Math Workshop 2016-2017
Course Requirements
Mr. Cierech
Phone:713-4199 ext. 4450
Office: 213/215
Required Materials: You are expected to report to class each day with the following:
1.) a notebook
2.) a pencil.
4.) a positive attitude
Attendance Policy: In accordance with the NorthHunterdonVoorheesSchool District
Attendance Policy. Please refer to your student handbook for details.
1.) All students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings.
3 tardies = 1 teacher detention.
2.) Any time you are not in class, you are considered absent.
3.) Any workor quizzes missed due to a class cut cannot be made up.
4.) I dismiss the class, not the bell.
Make-Up Policy:
1.) When you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you have
Academic Integrity:
Cheating is neither acceptable nor tolerable. We encourage you to help each other, but be careful. Doing somebody’s work, or copying from somebody’s paper will result in zeros for all parties involved, as well as possible disciplinary action.
Classroom Behavior:
1.)Respect yourself and ALL OTHERS in the classroom.
2.) No eating during class. Water and gum are acceptable provided empty bottles,
wrappers, and chewed gum find their way into the waste basket.
3.) Do not abuse your hall pass privilege. Ask politely to leave and return in a
timely manner.
4.) NO CELL PHONE USE without permission!
Points Earned / Total Points
1.) Class work: In this course, quality class work completion is a requirement. Class work will be assigned almost every day and will be graded on a scale from 0 to 4.
0 - means you make little or no attempt to complete the assignment.
1 - means you make an attempt and show no work regardless of
2 - means you make a valid attempt, complete all problems and show all work
regardless of correctness.
3 – means you complete all problems, showed all work and get a majority of
them correct.
4 - means you complete all problems, show all work and get nearly all of
them correct.
2.) 5-Minute Checks/Exit Tickets: These will be short 5-minute checks of the day’s lesson. These will be worth anywhere from 5 to 10 points, and will be given almost daily.
3.) Final Exam:
Please have the attached paper signed by your parent or guardian and returned to me tomorrow. Thank you. Let’s have a GREAT year!
To Mr. Cierech,
I understand and have reviewed the class requirements and grading policy with my child
(Student's name, please print)
Parent/ Guardian Signature:
Phone number(s) for contact:
Email(s) for contact:
Preferred Method of Contact:
Best time to reach you by phone:
I understand and have reviewed the class requirements and grading policy with my parent(s)/ guardian(s)
Student's Signature: