SLU’s research evaluation – ‘Quality and Impact’ (KoN 09)081216

Last edit 090219

Remainder sent toRosario and Patrik was sent 090109

Copies of emails 17-18 dec 2009:

From: Dag Lindgren
Sent: den 17 december 2008 17:45
To: Patrik Waldmann; Rosario Garcia Gil; ;


We start with filling this part of the self-assessment. I had filled much ofwhatI know or about myself in redandnow you fill your additions or suggestions. Iask foryourcontributions to this part of KoNto latestJan 7 butit is just fine if you do it earlier(it is easiest for youif you just return the attached document with your additions marked in some way), so I can start filling the "sharp" form when,as far as sectionC4 is concerned.

If you do not fill it, the UoA and even you look worse.

This is the form we should fill in the self-evaluation, suggestions for a way of doing it together?

I will put different matters in connection with this form on


This is in a more open format for the C4 part where I have filled much of the information I get or for myself, other PI should fill in or suggest

Dag L text in red, when I believe it is the whole UoA I do it in bold.

Anders Fries contributions in blue

Jan-Erik Nilsson’s contributions in green

c) Publication profile
Total number of publications with UoA researchers as (co)authors

2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004
Scientific papers (peer-reviewed) / 9 / 9 / 10 / Xx / xx
Book chapters / 1 / * / * / x
Books / * / * / * / x
Reports / 1 / * / * / X / Xx
Conference/proceedings / 7 / 4 / * / X / X
Dissertations / * / 1 / * / xx
Fact sheets (“faktablad”) / 1 / * / * / x
Articles in daily newspapers / * / * / * / x / Xx
Articles in popular science magazines / * / * / *1 / x

For full bibliometric data on scientific publications during 1998-2008, see separate report

Note: SLU Libraries will produce statistics based on the publication data registered by the UoA’s researchers. Please note that the deadline for entering data in Phase 2 and Phase 3 is Friday 30 January 2009.

C 4.Activities and Outputs
The indicators in this section,together with sections A, B, and D, are chosen to provide a foundationfor the Scientific Panels’ evaluation of the UoA.Criteria for the Scientific evaluation are Scientific Quality; Recognition and Leadership; Relevance and Impact; and Strategy and Potential.Some of the data will also be used in the separate Impact evaluation.

UoAs are asked to fill in relevant parts of sections C 4.1 – 4.5. Please note that:

- Data should refer to the period2004-2008, unless otherwise stated;

- In some cases the UoA is asked to enter a limited number ofexamples; here, the UoA should select items that they consider to be of major importance (in order of priority), or items that best reflect the UoA’s span of activities;

- Data referring to FOMA should be entered where appropriate (such items should be indicated with an “F”);

- The entire section C 4.1 – 4.5 must not exceed 10 pages. Any information in excess of the given limits will be deleted.

C 4.1 Research Activities and Outputs

Major competitive, ongoing grants from Swedish, European or other international research funding agencies [1]
Select the most important (maximum 5; 8 if the UoA has >20 researchers [2]).
If needed, consult the list of contracts that will be provided by Uadm on

Funding source / Project title / Duration (20xx-20xx) / Total volume (MSEK)
Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling / Seed orchard pollination pattern and features (Västerhus etc.) / 2007-2009 / 1.4 Mkr
Research school;
Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling;
Berzelius / 1.- Identification of molecular markers for wood properties, growth, frost tolerance, timing of budset
3.- Spatial analysis using SSR in Scots pine
4.- Coancestry reconstruction using SSR in Scots pine
5.- Test of marker assisted selection in pine: A candidate gene approach
6.- Scots pine adaptation to light quality
7.- Gene family evolution in pines / 2005-2010 / 3.4
KK,FSF,Kempe, forest industry, SLU, Skogforsk / Research school in forest genetics and breeding / 2004-2009 (-2011) / 48
Formas / Genetic variation in adaptive traits of the natural pollen cloud of Scots pine over localities and time / 2004-2008 / 1.45
Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling / Localization of seed orchards from a genetic and physiological point of view / 2007-2009 / 1.18
Bo Rydins Stiftelse för vetenskaplig forskning / Förändringen av av ved- och fiberegenskaper samt deras genetiska parametrar hos tall med stigande höjd i stammen / 2007-2008 / 156.000:-
Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling
Bo Rydin
Genecar (10 kkr / Breeding without breeding, POPSIM, Grandparental influences / 2007-2009 / 2 Mkr
Treebreedex / EU consortium cooperation / 2006-2010 / 0.7 Mkr
Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling / Breeding value estimation of growth in Scots pine based on covariance functions. / 2007-2009 / 1 Mkr

Comment: too many to small, I just bulk togetherfor the research school

Major national and international scientific collaborations during 2004-2008

Select the most important (maximum 5; 8 if the UoA has >20 researchers)

Title / Nature (Centre of Excellence, network, graduate school, etc.) / Role of UoA (coordinator, partner, etc.) / Duration
Research school in forest genetics and breeding / Graduate school
Including 6 professors and one adjunct Prof / coordinator / 2004-2009 (-2011)
STFI / Joint research projects
Network / Partners
Partner / 2004-2009
UBC, Vancouver / Research cooperation / Partner / 2004-2010
Rolf Nevanlinna Institute, Finland / Research cooperation / Partner / 2004-2010
Treebreedex / 2006-2010

For PhD and lic check that no other PI has information

PhD and Licentiate degrees awardedduring 1998-2008I assume only me is relevant here
N.B. with researcher at the UoA as main supervisor (“huvudhandledare”)

Total / Women / Men / Total / Women / Men
PhD / 11 / 3 / 4 / Licentiate [3] / 1 / 1
Rosvall Ola / 19990910 / 1 / 0
Prescher Finnvid / 20071205 / 1 / 0
Bila Adolfo / 20001201 / 1 / 0
Persson Torgny / 20011012 / 0 / 1
Persson Torgny (Bengts) / 20061012 / 1 / 0
Andersson Erik / 19990603 / 1 / 0
Kang Kyu-Suk / 20010612 / 1 / 0
Sandberg Thuy / 20010726 / 1 / 0
Seppo Ruotsalainen, Helsingfors Universitet / 2002 / 1
Ribeiro Maria M (Alfreds) / 20010425
Parducci Fredriksson Laura (Alfreds) / 20000926

Ribeiro and Parducci are Alfreds but it is OK to count those with supervisors who quite. By the same argument I consider Torgny doctorate with Bengt as supervisor. He was adjunct professor but it not any more.

Career of former PhD/Licentiate Students with degrees awarded 1998-2008,
Number of persons grouped by their present employer:
3 of the doctors are with supervisors who formerly, but not any more are attached to the UoA.

SLU / Other Swedish HEI [4] / HEI abroad / Research institutes / Industry / Public authority / Self-employed / Other/
0 / 1 / 2 / 4 / 1 / 1 / 1

Major scientific publications during 2004-2008
Select the most important (maximum 5; 10 if the UoA has >20 researchers).
Indicate authors at UoA in bold.

Author(s) /Year of publication /Title of paper /Journal name, volume, issue, pages
Fries, A. & Ericsson, T. 2008. Genetic parameters for earlywood and latewood densities and development by increasing age in Scots pine. Ann. For. Sci. Accepted. Remark. I do not want to have in press and it is more democratic to have one each! I took the latest by Patrik and Rosario, who did not make own suggestions
Fries, A. & Ericsson, T. 2006. Estimating genetic parameters for wood density of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Silvae Genet. 55, 84-92.
Waldmann P, Hallander J, Hoti F, Sillanpää MJ 2008
Efficient markov chain Monte Carlo implementation of Bayesian analysis of additive and dominance genetic variances in noninbred pedigrees
Genetics: 179:1101-1112. Remark, in this way we get both Patrik and Jon mentioned!
Garcia-Gil MR 2008Evolutionary aspects of functional and pseudogene members of the phytochrome gene family in Scots pineJournal of Molecular Evolution: 67:222-232
Lindgren D, Danusevicius D, Rosvall O 2008Balanced forest tree improvement can be enhanced by selecting among many parents but maintaining balance among grandparents
Canadian Journal of Forest Research: 38:2797-2803.
Prescher F 2007 Seed Orchards – Genetic Considerations on Function, Management and Seed Procurement. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae 2007:75.
Ph-thesis (doctor supervised by Dag Lindgren and comprise 9 journal papers there Dag Lindgren is on the author list)

Scientific conferences during 2004-2008

International / National
Number of invitations as speaker / 5 / 4
Number of conferences arranged with UoA researchers as principal organisers / 1 / 2

I am not aware of anyone else? But it must have been e.g. Jan Erik Finland. I add 1 each for others without knowing. What I am invited for? Finland, Sweden, Russia, China ?? Swedish Ekebo 2 times, Röstånga, Seed sources Arlanda,What about breeding seminars

Conference international organised refers to seed orchard conference, I guess that two of the research school seminars can count as national conferences!

Thisfeels arbitrary and the limit is probably not where the readers think, but what could I do?

C 4.2. Awards, Assignments, etc.

National and/or international commissions[5]during 2004-2008
Select the most important (maximum 5; 8 if the UoA has >20 researchers)

Name of researcher / Name and type of organization / Nature of the assignment / Duration
Dag Lindgren / Forest Authority / Advisory Group on seeds and plants / 1982-2009
Anders Fries / Treebreedex / Partner and, expert group, seed orchards / 2006-2010

Major awards and prizes during 2004-2008
Select the most important, (maximum 5)

Name of researcher / Awarding organization; name of award
Dag Lindgren / KSLA (SwedishAcademy of Forestry and Agricultural Sciences) Gold Medal
Dag Lindgren / Czech Univ of Agricult Sciences. Honorory Professor
Dag Lindgren / IUFRO, Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (to student but DL was supervisor and the research done at the UoA, for the “best” thesis in the world in forest genetics and plant physiology in five years)
Other PI fill in

Academy fellowships, memberships in learned societies, etc.,during 2004-2008
Select the most important, (maximum 5)

Name of researcher / Organization; description
Other PI fill in

Assignments as external examiner (“opponent”) at PhD dissertations during 2004-2008

Number of national assignments: / Other PI fill in 0 / Number of international assignments: / 1

I guess my relatation with Milan Lstiburek could qualify, Questions and tasks are done by a panel which is the supervisors. I was cochair, thus the highest ranking “outsider”.

C 4.3. Interaction with society

Major ongoing contracts with public authorities, industry or other organisations(Swedish or international)[6]
Select the most important (maximum 5; 8 if the UoA has >20 researchers).
If needed, consult the list of contracts that will be provided by Uadm on

Funding source / Project title, etc. / Duration
(20xx-20xx) / Total volume (MSEK)
KK,FSF,Kempe, forest industry, SLU, Skogforsk / Research school in forest genetics and breeding / 2004-2009 (-2011) / 48
Other PI fill in / -
Government / Information about Genetic variation / 2008-2010 / 0.2
Other PI fill in / -

Support for policy- and decision-making processes by governmental, international or non-governmental organizations during 2004-2008[7]

Select the most important (maximum 5)

Output/assignment / Target organization (name and type) / Nature of the output/assignment
Recommendations for seed collection in stands / Forest Authority / Report for recommendation and assupport for legal decisions
Consequences of bred material / Government / Report
How and where to get stand seed seeds in Sweden? / Forest Authority, Industry / Reports, meetings, web
How to breed trees in Sweden? / Skogforsk (forest tree breeding) / Participation in process, reports, web, journal papers, research planning
Nordic cooperation in tree breeding / The Nordic Group for the Management of Genetic Resources of Trees (Únder Nordic Council of Ministers) / Good fathering meeting in Russia
How to make seed orchards? / Svenska Skogsplantor and global / Ph thesis of head of operations, web, arranging conference, proceedings, starting up international working party and follow up conference in Korea

Other interactions with public or privatestakeholdersduring 2004-2008

Number of seconded (“adjungerade”) Professors/Associate Professors / 1
Number of PhD students whose salary is paid by industry, institutes, etc. / 4, 3are all current doctorands of UoA

Anm. Alla 10 forskarskoledoktoranderna (varav 6 vid genfys) är företagsanställda, men deras löner betalas mha ”bidrag” från forskningsråd (f.a KK.stiftelsen) till företagen via forskarskolan / JEN

One doctorand (not the research school) got his salary paid directly from the Industry (Sv Skogsplantor) for the full duration of his studies.

(The two junior research fellows as well as some cash directed to them and to doctorands)

Other PI fill in)

An investigation for the Forest Authority

Participation in revision of breeding strategies for Sweden

In the Board of a foundation supporting forest tree breeding

Commitments to collaboration with developing countriesduring 2004-2008
Select the most important (maximum 5)

Nature of collaboration / Partners (organizations, country/ies, etc.) / Duration
Joint scientific project resulting in 6 journal papers / Sweden-India within SAS (South Asian Studies) network / 2003-2007
Supervisor for PhD student within SIDA program with Ethiopia (student died, 2 papers) / SIDA, program with Ethiopia / 2004-2007
Member in faculty committee for international matters / Other faculty representatives / 2008-2010-
Other PI fill in / -

Web sites or web-based services made available to users outside SLU during 2004-2008
Select the most important (maximum 5)

Name of product; function / Target group / Approx. no. of users per year
Tree Breeding Tools; mathematical tools and programs for tree breeders / Tree breeders and breeding scientists / 100
Genetics and Tree Breeding, information concerning forest genetics and tree breeding / Forest geneticists and tree breeders / 1000
Research school forest genetics and breeding ( / Tree breeders, students, forest companies, general public / 1000
UPSC web (small share) / Plant biologists / 5000
IUFRO Seed orchards, seed orchard meetings. web / Seed orchard scientists and mangers / 400

Outreach activities and outputs during 2004-2008[8]
Select the most important (maximum 5; 8 if the UoA has >20 researchers).

Type of activity/output / Target group / Volume[9]
Mostly popular publications mentioned as such
Seminar days with practitioner / Responsible for seed collection and seed orchards
Other PI fill in

Intellectual propertyand innovation activities developed through the UoA’s research during 2004-2008Other PI fill in

Number of patents awarded and submitted, respectively
Number of licenses
Number of spin-offs or other companies
Number of released plant cultivars

C 4.4. Renewal

Recruitment during 2004-2008

Number of persons [10] / University where PhD degree was awarded
SLU / Other Swedish HEI / HEI abroad
Professors / () / () / ()
Other research staff[11] / () / 1 () / 2 ()

Rosario, Patrik and Chenkao

Exchange of researchers during 2004-2008Other PI fill in (first figure my group second figure me guess

Number of visits
Visiting researchers: At least 1 months’ duration / 4+4
Visiting researchers: Shorter duration (only if recurrent, long-term collaboration) / 5
Research visits abroad: At least 1 months’ duration / 1+4
Research visits abroad: Shorter duration (only if recurrent, long-term collaboration) / 2+4

This is just a wild guess…Yousry, Mohan, Darius, several times, Nebi, Czech, Yoshinari. Rosario and Sara has been in NA, Jon in Finland I have visited Nebi and Darius

PhD education during 2004-2008

Number of PhD courses with UoA researchers as principal or co-organiser[12] / 1 Other
6 (Res school unofficial courses) PI fill in
Number (approx.) of invited speakers at open scientific seminars, etc.
9 This is my guess for UoA in all except research school
21 (Res school seminar) / 30

C 4.5 Activities and outputs not covered by C 4.1 – C 4.4

The UoA may enter any information considered as relevant for the evaluation.

A copublication analyses was made on the publications of the UoA since 2006 (59 publications, including submitted):

* Copublication with Swedish Industry and its Research Institutes (Skogforsk and Träforsk)is very frequent (19).

* Copublication in cooperation with foreign institutes is very frequent (23), but most are with foreigners within our own field or narrowtechniqical expertice. Publicationincludingforeign-born is still much more common.

* Copublication with plant physiologists in the same department (dominating part of department) is remarkable absent.

* Copublication with other subjects in SLU is rather frequent, in ranking order: silviculture (4), seed sciences (1) and plant phatology (1).

* Copublication with geneticists at UmeåUniversity occurs (2) otherwice little with other Swedish Universities.

* Copublication among the senior scientists of the UoA occurs (3).

* There is no copublication between the senior and the junior scientists at the UoA or their groups (but one study in preparation and one publication 2005).

More than 12 Web of Science articles are missing for this UoA because the idea that publication without affiliation to SLU should count did not go through. Probably other literature reporting to KoN is also not complete. Thus the UoA publishes more than in the KoN statistics.

other PI fill in(the description should not exceed this frame)

D. Other factors for the Expert Panel to consider

Briefly describe circumstances that may affect the UoA’s performance in KoN, e.g. recent retirement of a senior researcher,recent reorganisation, faculty assignments, etc.

This UoA does not exist as a formal or informal structure. Scientists are independent Principal Investigators (PI) under the “prefekt”. PIs have jurisdiction over their groups. There is an overlapping structure with the“Research school”. The UoA is 40% of the Research school and the Research school is 60% of the UoA. The UoA is considered the home of the ResearchSchool if it has one. UoA PIs meets at ResearchSchool and UPSC activities. The Research school started 2004 and phases out 2009-2010. Prof Dag Lindgren retires Sept 2009; a new professor is under recruitment. Major parts of the UoA will be gone within a year. It is not operative neither meaningfull to gather the UoA for physical meetings, and the decisions following evaluation will be executed on a very different UoA.Structure of the UoA: all PIs under the prefect, Thomas Moritz; Research School in italics; PIs in bold; PI(group with doctorands, postdocs and assistants); [% of full time in position including other duties than research and leaves]
Anders Fries[50%](-); Rosario Garcia Gil(SA,JMN);Jan-Erik Nilsson [45%+15%](-); Dag Lindgren(JK); Patrik Waldmann(JH,CW)

This self-evaluation has been prepared on the net visible for all the PIs and doctorands of the UoA, and the PIs have been invited to contribute and comment.

Particular circumstances

This Unit of Assessment does not exist, but is constructed for the assessment of the genetic parts. The department does not apply a system with a professor, who has a responsibility, but scientists (including juniors) are indendent PI direct under the department head. There is an overlapping structure with a research school. The structure is shown below. The UoA is 40% of the research school and the research school is 60% of the UoA, and the UoA is very much formed by the research school. (Thus this self-assessment has relevance for the research school). The only occassion when UoA meet is at research school arranged seminars. The research school started to operate 2004 and runs 5+ years, thus expires mainly during 2009 or early 2010. The professor retires sept 2009, but chances are good a new professor will come at end of 2009. The faculty has assigned a new junior scientist which will come in the autumn. JEN is semi-retired. Most of the current UoA will be gone in about a year. The junior scientists are regarded and regard themselves as independent PIs and have jurisdiction over their groups. There is no feeling that this self-assessment work fills a common interest. It is probably practically impossible to gather the UoA and meetings would upset parts of the UoA, while others see it meaningless to discuss "common matters". The UoA wíll cease while this assessment is going on and it seems pointless with strategy discussions at this moment. I realize that we will get low leadership marks and I think it is deserved, but remember that the UoA was not organised to function as a unit and I will retire, so I can take the critics.