

30th Annual ASAC Conference

May 25-28, 2002

I.H. Asper School of Business

The University of Manitoba

Early Registration Deadline: April 15, 2002

Conference Chair Conference Managers

Sue Bruning Irene Labrosse and Patti Tait


Tel (204) 474-6566 Fax (204) 474-7545 Tel (204) 474-8377 Fax (204) 474-7545


ASAC 2002 Conference Theme

Where East Meets West: A Management Mosaic

As we come to terms with the impact and aftermath of September 11th, we have been forced to realize some of the challenges of operating in a global environment of business. The theme for ASAC 2002 represents the physical location within Canada of Winnipeg, but also the nature of ASAC itself and the disciplines represented by our organization. Diversity is celebrated within ASAC as we bring together a multitude of management areas that remain distinct but also blend with others in an effort to understand and improve upon management practice. Where East Meets West also symbolizes different cultures that are represented within Canada and from other parts of the World that must learn to function together in synergistic ways to enrich the competitive advantage of our businesses and to improve upon our quality of life. The ASAC 2002 conference will present papers from management researchers and educators who are examining issues related to diverse disciplines, contexts, and questions and how they combine to create a management mosaic.

In addition to divisional paper sessions, the conference will feature distinguished speakers from Canada and the U.S., a doctoral consortium, a case track, a company tour, and a number of social events.

New to the conference this year is a one and half day ASAC/CGA Ontario International Business Research Centre conference on “Rethinking Globalization: Critical Perspectives” which will begin in the afternoon of May 28 and continue through May 29 at the Hotel Fort Garry.

Registration Information

Conference Fee. The early registration deadline is April 15, 2002. The conference fee for those who register by this date is C$155 for regular ASAC members and C$80 for students and retired academics. After April 15, the fees increase to C$230 and C$115, respectively. Payment by cheque, or money order in Canadian dollars must be submitted with the conference registration form. Any additional fees for meals must also be paid when you submit the conference registration form.

To attend the conference, all delegates must become ASAC members. ASAC membership dues for new members and renewals as stipulated on the enclosed membership form must be included with your conference registration.

The conference fee includes a souvenir bag, attendance at all academic sessions, symposia and panels, a welcoming reception, three breakfasts, and two luncheons.

Cancellation Policy. Conference fees (including any amounts for meals) are refundable as follows: If cancellation is received by April 30, 2002, 80% refund; by May 7, 2002, 50% refund. No refund will be made if cancellation is received after May 7, 2002.

Publishers’ Exhibits

As at previous conferences, ASAC 2002 will feature exhibits by various publishers from Canada and the United States.

Doctoral Consortium

A day-long doctoral consortium will be held prior to the conference. The objective of the consortium is to create an environment that stimulates cross-disciplinary networking among doctoral students from many universities. Sessions will be informal and will provide an opportunity for discussion and information exchange.

The consortium may include sessions on theory development, linking theory and methods, getting funding, publishing, reviewing for journals, and transition from student to faculty and balancing life and career. Jean Bartunek (Boston College) and Jagdip Singh (Case Western Reserve University) Brent Gallupe (Queen’s University) and William Starbuck (New York University) have confirmed to be presenters at the symposium. For updates on other presenters, please visit ASAC 2002 website or contact doctoral consortium organizers Richard Perlow () / Parshotam Dass ()

The doctoral consortium will be held on Saturday, May 25 from 8:30 am to 5:15 pm at the Hotel Fort Garry. A nominal fee of C$25 per student is charged for the consortium if registered prior to April 15, 2002. A fee of C$35 per student will be charged after April 15, 2002.

Placement – CVs

Individuals may e-mail us their CVs in PDF format for posting on the conference website. A bulletin board and meeting area will be available at the conference site to allow universities recruiting faculty members to make contact with prospective interviewees. CVs must be received by May 20. Send CVs to: .

Welcoming Reception

The welcoming reception will be held at the Hotel Fort Garry. The reception will include appetizers and an opportunity to meet with colleagues. The entertainment, consistent with our East West theme, will feature East Indian performers.

Sunday Gala Dinner

The gala dinner will be held at the Hotel Fort Garry on Sunday, May 26. A pre-dinner reception for those attending the gala begins at 6:30 pm. The reception will feature music from performers associated with The University of Manitoba School of Music. The gourmet, multi-course dinner will begin at 7:30 pm. A vegetarian meal option is available. There is a charge for this dinner of C$50 per person. Tickets are limited to 350.

After the dinner, musical entertainment will be provided by

the Rick Boughton Group featuring Marcie Campbell on vocals. The group will perform a mixture of classics, pop, rock n roll, Latin, European and North American.

Monday Fun Run/Walk

The Monday Fun Run/Walk will be back again this year. On May 27 you will want to be sure to join your colleagues for a refreshing 5 kilometre run/walk along the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. There is no charge for the Fun Run/Walk. We ask that you let us know on the registration form if you intend to participate so that we can better plan the event.

ASAC Soccer Challenge

Please see insert about the “East-West” Soccer Challenge. The International Business Division is sponsoring this event. Depending on the interest in this event there may be two games scheduled.


Dr. I. H. Asper (Izzy), Keynote Luncheon Speaker

Our keynote luncheon address will be delivered by Dr. Israel Asper, Executive Chairman, CanWest Global Communications Corporation. Dr. Asper is a distinguished graduate of the University of Manitoba (BA/53. LLB/57, LLM/64, LLD/96) who has achieved prominence and personal success in law, education, business, politics, public service and entrepreneurship. As an entrepreneur, his most notable achievement is the creation and development of CanWest Global Communications Corporation from a single television station in Winnipeg to an international communications company with over $2.5 billion in assets, combined revenues of $2.6 billion, 8,500 employees, daily paid Canadian newspaper circulation of 1.3 million readers and internet national and local portals receiving 70 million page views per month.

Dr. Asper is also a dedicated philanthropist whose belief is that those who succeed should contribute back to their community through volunteerism, leadership and financial support. His achievements have been recognized by a wide variety of local, national and international organizations. He was recognized by the University of Manitoba with its 1997 International Distinguished Entrepreneur Award and an honorary degree (1996). He was inducted into the Order of Canada (1995), the Canadian Broadcast Hall of Fame (1995), the Canadian Business Hall of Fame (1997) and the Order of Manitoba (2000).

Dr. Joan Acker, Distinguished Speaker, Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division

Joan Acker is Professor Emerita, in the Department of Sociology at the University of Oregon. Prior to her present position, she held positions at the University of Oregon, The Swedish Center for Working Life, the Center for the Study of Women in Society (U of Oregon), the Center for the Sociological Study of Women (U of Oregon) and the School of Social Welfare (University of California, Berkeley).

She has published more than 40 articles on inequalities related to gender, class and race in organizations, including her ground-breaking one in 1974 (with Don Van Houten) “Differential Recruitment and Control: the Sex Structuring of organizations”, and “Gendering Organization Theory” (in Mills and Tancred, Gendering Organization Analysis, 1992), one of the most cited reference in feminist organizational analysis. Her scholarly works have been published in various journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Gender, Work and Organizations, Social Politics, Organization, Gender and Society and others. She has received the American Sociological Association Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award (1993), and the Jessie Bernard Award by the American Sociological Association (1989). Dr. Acker’s work has significantly advanced our knowledge related to gender, race and class issues in organizations. She is currently conducting research on gender, class and racial politics in organizations, process redesign and gender in white collar organizations, and examining several aspects of welfare reform.

