Technology Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 28, 2007, 8:00 a.m.

Library Conference Room

Members Present: R. Luo, D. Newman, S. Wood, T. Johnston, G. Scheffelmaier, H. Beckett, W. Means, A. Babbili, M. Gower, D. Robinson, A. Burks, C. Coronel, R. Fischer, S. Boyd, D. Sells and L. Lea

Ex Officio Members: D. Edgar, W. Harris, and M. Knox

1.  The committee reviewed the minutes from the March 13, 2007, meeting and approved unanimously with no changes.

2.  Information was provided on the library electronic databases, identifying the TAF and Library funding. The TAF portion totaled $274,420.64 and the Library portion totaled $349,140.15. This information allows the committee to review the databases included and to confirm the portion funded through TAF is less than 50% of the total database funding.

3.  Review and discussion of Category 1 –Open Computer Labs. Motion was made to fund all proposals as recommended. Motion passed unanimously.

4.  Review and discussion of Category 2 – Discipline Specific Equipment. Motion was made to approve the top seven proposals included in red. Motion passed unanimously.

5.  Review and discussion of Category 5 – Master Classrooms. Discussion about LRC 241 being split between the funded and unfunded areas. This classroom will be required to be unrestricted, but faculty will submit proposals on integrating the technology into instruction prior to being scheduled in LRC 241. This differs from the request to the Deans to unrestrict any classrooms not suitable for an English class. Additionally, Banner will have the ability of matching technology features with faculty instructional needs and there may be tiers of classroom technology in the future. A motion was made to approve the top ten proposals highlighted in red and add the portion of proposal 843 over the allocated amount. The amount recommended increased from $800,000 to $896,708.90. Motion passed unanimously.

6.  The committee considered the remaining unallocated funds, which were approximately $130,000. D. Robinson brought up the issue of funding for the computer labs in Category 3. This will be addressed again in the fall meeting. Proposal 837 was suggested. The committee questioned whether 837 should be funded, considering the other small dollar proposals unfunded in category 2 with higher committee rankings. The committee discussed whether TAF should fund software renewal costs and decided to revisit renewals in the fall. L. Lea contributed that the Vice Presidents and the President were interested in an additional advanced classroom technologies lab similar to Honors (already funded) and additional master classrooms on the west side of campus. The next unfunded master classroom proposal, 800, is in Peck Hall and would meet these goals. The committee could fund this proposal and the smaller dollar proposals in category 2. W. Harris contributed that TAF is not the only source of funding on campus for these projects so the committee should not feel they are being held hostage by claims the instructional activity will fail without TAF funding. Departments may request funding through their Deans, and are more likely to be successful with these smaller amounts. W. Means asked about category 6, but was reminded this category increased in the fall by $150,000. This increase covers the upcoming larger ticket items needing replacement, including a library server. L. Lea noted this server could only be funded by TAF at 50%, and the library would need to seek other sources for the remaining 50%. M. Gower noted the top three proposals under category 2 roughly equaled the amount remaining to be allocated. These three includes the Speech and Theater proposal which resolves several safety issues. Also, two master classroom proposals in Peck Hall have been recommended for funding. Motion to fund proposals 816, 819, and 805 for a total of $129,523.17. Motion passed unanimously.

7.  Adjourned 8:50 a.m.