
My partners are 6 and 12

New vocabulary / Number of times I spoke / Average words per utterance / Total Words
Midterm test / 8 / 29 / 9.2 / 279
Final test / 10 / 28 / 12.3 / 352
34% / 26%

Thus, my speaking improved 30% this semester.

GBHey, what romantic advices can you give to these freshmen?

6 yes, please

16 romantic advice? Uh... I think first of all if you have a humor,it’s good to friend to be someone you are interested in. but in my case, I have many times when I crushed on somebody

6 we are listening

16 so I can’t give you exact advice. Have you ever crushed on somebody?

6 No not really. I was in all boys high school so I had no romance in high school and in middle school I was too young so.. the only romance I had was just I just when I was in elementary school.

16 elementary school

6 second second grade. So it was just puppy love. How about you?

13 So am I. I was in coed high school when I liked someone. Everytime it was an one-way love.

16 one way ? Ahh

12 yes, so I don’t have experience that dating someone or.. yes

6 but you ever crushed on someone?

12 mm?

6 did you every crush to some boy?

15 Have you ever loved at first sight?

6 Have you ever fell in love with someone? Yes

13 Umm No I just interested in or like. Just.

6 you didn’t love but you just liked him.

13 yes

6 umm that’s all.

15 Maybe you guys are freshmen. Maybe you don’t have many experience about party.

6 drinking party? you mean drinking party?

15 drinking party or dancing party or.. because I’m kind of party animal. I go to party many times. And I can meet many kind of people and because I’m the kind of person who crush on somebody very easily, I usually met my boyfriend in the party.

6 because you like to go to party.

15 yes

6 You dance with somebody else

15 yes I like dancing