Science Resource Package: Grade 6
Circuit Pathways
New Brunswick Department of Education
May 2015
The Department of Education of New Brunswick gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following groups and individuals toward the development of the New Brunswick Science Resource Package for Grade 6 Electricity: Circuit Pathways:
- The Science Resource Package Development Team:
•Joan Barry, School District 15
•Shannon Brander, School District 2
- Science East:
•Michael Edwards, Director of Programming
•Karen Matheson, Director of Education
- Kathy Hildebrand, Learning Specialist, Science and Mathematics, NB Department of Education
- Revised in 2015 by Lawrence McGillivary, Anglophone East
- Science Learning Specialists and science teachers of New Brunswick who provided invaluable input and feedback throughout the development and implementation of this document.
Note that at the time of posting, all URLs in this document link to the desired science content. If you observe that changes have been made to site content, please contact Kathy Hildebrand , Science Learning Specialist, at the Department of Education.
Department of Education
Educational Programs and Services
Table of Contents
Background Information
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
Common Misconceptions:
Did You Know?
Instructional Plan
Access Prior Knowledge
1st Cycle
Light up the Bulbs Activity
Reflection: Class Discussion
Think like a scientist
Reflection: Journaling
2nd Cycle
What is a Switch Activity
Reflection: Class Discussion
Reflection: Journaling
3rd Cycle
Series and Parallel Circuits Activity
Reflection: Class Discussion
Reflection: Journaling
4th Cycle
Switches Activity (in parallel circuits)
Reflection: Class Discussion
Reflection: Journaling
Supporting Class Discussion
Materials List
Student Version of Outcomes
Student Activity Sheets
Observation Chart Sheet
Observation Checklist
Checklist Sheet
This resource package models current research ineffective science instructionand provides an instructional plan for one topic selected from the Grade 6Atlantic Canada Science Curriculum. This curriculum includes STSE (Science, Technology, Society and Environment) outcomes, Skills outcomes, and Knowledge outcomes – all of which are important for building a deep understanding of science and its place in our world.
As has been true of our ancestors, we all develop “explanations” about what we observe which may or may not be valid. Once ideas are established, they are remarkably tenacious and an alternate explanation rarely causes a shift in thinking. To address these misconceptions or alternate conceptions, students must be challenged with carefully selected experiences and discussion.
A key part of this instructional plan is accessing prior knowledge. It is recorded in a way that it can and will be revisited throughout the topic. The intent is to revise, extend, and/or replace students’ initial ideas with inquiry-based knowledge.
Science is not a static body of facts. The process of exploring, revising, extending, and sometimes replacing ideas is central to the nature of science. Think of science as an ongoing evidence-based discussion that began before our time and that will continue after it. Scientific inquiry is structured, often collaborative, and discussion plays a key role. Students’ learning of science should reflect this as much as possible.
The intent of this instructional plan is to encourage aconstructivistapproach to learning. Students undertake an inquiry or explore an activity, then share, discuss and reflect. The telling of content by the teacher tends to come after, as an extension of the investigation (or experience) explored by the students.
The learning is organized into cycles. The partial conceptions and misconceptions are revisited in each cycle so that students’ ideas will be revised. Each cycle will result in deeper and/or extended learning.
Hands-on activitiesand inquiriesare part of the instructional plan. Teacher lead inquiry activities tend to be most structured in the first cycle. The teacher provides the question to investigate and gives a procedure to follow.In subsequent cycles, less structure tends to be given.For example, students may be asked to develop a testable question, identifying independent, dependent, and controlled variables, and asked to design an experimental plan which they then implement. The goal is to move towards open inquiry in which students generate a testable question, develop an experimental plan using available materials, implement the plan, record relevant observations, analyze data, and make reasonable conclusions. The included activities are meant to start this journey.
This table outlines the four Levels of Inquiry – note the progressive release of responsibility to students and open inquiry (Level IV).
Level / Question / Methods / Analysis / CommentsI / T / T / T / Teacher lead activities with known results. Great for learning new methods, equipment use (Such as using a microscope).
II / T / T / S / Teacher lead questions and procedures with students independently analyzing and communicating their results.
III / T / S / S / Teacher leads with a testable questionwhile students independently design experiment, gather, record and analyze data, and communicate findings.
IV / S / S / S / Observations and experiences based on unit being studied are the foundation for independent student lead inquiries.
Discussion and written reflections are key parts of the lessons. Discussion (both oral and written) is a vehicle that moves science forward. For example, when scientists publish their evidence and conclusions, other scientists may try to replicate results or investigate the range of conditions for which the conclusion applies. If new evidence contradicts the previous conclusions, adjustments will be required. Similarly, in this instructional plan students first do, then talk, then write about the concept. A section on supporting discussion is included in this resource package.
Assessment tasks are also included in the instructional plan and assess three types of science curricular outcomes: STSE, Skills, and Knowledge. These tasks are meant to be used as tools for letting the teacher and the students know where they are in their learning and what the next steps might be. For example: Has the outcome been met or is more learning required? Should more practice be provided? Is a different activity needed?
When assessment indicates that outcomes have been met, it will provide evidence of achievement. This evidence may be sufficient and further formal testing (paper-pencil tests) may not be required to demonstrate that outcomes have been met.
Grade 6Electricity
Skills Outcomes
Outcome / Description / Skill205-1 / Carry out procedures to explore a given problem and to ensure a fair test of a proposed idea, controlling major variables. / Develop & carry out procedures
205-9 / Use tools and apparatus in a manner that ensures personal safety and the safety of others. / Using tools & instruments
207-2 / Communicate procedures and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, charts, graphs, drawings, and oral language. / Communicate
204-3 / State a prediction and a hypothesis based on an observed pattern of events / Construct a hypothesis
204-7 / Plan a set of steps to solve a practical problem and to carry out a fair test of a science-related idea. / Develop and carry out procedures
204-8 / Identify appropriate tools, instruments, and materials to complete their investigations. / Using instruments and tools
205-1 / Carry out procedures to explore a given problem and to ensure a fair test of a proposed idea, controlling major variables. / Develop and carry out procedures.
206-3 / Identify and suggest explanations for patterns and discrepancies in data. / Interpret & ID patterns, trends & discrepancies in data.
207-2 / Communicate procedures and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, charts, graphs, drawings and oral language. / Explaining, reporting and writing.
Knowledge Outcomes
303-22 / Compare the characteristics of static and current electricity.303-23 / Compare a variety of electrical pathways by constructing simply circuits.
303-24 / Describe the role of switches in electrical circuits.
303-25 / Compare characteristics of series and parallel circuits
Embedded Skills Outcomes (Those articulated within the text of the provincial learning package)
205-2 / Select and use tools to manipulate materials and build models. / Using instruments and tools205-5 / Make observations and collect information relevant to a given question or problem. / Observing, inferring
206-6 / Suggest improvements to a design or constructed object. / Improving
208-2 / Identify questions to investigate arising from practical problems and issues. / Questioning
Overview of Cycles
Assessing Prior Knowledge: Science Inquiry Series: Current Electricity APK1st Cycle (205-1, 205-9, 207-2,303-23) Constructing Simple Circuits:
Part 1
- Constructing complete and incomplete circuits
- Circuit diagram basics
- Class discussion
- Read a scenario and write a testable question
- Explain what a circuit is.
2nd Cycle (204-3, 204-7, 204-8, 205-1, 205-9, 207-2, 303-24) What is a switch?
- Think/Pair/Share and standard switch symbol
- Conductors and insulators - predicting and inferring
- Testing switch materials and circuits
- Drawing switched circuits
- Class discussion
3rd Cycle (204-3, 204-7, 205-1, 205-9, 207-2, 303-25) Series and Parallel Circuits
- Predict and test
- Test and draw a parallel circuit
- Classroom discussion
- Think/Pair/Share
4th Cycle (204-3, 204-7, 205-1, 205-9, 206-3, 207-2, 303-24, 303-25) Switches in Parallel Circuits
- Think/Pair/Share
- Predicting and Drawing switched parallel circuits
- Testing switched circuits
- Class discussion
This is a graphic that shows the steps of the scientific method. Each is part of a broader category or skill set.
Background Information
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
- Students have already studied electrical safety and static electricity as part of this unit prior to these lessons.See the resource section of this guide for a fun static electricity inquiry activity.
- Students will have experienced power outages in their homes and at school.
- Some students have camps without electricity.
Common Misconceptions:
- Electricity is alive since people often talk about “live wires and/or current”.
- No matter where wires are connected to a battery or a bulb, a complete circuit is made.
For example:
-connecting a wire to the side of a battery instead of using the terminals
-connecting wires to the sides of a bulb insteadof one wire on the side and one at the bottom
-connecting two batteries with positive to positive
Did You Know?
One of the most useful metaphors to help students understand how electricity flows around a circuit uses the idea of electricity flowing in manner similar to water. This can make it much easier to explain why there are multiple units involved in measuring electricity because each unit deals with a different aspect of electricity.
- This website provides excellent background information for understanding electricity.
- This website from the Smithsonian is an interactive comic on electrical safety.
Voltage represents the water pressure or the force. Current is equivalent to the amount of water being pushed through pipes. Increase the pressure (voltage) and more water (current) is pushed through the pipes. Voltage can be provided by a battery at varying volts, depending on the battery and the number of them used.Voltage is also provided bythe electrical service to your house which typically comes into the house at 120V. Exceptions include clothes dryers and stove plugs (the really big plugs) which use 240V.
Current is measured in amps and is equivalent to the amount of water (electrons) moving along the pipes (wires); the higher the current, the greater the amount of electrons (water) that moves past any point in the circuit (pipes) in a set amount of time.
Resistance is measured in ohms and represents the diameter of the pipes, something which has an impact on the ease with which the water moves within. Another way to think about how resistance can impact on the flow of the water is to imagine that gravel is introduced into the pipe – that would slow the water flow, hence it represents an increased resistance. Resistance in an electrical circuit generates heat and can lead to melting wires and, ultimately, fires. However, resistance can also be useful such as in appliances like toasters since that resistance is used to heat up the elements.
Power is measured in watts and is related to voltage and current. It represents the amount of energy generated by an electric current within a certain amount of time (per second). To get a lot of power, you need a high voltage and high current. The number of watts is written on every electrical appliance and tells you how much energy that appliance consumes.
To learn about how rechargeable batteries work, visit how stuff works:
The Physics Classroom Tutorial provides excellent information and diagrams. This link takes you directly to Series and Parallel circuits, but other information is available and can be accessed by the left navigation baror the top menu on the site.
Series circuits are circuits where there is one path for the electrons to follow. If there is a problem somewhere along the circuit where the electrons cannot flow, all other components of the circuit will no longer function.
Parallel circuits are circuits where there is more than one path for the electrons to follow. If there is a problem somewhere along the circuit where the electrons cannot flow, only that branch of the circuit is affected and the other components attached to other branches still work.
Instructional PlanAccessing Prior Knowledge
Curriculum Connections
Students have been exploring static electricity through a variety of hands on activities. Now is the time to check on prior knowledge about current electricity and how it differs from static electricity.
Inquiry Questions (Level I, II)
What is the nature of electricity? How is current electricity the same and different from static electricity?
Access prior knowledge by doing an “I think, we all think” method using the inquiry questions as a guide.
- Have the students write down what they think.
- Have students discuss with a partner or within a small group and make a list of ideas using the student Venn diagram student worksheet.
Class discussion. Share the responses with the class. Have the students put their points into a large Venn diagram (such as a flip chart) while discussing the placement of their points. Keep the class Venn diagram for later revisiting.
Post versions of curricular outcomes (Skills, Knowledge) in student friendly language where they are clearly visible to all. Inform students that these will be addressed over the course of the unit.
Student Venn Diagram Worksheet
Names: ______, ______, ______, ______
1st CycleConstructing Simple Circuits
Curriculum Connections
This inquiry introduces students to the concepts of complete and incomplete circuits as well as the skills around electrical diagram basics. In this two-part series of inquiries, students will first explore open and closed circuits using a simple setup of a battery and a Christmas light bulb. They will then work on their questioning and inferencing skills with the goal of developing a testable question.
Note: The light bulb is required to act as a source of resistance for the electrical current. Review the idea of a short circuit with the students before beginning this activity and reinforce the rule of always having some source of resistance in any circuit and never simply connect one terminal of a battery to the other (i.e. positive to negative) as this will result in a short circuit and the production of heat.
Inquiry Questions (Level I, II, III)
Part 1: What conditions are required to have a functioning circuit? How does electricity do ‘work’ in this situation. How does the lack of a source of resistance in circuit create issues?
Part 2: What is an electrical circuit? How does electricity pass through some materials and not others?
Part 1 of 2: First look at a circuit
Materials: One Christmas tree mini-light, extra wire, and ‘D’ cell battery per group.
- Put students into small groups and assign roles. Ask students to connect the light bulb/wires to the battery in a variety of positions, drawing each successful and unsuccessful attempt. Label the successful circuits as
‘Complete’ and the unsuccessful ones as ‘Incomplete’.
Use an overhead or other means to allow groups to communicate with the class which circuits were Complete and which were Incomplete.
- Class discussion:
Have students discuss how the diagrams are different from one another. How did they represent the battery, wire and bulb? Introduce standard symbols for the light bulb, wires and batteries in schematic drawings for next time. Have the students redraw two of their diagrams (one complete, one incomplete) using formal symbols. See the next page for useful examples.
Why did some circuits work and others did not? What are the key criteria for creating a functioning circuit? Revisit the Venn diagram from the APK activity and make additions/changes as necessary.
Part 2 of 2: Writing a testable question
Observing, questioning and inferring are essential skills that are the foundation of the first two steps of the scientific method. All good investigations begin with solid, testable questions and well-founded inferences.
Present students with a situation and ask them to generate questions that could be investigated scientifically. (These situations and questions do not have to be limited to those that can be done in a classroom.) A useful questioning matrix is included later in this section.
A newspaper reports that a PEI farmer was devastated by the sight of five dead cows in his pasture. He knew it was lightning because one thin tree had a massive split down the middle and a nearby tree had a smaller split. A current appears to have run the length of the trees, striking down the five cows that were in the field. The farmer found them dead in a straight line that stretched about 10 metres from the tree.