A video conference (VC) was organized on 21.8.2014 at 11.30 AM at Krishi Bhawan by the Oilseed Division under the Chairmanship of Shri A.K. Srivastava, Additional Secretary (OS) to assess the status of current situation of Oilseed crop in eight major oilseed growing States of the country. The Mission Directors of the eight states namely, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu & Uttar Pradesh participated in the video conference.

CMD of National Seed Corporation and representative of Hindustan Insecticides Ltd., officials of Seed Division were present along with Senior Officers of the Division.

In the video conference, the States were asked to respond on the following issues:

  • weather condition
  • effect of late sowing due to delayed Monsoon and long dry spell
  • implementation of contingency plan
  • the crop wise coverage achieved till date
  • procurement of breeder seed
  • production of foundation & certified seed
  • distribution of minikits
  • component wise implementation of NMOOP
  • monitoring and
  • status of fund position etc.

As per information received from the States the status of area coverage under Kharif Oilseed crops as compared to the normal area and expected area coverage is given as under:

Sl.No / State / Normal area* / Area covered as on 21.08.2014 / Change from normal area / Expected area as reported in the (VC) / Difference in area from Kharif 2013 (final) / Crop Condition **
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 (4-3) / 6 / 7 / 8
1 / Andhra Pradesh / 12.849 / 7.601 / -5.248 / 11.000 / -0.59 / N
2 / Gujarat / 24.802 / 18.910 / -5.892 / 20.000 / -4.90 / N
3 / Karnataka / 11.390 / 9.150 / -2.240 / 11.000 / 0.81 / N
4 / Madhya Pradesh / 61.193 / 63.250 / 2.057 / 64.000 / -5.63 / N
5 / Maharashtra / 34.232 / 37.690 / 3.458 / 42.000 / 0.02 / N
6 / Rajasthan / 19.256 / 18.139 / -1.117 / 19.000 / -1.65 / N
7 / Tamil Nadu / 3.099 / 1.391 / -1.708 / 2.400 / 0.44 / N
8 / Uttar Pradesh / 4.289 / 4.560 / 0.271 / 5.330 / -0.02 / N
Total (8 States) / 171.11 / 160.691 / -10.419 / 174.73 / -11.52 / N
Total (All India) / 180.090 / 168.282 / -11.808 / 182.321 / -12.607 / N

*Normal area 2008-09 to 20012-13 reported by Directorate of Economics & Statistics, DAC

** Crop condition normal (N).

As indicated in the table as against the normal area coverage of the eight major States 171.11 lakh ha., the area covered as on date was 160.691 lakh ha., showing a shortfall of -10.419lakh ha. According to the states the expected area coverage will be around 174.73 lakh ha. as sowing of a few oilseed crops are still to be taken up. As per the feedback from the States the following major issues emerged:

  • The monsoon was delayed in most of the States causing delay in sowing operation. In some of the states like Madhya Pradesh the rainfall deficit during June, 2014 was about 66% of the normal. Rainfall during last week of July and till mid August was satisfactory.
  • The contingency plan was prepared by the concerned States and seeds of alternative short duration crops have been arranged.
  • The subsidy in seed production in case of hybrids was low (Rs.25.0/kg.) against the actual cost which needs to the enhanced.
  • The distribution subsidy allowed to the drought notified/deficit rainfall districts during kharif, 2014 may be extended to the Rabi season crops (Toria) as well.
  • Availability of inputs has been ensured by most of the States upto the districts level.
  • The first installment of funds has been received by all the States and the same has been allocated to the district/block level. The states were requested to send a copy of the State sanction of NMOOP.
  • The States informed about the less distribution of minikits of Oilseed crops during Kharif 2014 and the same will be compensated by increased distribution of Rabi Oilseed crops.
  • The current dry spell in the middle of the crop season (August) in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat & Rajasthan seems to be critical. If it doesn’t rain in the next 10-15 days, crop yield loss will be significant.

The specific points related to the States are detailed below:

Andhra Pradesh

Themajor oilseed crop grown is groundnut in district Anantapur. The district is facing drought for the past five years.

A shortfall of 2 lakh ha. area is anticipated in oilseed crops alongwith yield reduction.

Madhya Pradesh

The sowing of soyabean was delayed by about a month, that may delay the harvesting of the crop. There has been no rainfall since 12th August, 2014. If it doesn’t rain in next 10-15 days, crop yield will be severely affected. Further, any rain during harvesting (15th Sept.-to 15th Oct.,2014) of the crop will affect soyabean production happened during previous year.

Soyabean area is being diverted to maize, pulses & cotton causing concern.


The initial seed shortage in groundnut has been overcome. However in 11 blocks less than 125 mm rainfall has been received.

The shortfall in area will be covered by enhancing area under castor. However, oilseed area is being diverted to cotton which is a cause of concern.


30-35% reduction in oilseed productivity is expected. About 133 blocks have been affected by drought /deficit rainfall.

Relaxation of age limit of soybean varieties for Rabi season was requested by the State.

Chandrapur & Wassim districts have reported pest damage in groundnut crop but the situation is below ETL and the state has adopted special campaign for pest management.


The State experienced 41% shortage in rainfall during June, although July rainfall was normal.

A shortfall of 10-15% production is anticipated with a deficit in area in groundnut and soyabean.

Tamil Nadu

Rainfall received is normal but the monsoon was delayed. This may reduce production but will be compensated by enhancing productivity.

Uttar Pradesh

Although, parts of the State were affected by drought/deficit rainfall, production of Oilseed crops is expected to beat par with the previous year.

Shortage in soybean seed was experienced but leading to less area coverage. However, this will be overcome by early Rabi sowing of Toria.

Some districts in the Tarai region have been affected by recent floods.

The State requested to increase the amount of subsidy in water carrying pipes from Rs.25.0 per m. provided in the guideline due to increased market price of Rs. 150.0 per m.


The relaxation of age limit for varieties more than 10-15 years may be implemented in a phased manner with higher reduction in subsidy for more aged varieties and less reduction in subsidy for the recent ones.

Twelve districts have been severely affected by drought that may reduce oilseed production in the State.