Dr. Jean Bartunek, Distinguished Speaker, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources and Organizational Theory Divisions

Jean M. Bartunek is a professor in the Organization Studies Department at Boston College. Her Ph.D. in social and organizational psychology is from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and prior to coming to Boston College she was a visiting assistant professor in the Organizational Behavior group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

She has published more than 60 journal articles and edited or authored 4 books. Her primary substantive research interests concern intersections of social cognition, conflict, organizational change and transformation, and practitioner-academic interfaces. Her primary methodological research interests concern ways practitioners in a setting and outside researchers can collaborate in studying the setting.

She is currently associate editor of Advances in Qualitative Organizational Research. In addition, she is on several editorial boards, including Administrative Science Quarterly, the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Field Methods, Concepts and Transformation, and the Journal of Organizational Behavior.

During 2001 – 2002 she is President of the Academy of Management. She has previously held a number of other positions within the Academy of Management She is also a fellow of the Academy of Management.

Dr. John E. Ettlie, Distinguished Speaker, Technology and Information Management Division

John Ettlie is the Malelon L. and Richard N. Resett Professor of Business Administration and Director of the Technology Management Center at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He earned his Ph.D. at Northwestern University in 1975 and has held appointments since then at the University of Illinois Chicago, De Paul University, the Industrial Technology Institute and the University of Michigan Business School.

Dr. Ettlie has published over 50 refereed journal articles, authored five books and has made over 100 professional presentations, world-wide, on the management of technological innovation. His current research projects include an investigation of the adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, a study of technology, reliability and customization of manufacturing products, and the context of new product development (NPD).

He is the associate editor of several professional journals including Decision Sciences and Journal of Operations Management.

Dr. R. Brent Gallupe, Distinguished Speaker, Information Systems Division

R. Brent Gallupe is Professor of Information Systems, Director of Queen’s Executive Decision Centre, and the Co-Chair of the E-Commerce Research Program at the School of Business at Queen’s University. He also holds an on-going Visiting Professor appointment at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. His current research interests are in knowledge management systems, computer support for groups and teams, and global information management. He has received numerous research grants.

He has served on a number of editorial boards including the MIS Quarterly, and currently serves on the board of the new electronic journal, Communications of AS. His work has been published in such journals as Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Sloan Management Review, and Journal of Applied Psychology. Gallupe holds a B. Math (Hons.) from the University of Waterloo, an M.B.A. from York University and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota.

Dr. Jagdip Singh, Distinguished Speaker, Marketing Division

Jagdip Singh holds a Ph.D. in Marketing from the Texas Tech University (1985). Currently, Dr. Singh is a Professor of marketing at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, where he teaches graduate courses in Marketing Information and Decision Making, and doctoral courses in Research Methodology and Measurement.

Over the last ten years, Dr. Singh's research has focused on issues relating to effective interfaces between organizations and consumers with special emphasis on service industries. Utilizing sociological, psychological and organizational behaviour perspectives, Singh has examined what organizational and individual factors promote effective performance and job satisfaction at organizational front lines, and what factors build or deplete consumer trust and loyalty. Dr. Singh has published his findings in journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Consumer Affairs, and the European Journal of Marketing.

Dr. William Starbuck, Distinguished Speaker, Strategy and Organizational Theory Divisions

William Starbuck is the ITT Professor of Creative Management in the Stern School of Business at New York University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in industrial administration at Carnegie Institute of Technology, after receiving an A.B. in physics at Harvard. He also received an honorary Ph.D. in social science from Stockholm University. He has held faculty positions at Purdue University, the Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, as well as, a number of visiting positions. He has been the editor of Administrative Science Quarterly, the Director of the doctoral program in business administration at New York University, and was the President of the Academy of Management. He formerly served on several editorial boards including the Academy of Management Review; Administrative Science Quarterly; and the Journal of Applied Social Psychology; and he currently serves on a number of editorial boards. He is a fellow of the Academy of Management, the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, the British Academy of Management, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and a member of several other professional associations.

He has published numerous articles and edited four books on accounting, bargaining, business strategy, computer programming, computer simulation, forecasting, decision making, human-computer interaction, learning, organizational design, organizational growth and development, perception, scientific methods, and social revolutions.