Registration form for MeTrApp 2011

PARTICIPANT (please type or print in capital letter)

Family Name ______

First name______


Address ______


Phone ______Fax ______

E-mail ______

Paper Reference Number (from the notification letter of acceptance) ______

REGISTRATION FEE (please chose one)

The Registration fee covers the complete program of the MeTrApp 2011 Conference (the technical sessions, coffee breaks, Welcoming, lunches, dinners, the conference banquet, excursion) and theconference book published in Springer.

Early Registration/IFToMM Members 300 Euro

Registration after June 30, 2011 400 Euro

Students/Accompanying Person 250 Euro

Accepted papers will only be included in the conference book if at least one of the authors is registered byJune 15, 2011.


Payment in EURO without any charges to the beneficiary should be made by Bank transfer to:

Account holder/institution name: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara

Institution address: Pta Victoriei no. 2, 300006 Timisoara, Romania

VAT registration number ("cod fiscal" or "CUI") of the institution: RO 4269282

Bank name: BCR Timisoara, Sucursala Bastion

Bank address: Pta Sf.Gheorghe no.1, 300085 Timisoara, Romania

Swift code: RNCBROBU

Account number (IBAN): RO33RNCB0255008330450002

Please make sure to include the following text: Registration fee for MeTrApp 2011 for.... (your full name) and the paper reference number (indicated on the letter of acceptance).


Plata in LEI (RON) se va face prin transfer bancar la:

Beneficiar: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara

Adresa: Pta Victoriei nr. 2, 300006 Timisoara, Romania

Cod fiscal (CUI): RO 4269282

Banca: Trezoreria Timisoara

IBAN: RO22TREZ621504601X000505

Cu specificarea urmatorului text: Taxa conferinta MeTrApp 2011 pentru.... (numele complet al autorului), numarul de referinta al lucrarii (indicata in scrisoarea de accept).


Arrival date :______

Departure date:______

Please specify special requirements (for instancespecial meals etc):______




Please complete this form and return it with a copy of your payment, only by email to:
