Basic Skills Advisory Group (BSAG) Meeting

Thursday, March 11, 2010, 1:00-2:00 P.M.


Those in attendance:

Sara Blake; Griselda Castro; Suzanne Gates; Arturo Hernandez; and Barbara Jaffe.

Those not in attendance:

Theresa Clifford; Christine Gold; Julie Land; Art Martinez; Trudy Meyer; Cynthia Mosqueda; Chelvi Subramaniam; and Jose Villalobos.

Facilitators: Dr. Barbara Jaffe, Interim Associate Dean, Academic Affairs; Sara Blake, English Professor and Basic Skills Faculty Coordinator

·  Approval of the Minutes from the 12/10/09 meeting. Minutes were approved with no changes.

·  Approval of Mission Statement. The following mission statement for the Basic Skills Advisory Group was approved: The Basic Skills Advisory Group (BSAG) is a campus-wide taskforce that supports and promotes retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students at El Camino College.

·  Update on Institutional Research Associate. Sara reported on the resignation of Jaime Rodriguez from his position as Institutional Research Associate. He will be replaced in this position by Marci Meyers.

·  Mid-Year Expenditure Report. The Mid-Year Expenditure Report for Basic Skills Funds was distributed. All remaining 2007-08 funds have been expended. Funds from 2008-09 and 2009-10 will be used to fund the current Action Plan.

·  Upcoming Events and Workshops

Chaffey Student Success Centers
Friday, March 12, 2010, Chaffey College
ECC team will visit Chaffey College to study its Student Success Center model. Team members: Francisco Arce, Barbara Budrovich, Susie Dever, Don Goldberg, Alice Grigsby, Lisa Hall, Barbara Jaffe, Sheryl Kunisaki, Tom Lew, Bill Mulrooney, and David Vakil.
*Action Item: Barbara will report on the visit at the next BSAG meeting.

Student Completion Workshop
Friday, May 7, 2010,Santa Ana College
Practicum to analyze the problems students face in completing their goal(s) and develop a framework to investigate ways to build links for student success on the classroom and campus level. ECC Team Members: Matt Kline, ESL; Cynthia Silverman, Reading; Sara Blake, English/Humanities Basic Skills Coordinator.
*Action Item: Sara will contact Regina Smith, Dean of Counseling, to select a counselor to represent Counseling on the ECC team.

Building Bridges to the Future
Friday, April 23, 2010
Sheraton Park Hotel in Anaheim
1st Annual Conference of the California Association for Developmental Education (CalADE)
*Action Item: Sara will contact Kathy Hall (Reading/English) to submit proposal on Community Garden Service Learning Project for English 80; Trudy Meyer and Art Martinez (Math/Basic Skills Coordinators) to submit proposal on Intrusive Counseling Model.

·  Semester Objectives. The group discussed the need for institutionalization of successful programs and models for basic skills so that these practices can continue after BSI funds run out. In order to achieve this aim, a number of objectives were identified:

o  Get counseling more involved in basic skills planning and implementation.

o  Require orientation for all basic skills students.

o  Get involvement from the LRC.

o  Coordinate tutorial labs and centers on campus as Success Centers.

o  Require a College Success Class for all basic skills students.

·  Semester Goal. The group identified the following semester goal: Propose an Institutionalized Success Model for ECC. Before identifying the specifics of this model, the group agreed to wait for a report at the next BSAG meeting on the Chaffey Success Center model. At that time, the group will examine the feasibility of adapting a similar model at ECC.

·  Basic Skills Website. The basic skills website has been updated. It can be accessed at

·  BSAG list serve. The list serve will be updated to make sure all members are listed.
*Action Item: Sara to include all active members on distribution of these minutes.

·  Agenda Item for Next Meeting. The next meeting will be devoted to a report by Barbara Jaffe on the Success Center model at Chaffey College and a discussion of its applicability at ECC.

·  The meeting was adjourned at 2:05.

****The next BSAG meeting will be held on Thursday, April 8, , 1-2:00 p.m. in Adm 127.