarily a winter visitor with the odd bird or two remaining through the summer.

A maximum count of 33 was observed on the 10th December from the Rotunda Hide. Several birds were regularly noted on the reserve throughout the summer period.

Monthly Max

Garganey Anas querquedula

Summer visitor and passage migrant.

On the 30th April a drake in full breeding plumage was seen from the Rotunda Hide. On the 7th May 2 drakes were noted from the Sanctuary Hide with at least one bird remaining on the reserve until the 9th June.

Mallard Anas platyrhynchos

Resident, bred.

Regularly observed on the reserve with a maximum count of 49 noted on the 12th July. The first breeding record was noted on the 3rd April when a duck was seen with 15 Ducklings. Thereafter at least 13 more broods of young were noted exceeding last years tally.

Monthly Max

Shoveler Duck Anas clypeata

Primarily a winter visitor with the occasional bird present during the summer.

Recorded regularly on the reserve with a maximum count of 26 noted on the 23rd November. At least 11 birds remained on the reserve throughout the summer months although there were no breeding attempts recorded.

Monthly Max

Pochard Aythya farina

Resident, bred.

Regularly observed on the reserve with a maximum count of 15 noted on the 30th May. On the 20th April a copulating pair was noted on the ClubhouseLake.

On the 2nd May a duck was observed with 4 ducklings from the Shell Hide. At least 5 more broods were observed with many believed to have fledged. These were the first breeding records for three years.

Monthly Max

Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula

Resident, bred.

Regularly observed on the reserve with a maximum count of 34 noted on the 23rd June. On the 15th June a duck with 10 ducklings was noted. At least 14 broods of young were observed on the reserve this year and these were the first breeding records for two years.

Monthly Max

Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina

Uncommon visitor, bred.

Records of this species are increasing in the ColneValley with a record 46+ sightings from the reserve this year.

On the 8th January 5 birds including a drake were observed on Lynsters Gravel Pit from Lynsters Hide. On the 14th April a duck and 3 drakes were noted on the ClubhouseLake with birds regularly seen on the reserve until the 20th June. On the 2nd May a duck and 2 ducklings were observed from the Shell Hide. On the 7th May this brood and another of 4 were observed and were regularly seen thereafter. On the 20th June a female with a possible immature was seen on the reserve suggesting at least one duckling fledged successfully.

Monthly Max - Maple Lodge Nature Reserve

Monthly Max - Lynsters G.P

Goldeneye Bucephala clangula

Winter visitor.

This species is a rare visitor to the reserve with all records this year coming from Lynsters Gravel Pit viewed from Lynsters Hide. The first winter period produced the only sightings with a duck present on the 7th January and a drake on the 16th February.

Smew Mergellus albellus

Winter visitor.

Another species that very rarely visits the reserve but is regularly observed on Lynsters Gravel Pit viewed from Lynsters Hide. All records this year were made during the second winter period. On the 9th December a pair was first observed and was present until the 16th December. On the 17th December 2 female birds were noted and this was the last record for the year.

Goosander Mergus merganser

Winter visitor.

A very rare visitor to the reserve with most records involving over-flying birds.

On the 24th February a single drake was observed over-flying the reserve and was the only record of the year.

Ruddy Duck Oxyura Jamaicans

Uncommon resident, bred.

The first record was noted on the 16th March when a female was seen from the Shell Hide. On the 17th July a pair with 4 ducklings was observed from the Shell Hide with another brood of 5 ducklings noted on the 12th September. A maximum count of 5 was observed on the 8th October.

Monthly Max

Red Kite Milvus milvus

Uncommon resident.

Since the reintroduction programme, records of this species in the ColneValley have increased annually. There were three sightings this year with singletons observed briefly overhead on the 4th April & 9th May, the latter above Lynsters Farm. On the 9th June 3 birds were noted low overhead at the north end of the reserve from Maple Lodge Close.

Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus

Resident, possibly bred.

Regularly recorded throughout the year with birds present during the breeding season. On the 13th August 3 were observed hunting roosting Starlings.

Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus

Uncommon Vagrant.

On the 2nd May a singleton was observed briefly from Lynsters Hide.

Buzzard Buteo buteo


This species has expanded its range in recent years with breeding populations now very close to the reserve. There were at least seven records this year with the first bird noted briefly over the Rotunda Hide on New Years Day. A maximum of 3 were again observed briefly over on the 22nd September. The last record was noted from the Rotunda Hide on the 8th October when a single bird was mobbed by Corvids.

Kestrel Falco tinnunculus

Resident, bred.

Regularly seen at the reserve with birds noted most days. On the 24th February a pair was observed prospecting a nest site at the Barn Owl nest box. Thereafter regularly noted at the nest box with both adults observed feeding 2 young on the 3rd June. On the 14th June a single youngster was noted on top of the nest box with both birds fledged on the 17th June. Thereafter both fledglings were regularly noted in the vicinity of the nest box and Paddock and were last seen on the 29th June.

Hobby Falco subbuteo

Summer visitor and passage migrant, possibly bred.

The first record for the year was made on the 25th April when a single bird was observed above Lynsters Farm. A maximum of 8 were noted hunting above the reserve on the 2nd May. Regularly observed throughout the breeding season and possibly bred nearby. The last sighting was noted on the 24th September when a single bird was seen at Lynsters Farm.

Pheasant Phasianus colchicus


Regularly seen on the reserve with a maximum of 3 noted on the 12th March.

On the 17th November a pair was seen feeding at the Clubhouse Feeding Station.

There were no breeding records this year.

Water Rail Rallus aquaticus

Primarily a winter visitor although has bred on the reserve in previous years.

There were no birds recorded at the reserve throughout the first winter period.

The first sighting was made on the 31st July when a singleton was observed briefly.

Thereafter a single bird was recorded regularly from the Sanctuary and Mike Foulkes Hides and was last seen on the 27th December.

Monthly Max

Moorhen Gallinula chloropus

Resident, bred.

Regularly seen on the reserve with concentrations noted feeding on the Cricket Pitch adjacent the Clubhouse most days. Maximum counts of 30 were noted on the 12th September & 2nd December. The first breeding record was noted on the 9th May when a pair was seen with young. At least five more pairs were observed with young during the breeding season.