Newry, Mourne and Down Thematic Delivery Plans 2017/18

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority Area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) / In the first three quarters of 2016 there were 3,620 ASB offences recorded across the district. The highest of these were in Newry with 977 accounting for 27% of the total.
There were a total of 9,656 offences recorded in the first three months of 2016 with ASB accounting for 37.5% of the total. This was the highest crime type recorded across all the crime types recorded. / ASB Sub Group to agree hotspots
To hold ASB meetings, workshops, diversionary programmes, community initiatives / Newry, Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC)
Community / Voluntary Sector
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS)
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
Youth Justice Agency (YJA)
Education Authority (EA)
Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) / PSNI data (ASB)
PCSP participation data (ASB sub groups) / Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate
Level of Civic Participation

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority Area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Youth Engagement / Young people’s positive engagement is key to a respectful and vibrant community. It is important that there is a range of positive activities available to young people in the district, particularly those ‘at risk’.
The 2015 population estimates for the district show that there are 11,567 10-14 year olds across the district with a further 11,982 15-19 year olds.
Together these account for 13.4% of the total population. / Mourne Mountain Adventure
Summer Schemes
Sport and other initiatives / Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service
Police Service of Northern Ireland
Newry Mourne and Down District Council
Education Authority / PSNI data (ASB)
PCSP participation data (Youth Engagements) / Level of Social Connections
Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate
Level of Health Status
Level of Social Capital
Level of Civic Participation

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority Area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Seasonal Intervention Grants / There were 16 Community / Voluntary Sector projects completed on target and within budget in 2016-17 in addressing ASB, cyber safety, domestic violence and youth engagement. / Provide funding for community based community safety projects that are linked to the PCSP action plan themes and report under OBA guidance / Newry Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC)
Community / Voluntary Sector
(CVS) / Applications and awards data
Percentage of applicants who felt process clear and helpful
Number and percentage of grant holders reporting grant increased their capacity to deliver priority outcomes into the future / Level of Social Capital
Level of Civic Participation
Level of Social Connections
Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority Area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Drugs and Alcohol / There were 362 drug offences recorded across the district between quarter one and quarter three 2016.
During the same period there were 100 public order offences recorded in the district.
Between 2011 and 2015 there were 106 alcohol related deaths in the district.
Between 2011 and 2015 there were 69 drug related deaths and deaths due to drug misuse across the district / Develop awareness raising campaigns
Support Purple Flag
Support safer street initiatives
Promote Get Home Safe
Procure Community Safety Warden Scheme / South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT)
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT)
Newry Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC)
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
Education Authority (EA) / Number of events / programmes delivered
Number reporting feeling safer in Evening /Night Time Economy (ENTE)
Reduction of ASB in ENTE / Hotspot areas / Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate
Level of Preventable Death
Level of Life Expectancy
Level of Tourism Revenue

