aa / Course / PSY 3125 (one-semester online methods course for students not taking SOSC 4910)
Instructor / Lee Sebastiani
Credits / 3
Term / Fall 2016
Meetings / This class meets 100% online

Instructor’s Contact Information

Office Phone / 570-876-5817
Emergency Contact / In the event of an emergency, contact 570-876-2417
Office Location / On-campus meetings can be arranged in special cases.
Email Address /
Office Hours / Th. 7-9 p.m. and by appointment
Syllabus Changes / Instructors reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus as needed, and you are responsible for keeping up with those changes. Please log on regularly to Moodle to get the most current information.
Other Information / Emails will be answered within 48 hours (usually earlier). Assignments will be graded before the next due date.

Course Description & Information

Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, & other restrictions / No prerequisites.
Online Learning Expectations: To be successful academically, online students must be able to navigate & search the internet, use email, attach and upload documents, download & save files, and have access to and use Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint.
Course Description / Introduces the student to social science research. Emphasizes methodologies including survey research, sampling, experimental and correlational design, and qualitative studies. Statistical data analysis with available databases will be practiced. Engages students in the development of a research proposal which integrates course components.
Required Readings / Jackson, S. (2008). Research methods: A modular approach, third edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson:Wadworth. Additional resources will be posted on Moodle.
Buying Textbooks / All enrolled students will access the text on their Keystone-supplied iPads.
Recommended Readings / Posted on Moodle.
Special Software/Hardware / Students will have a choice of free or inexpensive statistical analysis software (Web-based/downloadable).
Browser/Plugin/Viewer Info / For standard Browser/Plugin/Viewer visit this page:
Other Required Materials / NA

Course Goals, Objectives/Outcomes

Learning Outcomes / By the end of the course the student will be able to:
1.  Identify the advantages and disadvantages of several approaches to scientific research.
2.  Conduct a comprehensive literature search.
3.  Evaluate research hypotheses by the development of appropriate research designs.
4.  Develop appropriate data analysis strategies, given a particular research situation.
5.  Demonstrate use of hypothesis testing with the proper level of significance.
6.  Carry out the appropriate statistical procedures.
7.  Design an original research study.
8.  Understand and be sensitive to the ethical issues involved in the conduct of research.
9.  Employ APA format in writing a research paper.
10.  Be aware of the specialized methodology appropriate to ethnographic and historical research.


Grading (credit) Criteria / Final grades will be based on the following components:
1. Quizzes 25%.
2. Research Project Proposal 35%
3. Data analysis assignments 10%
3. Critical thinking 20%
4. Class participation 10%
Each module will include a multiple-choice quiz, a Research in the News discussion post, and your choice of one critical thinking question to answer. For some modules, there will be a statistical analysis assignment instead of a critical thinking discussion.
Online quizzes will be open-book and must be completed within 20 minutes.
Discussion Board Criteria / Critical Thinking and Research in the News discussion posts will be graded on a 5-point scale. There's no single correct way to approach or answer these questions. Evaluation will be based on originality, clarity, interaction, and evidence of critical thinking. You are encouraged to ask questions and address issues raised by other students' posts. Be creative! Feel free to use concrete examples or illustrations from your own experiences or observations. There's no required length; often a paragraph or list will do.
Grading Rubric by Bill Pelz:
Excellent (4)
The comment is accurate, original, relevant, teaches us something new, and is well written. Four point comments add substantial teaching presence to the course, and stimulate additional thought about the issue under discussion. Documentation for factual information is provided.
Above Average (3)
The comment lacks at least one of the above qualities, but is above average in quality. A three point comment makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the issue being discussed.
Average (2)
The comment lacks two or three of the required qualities.Comments which are based upon personal opinion or personal experience often fall within this category.
Minimal (1)
The comment presents little or no new information. 0
Unacceptable (0)
The comment adds no value to the discussion.
NOTE: For Research in the News, an additional 2 points will be awarded for posting a new article.
Make-Up& Late Work / Late assignments will not receive immediate feedback and will affect your class participation grade.
Extra Credit / Extra credit may be available in certain circumstances if students provide a reasonable explanation for their request.
Class Preparation & Participation / Your attendance in class will be determined by the timely submission of assignments and quizzes. These assignments generally follow a weekly format and students are expected to come to class in the online setting on a regular basis just as in a face to face classroom. All work must be completed by Monday 5:00 p.m. (Posts must be made by Thursday in order for follow-up responses to be submitted before each week’s Monday deadline.)

Course Policies

Student Conduct/ Netiquette / For Netiquette information, visit this webpage: http://web.keystone.edu/library/syllabus/netiquette.htm
Special Procedures / Taking Exams and Proctoring: http://www.keystone.edu/academics/onlinelearning/studentresources/takingtest.dot
Moodle Support / To access the Keystone College MoodleRooms platform: http://moodlerooms.keystone.edu
For MoodleRooms support
Phone: 1-855-848-5021
Chat: https://chat.perceptis.com/c/keystone/
For a New Student Orientation to Moodle, visit: http://www.keystone.edu/educationaltechnology/student-training.dot
For tutorials on using specific aspects of Moodle, visit http://www.moodlerooms.com/resources/tutorials/participate/
Technical Support /
You can gettechnical support or assistance by visiting the Technology Support page here: http://www.keystone.edu/technologysupport/index.dot or by contacting the IT Helpdesk at(570) 945-8778or
Plagiarism & Academic Integrity /
Academic misconduct and dishonesty includes any activity that compromises the academic integrity of the College or subverts the educational process. For information on dishonest acts including plagiarism, cheating, and fraud, consult your Student Information Guide or click on the link below. If you have any questions, talk with your instructor.
Copyright Notice / The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials, including music and software. Copying, displaying, reproducing, or distributing copyrighted works may infringe the copyright owner’s rights and such infringement is subject to appropriate disciplinary action as well as criminal penalties provided by federal law. Usage of such material is only appropriate when that usage constitutes “fair use” under the Copyright Act. As a Keystone College student, you are required to follow the College’s copyright policy. For more information about the fair use exemption, see the Miller Library’s copyright page: http://web.keystone.edu/library/copyright.html
Email Use / Keystone College states that all official student email correspondence be sent only to a student’s Keystone email address and that faculty and staff consider email from students official only if it originates from a Keystone account. This allows the College to maintain a high degree of confidence in the identity of all individuals and the security of transmitted information. Keystone College furnishes each student with a free email account that is to be used in all communication with College personnel.
Withdrawal from Class / The College has set deadlines for withdrawing from courses. These dates and times are published in the course catalog and on the Academic Calendar. It is the student's responsibility to handle withdrawal requirements from any class. You must do the proper paperwork to ensure that you will not receive a final grade of "F" in a course if you choose not to attend once you are enrolled. If you are considering withdrawing from a class, talk with your Advisor and consult the College Catalog.
Academic Grievance Procedures / Procedures for student grievances are found in the College Catalog. Please consult the procedures before taking action.
Please note: The first step in attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding grades, evaluations, or other fulfillments of academic responsibility, is to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the instructor. The College Catalog outlines any subsequent steps.
Incomplete Grades / According to the College Catalog, an Incomplete (“I”) will only be awarded in the case of exceptional circumstances. Mere inability to submit work on time, or missing the final exam, is not valid reasons for an Incomplete.
Students must make arrangements with the instructor prior to the final exam it they wish to receive a grade of incomplete. (Forms are available in the Office of the Registrar.) The deadline for the completion of the coursework is four weeks into the next semester. If the course work is not completed within the specified time frame, the incomplete grade will become an “F.”
ADA Statement / Keystone College does not discriminate in any of its programs on the basis of disability.
While there is not a deadline for the disclosure of a disability by a student, in order to facilitate the documentation and accommodation processes, students are encouraged to voluntarily and confidentially disclose and disability requiring an accommodation prior to the beginning of class. This disclosure should be made to Emily Holmes, College Coordinator of Disability Services. Students who disclose a disability, and who are seeking an accommodation, ultimately will be expected to provide documentation verifying the disability.
MyKC /
For information about classes & advisers, to check midterm and final grades or to register for classes, logon to MyKC.
Tutoring Info / The College does offer tutoring assistance for many courses. For more information or to schedule an appointment, consult the Tutoring webpage here: http://www.keystone.edu/studentlife/studentsuccess/tutoring.dot
Advising & Other Student Support Info /
For information about academic advising, visit the Student Success Center’s Academic Advising page here: http://www.keystone.edu/studentlife/studentsuccess/academicadvising.dot
For a list of Student Support Services, visit the Student Success Center webpage here: http://www.keystone.edu/studentlife/studentsuccess/
Bookstore Info /
Visit the Bookstore at this link: http://www.bkstr.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=10117&langId=-1&catalogId=10001

