MYHA Board Meeting

February 1, 2010

7:00 p.m.

Stout Ale House


Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by President Aaron Keopple. Mission and vision were read by Jane Strong. MYHA Board Members present were: Aaron Keopple, Scott Strong, LeAnne Talberg, Mary Kerg, Erik Davidson, Brent Miller, Jessica Miller, Lori Paulson, Sheri Platter, Aaron Richartz, Jane Strong. There were no MYHA members present.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the previous month have been approved and posted to the website.

Treasurer’s Report: Report was given by Treasurer Mary Kerg. Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report as presented made by Jess Miller. Motion seconded by Aaron Richartz. Motion approved unanimously.

Ice Board Update: Aaron Keopple

Financial update report includes approximately $9,000 in checking and $25,000 in money market account.

We are currently waiting to hear back from several area foundations on their interest in donating to new rink construction. Will reassess situation and re-group after the season.

Further discussions have been held regarding holding the Menomonie Farmers market on the property.

UW Stout will be purchasing two new game nets, practice netting, and white boards in the locker rooms. Lighting upgrades in the rink will also be considered. Other off season projects will include washing beams and reconfiguring the player benches.

President’s Report: Aaron Keopple

“Hamburger and Homework night” with the Stout hockey players will be done again this year. An email just went out to begin the scheduling process. Discussion was held regarding the success of the current Pro Shop arrangement.

Hockey Ops: Erik Davidson

Discussion was held regarding a potential girls co-op with Chippewa. A letter drafted by Steve O’Dell to gauge interest in developing a potential girls hockey co-op with Chippewa was reviewed. The Menomonie and ChippewaFallsgirls high school teams are potentially going to be in a co-op next season. A motion was made by Aaron Keopple to approve the letter. Seconded by Brent Miller. Motion approved unanimously.

General Ops: Lori Paulson

No update at this time.

Concessions: Jess Miller

There has been almost $11,000 in profit in the concession stand so far this season. Special food offerings are planned for the weekend of regional playoffs. Each team will be required to donate fixings for hot beef sandwich plates.

Tournaments: Scott Strong

The girls tournament is full with 4 teams each in the U10 and U12 divisions. Mite tournament is currently at five teams, with a sixth as a possibility. 3 on 3 tournament is scheduled for March 13th. Brochures are going out and will also be available at the rink.

Scheduling: Sheri Platter

No update at this time.

Fundraising: Aaron Richartz

No update at this time.

Ice and Recognition: Brent Miller

The MHS auditorium is being scheduled for the awards night. Details of the event were discussed. The week before spring break is the preferred date. The MYHS annual meeting is tentatively going to be held at Dean and Sue’s on April 6, 2010 at 7 p.m.

Communications: Jane Strong

No update at this time

Motion to adjourn the MYHA Board meeting was made by Sheri Platter. Seconded by Scott Strong. Motion approved unanimously and meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm.