CTDA Agenda
April 1, 2013
6:30 O’Charley’s Franklin
Present—Chris Saia, Michael Foster, Wendy Williams, Ashley Gregory, Nan Holland, Beth Huff, Sherry Pride
Absent---Jessica Roberson Wright, Kerstin Moltmann-Wilder, Jen Thompson (all excused)
Call to order @ 6:38 p.m.
March minutes were approved
Reports of officers and committees
--Membership-- information letter is being sent to new members; membership is close to 100 with the forms just retrieved form the PO Box.
--Treasurer-- $9570.35 in SunTrust; $923.13 in PayPal. PayPal is working well for membership and schooling shows!
--Ads and sponsors—ads are needed ASAP for the show programs; we will see if the 2012 sponsors will renew for 2013
--Volunteers— are needed for Walnut Trace and upcoming shows.
--Communications—April newsletter almost ready to go out. PayPal is working pretty well off the website; there are still some glitches Sherry has identified. The calendar on the website needs CTDA shows need to be highlighted.
--Awards—we will review the awards left in the trailer so we don’t have to purchase new ones. We will ask Victoria Vermilye to submit prices for her awards and consider purchasing them in the future.
--Schooling Shows— Cash prizes will be sent to the winners after the shows; Sherry will let Chris know who they are.
--Hospitality—need to feed the judge and Sherry; all others on their own
Old Business
--Spring Fling—Janet “Dolly” Hannon will be the judge and we will do a “Ride A Test” Sunday 8-12. Prices were discussed. Beth will get more information and will get the information out in a flier to be displayed at the schooling show. Dolly would get $400 for a half day so it was felt that for this first time, we would start with that. Auditors will pay $10. Will need sound system for judge’s comments to be heard.
--Scholarships— revised form was reviewed and approved; April 30 is deadline. We need to encourage applications with email blasts.
New Business
--L Program--- Sherry reviewed some of the difficulties of putting on the program, including having all the facilities booked for the ABC parts as well as the testing portions which occur a year later. We will still pursue this and will get prices form the Ag Center as well as Clearview.
*****Next meeting: May need to be April 29 instead of May 6 *****
Due to the Spring Fling that weekend. Yet to be determined….
Meeting adjourned at 7:45