Summit Hill School District 161 Page 2
July 14, 2009 Board of Education Meeting Minutes
IASB Workshop Session Minutes of Meeting July 14, 2009
The Board of Education
Summit Hill District 161
Minutes of the Workshop Meeting of the Board of Education that was held on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at the Administration Center Board Room.
The meeting was called to order by the President, Sean William Doyle at 5:35 P.M. The Secretary, Ken Balcerzak called roll. Members in attendance were: Mr. Doyle, Roll Call Vote: Mr. Doyle, Mr. Balcerzak, Mrs. Lenz, Mrs. Murphy, and Mrs. Kenny. Members absent: Mrs. Molinare and Mr. Macek. Others in attendance were: Mr. Pain, and Jeff Cohen, a representative from the Illinois Association of School Boards.
Adjournment to Closed Session
A motion was made by Mrs. Lenz and seconded by Mr. Balcerzak that the Board adjourn to closed session according to (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(16)) for the purpose of Board self- evaluation, practices and procedures or professional ethics, when meeting with a representative of a statewide association of which the public body is a member. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Doyle aye, Mr. Balcerzak aye, Mrs. Lenz aye, Mrs. Murphy aye, Mrs. Kenny aye. Motion carried: 5 ayes, 0 nays. The time was 5:40 P.M.
Return to Open Session
A motion was made by Mrs. Lenz and seconded by Mr. Balcerzak that the Board return to Open Session. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Doyle aye, Mr. Balcerzak aye, Mrs. Lenz aye, Mrs. Murphy aye, Mrs. Kenny aye. Motion carried: 5 ayes, 0 nays. The time was 8:07 P.M.
Suspension of Rules of Order
Mr. Doyle suspended the rules of order at this time.
Board and District Goal Development
Members of the Board and the Superintendent entered into a discussion and developed modified the currenttentative Board and District Goals for 2008 – 2011.
Return to Rules of Order
Mr. Doyle resumed the rules of order at this time.
Adjournment of Regular Meeting
A motion was made by Mr. Balcerzak and seconded by Mrs. Lenz that the Board adjourn the workshop meeting of the Board. After a voice vote, the motion carried. The time was 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Arliss Bouton
Secretary to the Superintendent
President Secretary