Contracting Authority: Faith to Action Network
Communities Richer in Diversity
Annex 1 – Concept note
Deadline for submission of concept notes:
8. April 2018 at 16:00
(Nairobi date and time)
Title of the project:Name of the lead applicant
Address of the lead applicant
Name of Contact person for this application
Phone number:
Name of partner organisations
1)Problem analysis
This project focuses on fighting extremism and radicalisation.
Question 1.1: Why is your project needed? Please give us the background to the current situation you want to change. In particular, please, describe the situation of conflict, extremism or radicalisation you plan to address. Let us know about the situation’s religious, ethnic and cultural, political, economic and inter-generational dimensions.
Question 1.2: At what specific physical locations does this problem happen?
Question 1.3: What evidence and data do you have to describe the situation?
Question 1.2: How are youth involved in this problem?
2)The project
Question 2.1: Please explain the objective of your proposed project - what do you want to achieve?
Question 2.2: What is the length of your project in months?
Question 2.3: Which location will this project be implemented in? State the city,town, or any subnational territorial unit (district, county, etc)
Question 2.4: What activities do you propose to achieve your objectives.
Name of activity:Description of activity:
Name of activity:
Description of activity:
Name of activity:
Description of activity:
Name of activity:
Description of activity:
Name of activity:
Description of activity:
Question 2.5: How many young people will you reach with your activities? Note that young people are aged 10 to 24 years.
Question 2.6: Who are the key stakeholders, or 'influential people', you need to work with to achieve your project objective?
Question 2.7: How will you involve women and youth in project activities? Note, that we seek for projects which are women and / or youth led.
Question 2.8: How will you measure the success of your project? Please, list the indicator you plan to measure?
Question 2.9: What is the government doing to address the issue you are proposing to address? How effective and/or ineffective is government action?
Question 2.10: How does your proposed project relate to government action?
3)The Budget
Question 3.1: What is the budget amount that you are requesting?
Question 3.2: What expenses need to be covered by this budget?
Costs / Unit / # of units / Unit value(in EUR) / Total Cost(in EUR) / Proposed own co-funding1. Human Resources
1.1 Salaries
1.2 Per diems for missions/travel
2. Travel
2.1 Local transportation
3. Equipment and supplies
3.1 Rent of vehicles
3.2 Consumables - office supplies
3.3 Communication and internet
4. Other costs, services
4.1 Communication materials
4.2Meeting costs
4.3 Other
Grand total
4)Your organisation
We are interested in your organisation’s experience.
Question 4.1: What is your organisation’s vision and mission?
Question 4.2: Please give us 2 recent examples where your organisation has implemented a similar project in the past 3 years.
Example 1Example 2
Question 4.3: What are the names of the partners in this project?
Question 4.4: If you have photographs and videos of the work done to promote pluralism and fight extremism and radicalisation, please, share it with us as attachements.
Question 4.5: Please describe your ambitions and plan for expanding this type of projects in the future.
Communities Richer in Diversity | concept note form page 1