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Gender based crime / In 2015/16 there were 2,020 domestic abuse incidentsand 1,130 domestic abuse crimes across the district
The number of domestic abuse incidents and crimes in the district was the 7th highest across all the 11 councils. / Support delivery of SAFE Place
Procure intervention programme
Promote Reporting
Deliver Without Consent / Newry Mourne and Down District Council
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT)
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT)
Community / Voluntary Sector (CVS)
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) / Participation levels in schemes and programmes
Number of victims accessing support
% increase in numbers reporting feel safer
% increase of numbers aware of gender based crimes
PSNI data (gender based crime) / Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority Area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Hate Crime / In 2015/16 there were 62 racist incidents of which 55 were recorded as racist crimes across the district
In 2015/16 there were 14 homophobic motivated incidents of which 10 were recorded as a crime
In 2015/16 there were 64 sectarian motivated incidents across the district of which 43 were recorded as crimes
In 2015/16 there were 3 disability motivated incidents, two of which were recorded as crimes across the district
In 2015/16 across the district there were 5 faith / religion motivated incidents of which three were recorded as crimes / Tailored Crime Prevention advice to encourage reporting
Engagement with vulnerable groups
Targeted awareness raising / Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
Community / Voluntary Sector (CVS)
Newry Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC) / Number of events and participation levels data
Number reporting feeling safer
Number reporting awareness of how to report
PSNI data (Hate Crime) / Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority Area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Road Safety / In 2016/17 across the district there were 4 people killed as a result of road traffic collisions accounting for 6.2% of the Northern Ireland total.
During this same period, a total of 102 people were seriously injured as a result of a road traffic collision. This was the second highest figure recorded across all 11 council areas, behind Belfast and accounted for 12.2% of the NI total.
Also in 2016/17 there were a total of 825 people slightly injured as a result of a road traffic collision across the district which was again the second highest figure recorded behind Belfast. This figure accounts for 20.4% of the NI total recorded for slightly injured in road traffic collisions / Support multi agency initiatives
Targeted awareness raising
Promote High Vis Campaign
Support VR campaign / Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS)
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
Education Authority (EA)
Department For Infrastructure (Roads)(DfI) / Number events and levels of participation data
Number of high visibility merchandise distributed
Percentage/number reportingsatisfaction
Percentage reduction RTCs / Level of Quality Living Environment
Level of Connectivity
Level of Preventable Death
Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority Area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Burglary and Fear of Crime / There were a total of 526 counts of burglary recorded across the district in the first three quarters of 2016. The highest of these was in Newry DEA (160) followed by Slieve Gullion (97)
There are a total of 175 Neighbourhood Watch Schemes located across our district. / Promote and support Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) schemes and networks
Deliver Text Alert
Promote property marking
Promote retail crime initiatives
Procure Good Morning, Good Neighbour Schemes
Procure Home Secure / Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
Department of Justice (DoJ)
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators (NHW) / Number of NHW schemes
Number of new NHW schemes
Number of properties marked
Number of beneficiaries from Home secure
PSNI data (Burglary and Theft)
Number of beneficiaries of good morning
Percentage/ number of reporting feeling safer in homes / Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate
Level of Social Connections
Level of Civic Participation
Level of Social Capital

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority Area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Crime / Burglary and theft is a significant issue in our rural communities. Between Q2 and Q3 2016 there were 34 burglary and theft offences recorded in the ward of Whitecross which was the 7th highest recorded of all 41 wards.
During the same period there were 21 burglary and theft offences recorded in both Ballydugan and Strangford which was the 17th highest across all the 41 wards. / Promote Farm Watch / Trailer Marking
Promote Freezebranding
Promote machinery marking / Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) / Number of farmwatch schemes
Number of trailers marked
Number of branded livestock
Number of guardcams distributed
Percentage of rural community reporting
PSNI data (Burglary and theft) / Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate
Level of Social Connections

Thematic Group: Safety and Good Relations

Priority Area / Baseline (Why is this a priority?) / Key Activities / Partners / Measures / Relevant Indicator (s)
Improve community confidence in Police / In 2015/16 a survey was carried across the district assessing people’s thoughts on the PCSP and confidence in policing across the district.
When asked about the confidence they would have in the PSNI’s ability to provide ordinary day to day policing services, the majority of respondents (277) said ‘A lot of Confidence’, which accounted for 39% of the total respondents who answered (716). 22 respondents (3%) said they had no confidence at all in the PSNI. / Engagement activities to promote confidence
Undertake community safety and policing consultations
Link with Council DEA structure and hold at least 2 public meetings on specific policing issues including police performance
Monitor PSNI against Policing Plan targets
Maintain and support multi agency response to ongoing work / Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
Newry Mourne and Down District Council(NMDDC)
Community / Voluntary Sector (CVS) / Number of engagement activities
Number of consultations carried out
Number and percentage of public reporting crime
Number and percentage of public recording confidence in policing / Level of Personal Safety and Crime Rate
Level of Civic Participation
Level of Social Capital