Schedule of Assignments (n.b. Modules are REQUIRED for Online Courses )

[Topics, Reading Assignments, Due Dates, Exam Dates]

Module / Insert topics, assignments, etc. If you copy/paste, your formatting may not work correctly.
1 / Introduction and Scientific Method (text modules 1-3, Scientific Method deck, Nine Basic Methods of Research deck)—Critical Thinking posts (choose TWO of the following: QUALITATIVE vs QUANTITATIVE, ANIMAL RESEARCH, EVALUATION RESEARCH, HISTORICAL RESEARCH), Research in the News post, Quiz 1
2 / Measurement (text modules 5-6, Measurement readings)– Critical Thinking posts (choose TWO of the following: ONLINE TESTS AND QUIZZES, NORM vs CRITERION, TESTING BIAS), Research in the News post, Quiz 2
3 / Research proposal topic (sample papers)—Post potential research question and four article summaries, Research in the News post
4 / Descriptive Methods (text modules 7-8, 11; Surveys deck; Sampling deck; Qualitative Research deck)— Critical Thinking post (choose ONE: SAMPLING BIAS, STRATA), Music Study Survey assignment, Research in the News post, Quiz 3
5 / Predictive Methods (text modules 9-10, Correlation and Regression deck)— Example Study Results Section assignment 1, Research in the News post, Quiz 4
6 / Explanatory Methods (text modules 12-14, Experimental Design deck, Threats to Validity deck)— Critical Thinking post (Choose ONE of the following: WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS STUDY?, DESIGN AN EXPERIMENT), Example Study Results Section assignment 2. Spiderman experiment activity, Research in the News post, Quiz 5
7 / Research proposal measures— Post a link to at least one published measure you will include in your proposal, post at least five additional researcher-designed items, Research in the News post
8 / Describing Data (text modules 15-16, Descriptive Statistics deck, Correlation Coefficients deck)— Descriptive Stats, Correlation, and Regression analyses assignments with High School and Beyond dataset, Research in the News post, Quiz 6
9 / Making Inferences I (text modules 17-18, Hypothesis Testing deck, t test deck)—Comparing two means assignment with High School and Beyond dataset, Example Study Results Section assignment 2, Research in the News post, Quiz 7
10 / Making Inferences II (text modules 19-20 ANOVA deck)—Comparing more than two means assignment with High School and Beyond dataset, Example Study Results Section assignment 3, Research in the News post, Quiz 8
11 / Research Proposal Data Analysis—Post identifying hypotheses, all variables, and descriptive and inferential statistics to be included in proposal; anticipated results.
12 / Research Ethics (text module 4)—CITI training assignment, sample IRB form assignment, IRB discussion post, Research in the News post
13 / APA paper (text modules 21-22)—Submission of research proposal draft and final version after instructor feedback, Research in the News post.
14 / Virtual Poster Session—Posting of poster, one post on each project in the poster session.
Insert Exam Date(s), Time(s) / This course is modular, not necessarily weekly, in structure. Due dates will be assigned for a specific semester. Total number of minutes per week will be consistent.

Updated August 2013